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Netanyahu Gets Three-Month Standing Ovation in Congress

Shatters record previously held by Jesus   WASHINGTON D.C. (October 24, 2024) – Precognitive Press One week before Hallowe’en, the hundreds of Congressional representatives who had been giving Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a standing ovation since July 24 finally stopped applauding and sat down. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Netanyahu’s ovation easily shattered the previous record held by Jesus Christ, who earned a three hour sixteen minute one second ovation from the Clap for Jesus Team in Kampala, Uganda on 30 July 2023. House Speaker Mike Johnson’s congressional staffing team handled the event’s logistics, including the…


LIVE RADIO! Richard Falk on Biden, Gaza; Philip Kraske on RFK Jr., Gaza, and His New Play “How Far Casablanca”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Richard Falk, Princeton International Law Professor Emeritus, returns to Truth Jihad Radio to discuss his recent article on Biden’s worldview (and competence or lack thereof), and the Gaza genocide. Memorable quote: “The Netanyahu invitation (to once again address a Joint Session of Congress) is an edifying metaphor that confirms the dark foreboding of skeptics like myself critical of the US global role since the end of the Cold War and deeply pessimistic about the future of the country.” Richard Falk has been repeatedly and ineptly attacked for…


Netanyahu Announces “Final Solution to Antisemitism Problem”

Dissociated Press Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, flanked by tag-team partners “Butcher” Ben Gvir and “Smite-’em” Smotrich, announced at a press conference this morning that the Israeli government has officially embarked on “a final solution to the anti-Semitism problem.” “The problem with anti-Semitism,” Netanyahu explained, “is that there isn’t nearly enough of it. Despite Judaism’s 3000-year history of hatred and persecution of non-Jews, there are still billions of goyim out there who don’t hate us. So when we kvetch about anti-Semitism and demand things in return, like reparations money and tolerance for genocide, there just isn’t enough anti-Semitism out there…


Netanyahu Says Trying, Convicting, and Executing Him Would Be “An Anti-Semitic Hate Crime”

Dissociated Press It would be an “unprecedented antisemitic hate crime” for the International Criminal Court to issue a warrant for his arrest, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday. It would be “even more anti-Semitic and hateful”  if he were actually arrested, extradited, and convicted of genocide, he added. “But the most horrifically anti-Semitic act of all,” Netanyahu somberly intoned, “would be for me to be executed. Executing me for the crime of genocide would be the equivalent of spray-painting a swastika on a synagogue wall, or doubting the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz. It would be like…


US Congress Bans Words “River” and “Sea” as Hate Speech

Dissociated Press The US House of Representatives on Wednesday voted 377-44 to condemn the words “river” and “sea”  as hate speech. The new bill imposes fines of up to six million dollars, and prison terms of six million years to life, for the use of the two anti-Semitic expressions. The bill includes a provision requiring that all flowing bodies of water previously designated as R’s be renamed as watercourses, waterways, streams, tributaries, brooks, inlets, rivulets, rills, runnels, streamlets, freshlets, canals, channels, bourns, creeks, rillets, or billabongs. Another provision mandates that S’s be henceforth referred to as oceans, saltwater expanses, gulfs, briny…


BREAKING! Netanyahu Claims Iranian Missiles Raped Women and Beheaded Babies

Dissociated Press Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused Iran of “weaponizing sexual violence” by using  enormous, tumescent phallic-shaped missiles to “engage in the widespread and systematic rape of Israeli women.” Netanyahu claimed, without presenting evidence, that the missiles were programmed with sophisticated software enabling them to perform mass rapes with unprecedented efficiency and brutality. “The Iranian missile force has used widespread and systematic rape as a weapon of war. We will respond by exterminating the seed of Amalek!” the Prime Minister shouted. The visibly unhinged Israeli leader also accused Iran of using its missiles to “behead 40 babies” and…


Laurent Guyénot on Bibi’s Biblical Genocide & JFK Anniversary

Listen HERE Next Wednesday is the 60th anniversary of the JFK coup d’état.  By then we’ll be six weeks into Israel’s genocide of Gaza. Are the two tragedies related? Today’s guest, historian Laurent Guyénot, says yes. Both crimes, he argues, are symptoms of Zionist psychopathy, a malign cultural syndrome whose historical roots go back 3000 years to the dawn of the Yahwist hate cult. Check out his brand-new “Kennedy Assassination: “CIA-Did-It” Theorists Are Covering for Israel,” as well as “The Gospel of Gaza: What we must learn from Netanyahu’s Bible lessons,” “Israel’s Biblical Psychopathy,” and “Kennedy: An Israeli Perspective.” After earning an…


FFWN: We Are All Amalek! (with Dr. E. Michael Jones)

Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern (posted early this week to accommodate Dr. Jones’ schedule).  Or watch on Bitchute. PSA 1) Help FFWN “UnReframe the Knife Attack” IDF Finally Heading Into Tunnels of Doom? 2) Under Shroud of Secrecy, Israel Invasion of Gaza Has Begun 3) Israel achieved nothing in attempted ground invasion of Gaza, only struck open areas: Islamic Jihad  Israeli troops standing on civilian-corpse-filled rubble hit by Hamas drone–israel-war-hamas-drone-strike-on-idf-forces-in-gaza-rcf.html Genocide 4) Netanyahu invokes Amalek genocide: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you” 5) Israel compiled ‘ethnic cleansing’ plan for Gaza…


Jeremy Rothe-Kushel and Greg McCarron on Trump as Russian/Israeli Psy-Op

Listen HERE Greg McCarron and Jeremy Rothe-Kushel co-host The Antedote podcast. They argue that the Trump-Russia scandal was very real; that the Russian mafiya worked with Putin, Chabad, and Likud Zionists to impose the Trump disaster on America; and that Trump was indeed a dangerous and destructive foreign agent: “It appears to us that the Trump administration had a primary goal of lessening American influence in the Middle East as well as globally, and that this would result in a shift of global power from the west to countries such as China and Russia, with Israel at the center.” So…


Pompeo Adds Details on “Smooth Transition to Second Trump Administration”

Dissociated Press Secretary of Snake Mike Pompeo called an impromptu press conference this morning to explain the coming “smooth transition to a second Trump Administration.” “The courts will smoothly move to nullify election results in key swing states,” Pompeo explained. “Republican state legislatures will, with equal smoothness, refuse to send Democratic delegates to the Electoral College. The Supreme Court will smoothly step in and throw the election to the House, where the state-by-state vote will smoothly award the presidency to that old smoothie Donald J. Trump.” Pompeo said the “smooth transition” would then get even smoother: Massive anti-Trump demonstrations all…

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