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Chavez killed for supporting 9/11 truth?

“Hasta la 9/11 truth victoria siempre!” Greg Palast says Hugo Chavez was killed by big oil interests who resented his taking a bigger cut of their profits and sharing it with the people. But another factor may also have been involved: Chavez is one of five current or former heads of state who have spoken out for 9/11 truth. And three of them have suddenly and mysteriously taken ill – or died. Fidel Castro said the official story of 9/11 was a lie…and then got very sick. Former President of Italy Francesco Cossiga told Italy’s most respected newspaper that 9/11…


Dorion Sagan on new book “Lynn Margulis: The Life and Legacy of a Scientific Rebel”

Tuesday, March 5th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). Dorion Sagan and Lynn Margulis Happy Birthday Lynn Margulis! (Today would have been her 75th.) National Medal of Science winner Lynn Margulis (1938-2011) may one day be remembered as the prime catalyst of a paradigm shift that re-wrote the history of life on earth. She was also a courageous and eloquent 9/11 truth supporter.  Lynn’s son and co-author, Dorion Sagan, joins me today to discuss the new book he edited: Lynn Margulis: The Life and Legacy of a Scientific Rebel.…


My latest Press TV slug-fest with a Zionist idiot (re: Philip Marshall assassination)

CIA killed Marshall for leaking 9/11 secrets: Dr. Kevin Barrett debates Lee Kaplan     – Press TV “Well this is pretty hilarious. I don’t know where you got this guy, but this is about the lamest excuse for an attempt to debunk a conspiracy story that I’ve ever heard and I’ve heard a lot of them.”  Watch the video and read the transcript:


Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday

For more than eleven years, Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America. The latest example: Israeli children recently dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, complete with impaled exploding airplanes, to celebrate the bizarre Jewish holiday known as Purim. Read the entire article: For more than eleven years, Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America. The latest example: Israeli children recently dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, complete with impaled exploding airplanes, to celebrate the bizarre Jewish holiday…


“100% certain”: 9/11 author was killed in black ops hit

Philip Marshall, Alex Marshall, and Macaila Marshall , RIP. We’ll do what we can to bust the scumbags who did this to you. After a week-long on-site investigation, former National Security Agency officer Wayne Madsen is “100% certain” that 9/11 investigator and author Philip Marshall and his two children were killed in a black ops hit. Madsen’s conclusion is that the cover story – an alleged murder-suicide – is transparently absurd.  (read the complete article)


Was Pope Benedict fired by the Knights of Malta?

I’m in the Amsterdam airport with Merlin Miller, the man I voted for in the last presidential election, returning to the USA after two amazing weeks in Iran. During the Tehran-to-Amsterdam flight I watched Argo, the Zionist propaganda flick designed to remind Americans why Iran is supposed to be our enemy. The film depicts Iranians as angry, violent fanatics who hate Americans. The reality is precisely the opposite. Iranians are the most warm, hospitable, generous, kind, pro-American-people folks you’ll ever have the good fortune to meet. This after the US government, led by the nose by Israel, has been murdering…


Sandy Hook debunker Jeff Prager takes YOUR calls!

Wed. 1/9/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Call in and argue!  1-218-339-8525  Are you looking for an argument? Well, look no further! Today’s guest, Jeff Prager, argues that a careful analysis of the many apparent anomalies of the Sandy Hook massacre reveals that every single one of them has a persuasive innocent explanation! Well, actually, maybe “innocent” isn’t the right word. Jeff suggests that in some cases, the anomalies may have been “inserted” into the coverage by psy-ops people. If Jeff is right, there are basically two possibilities: 1) Lanza acted alone, and psy-ops bad guys may…


Daniel Pipes gets an earful of truth

Daniel Pipes, America’s #1 islamophobe, tells Obama: “Bomb Iran for Israel or I’ll send my friend Andrew Adler after you!” Unregistered Israeli agent Daniel Pipes, founder of the snitch-on-your-professor website Campus Watch, is the number one enemy of academic freedom in America. He was a major player in the witch-hunt that forced me out of the University of Wisconsin system in 2006, for the crime of researching and discussing the taboo issue of what really happened on 9/11.So when I found myself on a panel with Pipes discussing why Israel and its global assets are trying so hard to shut…


Will the War on Islam end in 2013?

  Public opinion polls show that the vast majority of the world’s Muslims know that the “War on Terror” is a barely-disguised War on Islam. And it isn’t just Muslims who understand this. So do all serious Western strategic thinkers. One of the few who is willing to say it openly is James Schall, Professor of Government at Georgetown University and Hoover Institute strategist: “I always thought it was a mistake not to say what Iraq really was, that is, a war against an expanding Islam.” But today – eleven and one-half years after the controlled demolition of the World…

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