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False Flag Weekly News will return shortly…

Rumble link Bitchute link Greetings False Flag Weekly News fans, I didn’t schedule FFWN today because I expected to be traveling to Iran for a conference honoring the late, great Nader Talebzadeh. Unfortunately my visa didn’t come through in time. So here I am, stuck at home, with no FFWN to broadcast! And you with no FFWN to watch! If you need a dose of acerbic commentary, check out last night’s Press TV episode above (transcript HERE). And here is an even more acerbic satire on the same topic. And to help FFWN return next week, here is the Fundrazr link:…


BREAKING! Netanyahu Claims Iranian Missiles Raped Women and Beheaded Babies

Dissociated Press Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused Iran of “weaponizing sexual violence” by using  enormous, tumescent phallic-shaped missiles to “engage in the widespread and systematic rape of Israeli women.” Netanyahu claimed, without presenting evidence, that the missiles were programmed with sophisticated software enabling them to perform mass rapes with unprecedented efficiency and brutality. “The Iranian missile force has used widespread and systematic rape as a weapon of war. We will respond by exterminating the seed of Amalek!” the Prime Minister shouted. The visibly unhinged Israeli leader also accused Iran of using its missiles to “behead 40 babies” and…


Can Iraq End US Occupation?

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett Iranian President Raisi (meeting with Iraqi leaders): “We do not consider the presence of foreign forces and foreigners in the region to be useful. The presence of the US disturbs the security of the region.” As of March 20, 2023, the number of American forces in Iraq is estimated at approximately 2,500 soldiers deployed mainly in Al Asad Airbase. In 2020 the Iraqi parliament passed a bill ordering the US to pull out of Iraq. The US has continued to ignore it. More recent Press TV videos: Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has vowed retaliation…


J. Michael Springmann on What He Saw in Iran

Listen HERE Iranians, like folks from most other countries, are far more traditional than Westerners in their social mores and family values. That apparently doesn’t sit well with the Commissars of Correctness, the Mandatory Vice Squad, the Doyens of Digital Degeneracy, and other US-taxpayer-funded advocates of decadence and depravity. J. Michael Springmann, author of Visas for Al-Qaeda, recently returned from Iran. Today he published “Modern Iran: A Study in Contrasts: Part 1: Women.” Compare his perspective with those of Setareh Sadeqi and Christopher Weaver…and then marvel at the absurdity of the MSM’s anti-Iran propaganda.


LIVE RADIO! John Carter (Postcards from Barsoom) on Gender Wars; J. Michael Springmann on What He Saw in Iran

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: John Carter of the Posters From Barsoom Substack discusses his pieces on tonic masculinity, weightlifting, and today’s “The Devouring Mother of the Digital Longhouse.” He cites studies showing that today’s teens “aren’t having sex, they aren’t drinking alcohol, they’re gayer than ever, they’re more depressed than ever, and the girls are making suicide plans at an unprecedented rate.” Eschewing booze and getting married before having sex sounds reasonable to those of us with traditional values. But the rest isn’t so good. Is it because kids are growing up…


Zafar Bangash on Iran Revolution Anniversary

Listen HERE Zafar Bangash of Crescent International, the English-speaking world’s leading Muslim current events magazine, discusses tomorrow’s 44th anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution—the topic of his new article “Islamic Iran Resists Western Threats, Sabotage And Aggression.” It’s published, along with my article “Why Hasn’t Iran’s Revolution and Governance Model Spread?“, in this month’s Crescent.  


LIVE RADIO! Maisoon Rice Questions Turkey-Syria “HAARPquake” ; Linh Dinh on “A Distant Episode”; Zafar Bangash on Iran Revolution Anniversary

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First half-hour: Maisoon Rice, a British-Palestinian-Pakistani blogger and activist, is no fan of Zionism or imperialism. She contacted me after last week’s devastating and tragic earthquake to suggest that it might not have been entirely natural. As one of tomorrow’s False Flag Weekly News stories puts it: “Turkey denounces ‘psychological war’ as Western consulates close—days later, huge earthquake hits.” Along with the possible HAARPquake, we’ll also discuss tomorrow’s 44th anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, Israel’s Haifa port project and the Belt and Road initiative, the new ultra-extremist Israeli government’s…


FFWN: Biden: “I Did NOT Have Sex With That Pipeline!” (featuring E. Michael Jones)

Full uncensored FFWN posted above by noon Central time Saturdays. PSAs 1) Help FFWN Keep Scooping Sy Hersh 2) Join us at the Lincoln Memorial at 12:30 pm on Sunday, February 19th, on the anniversary of the Ukraine War and President’s Day Weekend, to Rage Against the War Machine! Turkey-Syria Disaster: Earthquake or HAARPquake? 3) Turkey denounces ‘psychological war’ as Western consulates close—days later, huge earthquake hits 4)  #Iran sends material aid to earthquake struck #Syria and #Turkey. Western regimes offer some words of sympathy but maintain their vicious blockade on most of the #Syrian population.  …


Ramin Mazaheri on France’s Yellow Vests

Listen HERE Ramin Mazaheri discusses his book France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best Values. The two-part volume begins with a plausible revisionist history of French socialism, then moves on to a sympathetic examination of the Yellow Vest (gilets jaunes) workers movement that nearly erupted into French Revolution 2.0. Ramin Mazaheri was on-site covering the Yellow Vests for Press TV during the movement’s heydey, and his coverage, more than anyone else’s, underlined the historical significance of those extraordinary events. We’ll also discuss the CIA regime change operation in Iran that is falsely portrayed in Western media as a…

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