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BREAKING! Trump Shot on Stage AGAIN—Pulls “Magic Bullet” Out of Ass

Dissociated Press Donald Trump has been shot once again for the second time in less than a week. The latest shooting took place at today’s Trump rally in Colon City, Michigan. Trump was struck in the rear by a bullet fired by a gunman who clambered onto the stage, unhurriedly assembled his rifle, and conspicuously assumed a firing position, while the frantic crowd screamed “Gunman! There’s a gunman on the stage!” in an ineffectual effort to alert the Secret Service. Fortunately Trump was struck just as he was bending over the opposite side of the stage from the gunman in…


Trump, Kennedy Struck Down by “Magic Bullet”

Experts say improbable trajectory was purely coincidental Dissociated Press The simultaneous assassinations of leading 2024 presidential contenders Donald J. Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has stunned the nation. Perhaps inevitably, conspiracy theories have been circulating on social media almost as fast as they can be removed by trust-and-safety experts. All scientists and fact-checkers agree that those conspiracy theories are baseless and unsubstantiated. According to ballistics experts, the bullet that traversed Trump’s skull at Mar-a-Lago, turned 180 degrees, and traveled over 2500 miles to Malibu, California, shattering RFK Jr.’s kitchen window and penetrating his chest, has been recovered from a…


Stanley Kubrick: Whistleblowing satirist or AI transhumanist?

Listen HERE Video link Jasun Horsley is the author of several provocative books on movies, conspiracies, and combinations thereof. His new book The Kubrickon: The Cult of Kubrick: Attention Capture and the Inception of AI may go down in history as the best book on Stanley Kubrick ever written by an author who hates Kubrick. Since I personally rather like Kubrick and find that most of his films have redeeming social and artistic value, this interview turned into something of a debate—one that I was guaranteed to lose, since Jasun is a Kubrick expert and I’m not. Below is full…


Larry Rivera Explains What Really Happened in Dealey Plaza

Listen HERE JFK assassination researcher Larry Rivera is the author of The JFK Horsemen: “Using unprecedented modern-day digital computer technology, Larry Rivera presents irrefutable evidence which in any court of law would exonerate Lee of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Rivera meticulously takes the reader through the intricacies of forensic digital overlays which prove that Lee (Oswald) was standing in the TSBD doorway while the assassination was taking place, that the backyard photos were cleverly manufactured to frame him, and how the 3D program Blender can re-create Dealey Plaza as it was originally on 22 November 1963, so that…


Science Prof. A.K. Dewdney on “Gog & Magog Killed JFK”

Listen HERE First hour: Professor A.K. Dewdney is one of the world’s scientific notables. He took over Martin Gardner’s column in Scientific American when Gardner retired, and has done important work in several fields. Dewdney founded Scientific Professionals Investigating 9/11 (SPINE), the first scholarly 9/11 truth research group. His Project Achilles experiments proved that the alleged cell phone calls from hijacked passengers on 9/11 were bogus. Prof. Dewdney is currently working on an article entitled “Gog & Magog: A Deep History of the Deep State.” He writes: “The Gog and Magog people were perfectly real. They spoke a proto-Turkic language…


Simultaneous Notre Dame/Al-Aqsa Fires: Coincidence or Conspiracy?

Sri Lankan Massacre Part of the Same Terror Campaign? “The idea that the world’s most iconic Christian house of worship, and the world’s most iconic Muslim house of worship, would ‘just happen’ to catch fire simultaneously would strain the credulity of the craziest coincidence theorist.” Full article:


Israeli PR jumps the gun (as usual) on Strassbourg false flag

“Like 9/11, Nice, and Munich, the January 7 2015 Charlie Hebdo massacre, November 13 2015 Paris attacks, and the March 22 2016 Brussels Airport attacks all featured pre-positioned publicists who appeared to be Israeli agents.” –False Flag Trilogy v.3, Orlando False Flag, p.200 By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Readers of my False Flag Trilogy know that Israel’s fingerprints are all over the most spectacular recent “terrorist attacks” in France, including the Mohamed Merah affair, the Charlie Hebdo spectacular, the 11/13/15 follow-up, and the 2016 Nice truck attack. So it shouldn’t surprise us that the perfectly timed (for Macron) Strassbourg…


Laurent Guyénot discusses JFK conspiracy in historical context

Listen HERE French historian Dr. Laurent Guyénot’s From Yahweh to Zion offers the best concise revisionist account of the JFK assassination. Actually it is doubly revisionist: Guyénot shows that the original cover story (Oswald acted alone) conceals a second-level cover story (CIA/mob did it) which itself hides a third level cover story (LBJ did it)…all of which deflect scrutiny from the most likely real author of the crime: the state of Israel. From Yahweh to Zion, extract from Chapter 8, “The Invisible Coup”: Oswald’s assassin is known as Jack Ruby, but few people know that his real name was Jacob Leon…


Ron Unz on “American Pravda: The JFK Assassination: What Happened? and Who Did It?”

Listen HERE. Unz Review (check out its mission statement) is one of the world’s best alternative media sites. Today editor and publisher Ron Unz joins us to discuss his superb new “American Pravda: The JFK Assassination” series. (Read Part One: What Happened? and Part Two: Who Did It?) I have been studying the JFK assassination, on and off, since 1975, and haven’t seen a better concise introduction to this all-important issue. Ron’s conclusion is that the one certainty that emerges from any fair-minded study of the Kennedy assassinations is that the media has been grossly dishonest—and that’s putting it mildly.…


Kennedy brothers likely killed by CIA on behalf of Israel: Scholar

Press TV Former US senator and attorney general Robert F. Kennedy, like his older brother, former President John F. Kennedy, was likely assassinated by senior CIA agents with the involvement of Israel, an American scholar says. Sirhan Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian immigrant, was convicted of murdering RFK and sentenced to death in 1969. His sentence was commuted to life in prison in 1972. He remains incarcerated for the crime. RFK’s death in 1968 has been the subject of widespread analysis, similar to the 1963 assassination of his older brother, John F. Kennedy. Bobby Kennedy was assassinated during celebrations following his…

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