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LIVE RADIO: Donald Trump: The Deep State’s Enemy or Asset?

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: History-teacher-turned-filmmaker John Hankey and lawyer and philosophy professor Sterling Harwood discuss Hankey’s new film Trump in the Crosshairs: Murder in Butler, Pennsylvania. The film exposes the July 13 “assassination attempt” as a murderous publicity stunt orchestrated by the Zionist deep state to enhance Trump’s chances of taking office and rubber-stamping escalated genocide. See my articles: “Sifting and Winnowing”: Evidence in the False Flag Trump Shooting and American Cognitive Decline: It’s Bipartisan; and my interviews on the subject with Alan Sabrosky and Barbara Honegger. Second hour: Pro-Trump…


Dick Cheney Unveils New 1% Doctrine, Plots “Global War on Trump”

Dissociated Press Dick Cheney, George W. Bush’s former handler, has updated his 1% Doctrine and announced a Global War on Trump (GWOT). “In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” Cheney said Friday. “If there is even a one percent chance that he could regain the White House, we need to treat it as a certainty—and blow up Midtown Manhattan, while Trump is there, to prevent the unthinkable. That is why I have ordered neoconservative elements of the National Security State to detonate a 500 megaton…


NYT Urges Biden to Die, Run as Corpse

Dissociated Press In a break with its long tradition of supporting living candidates, the New York Times Editorial Board has urged President Biden to “just go ahead and die already.” In an opinion piece on Friday, the Times wrote that “the greatest public service [Biden] can now perform is to expire of natural causes, and then announce that he will continue to run for re-election as a corpse.” Admitting that it might be hard for voters to distinguish Biden’s corpse from the man they just witnessed debating Donald Trump, the Times urged Biden to display his rigor mortis with gusto and…


Rolf Lindgren Breaks Down Trump’s Legal Issues

Listen HERE All goodthinking people agree: Donald Trump should go to prison. But tonight’s first-hour guest, Rolf Lindgren, prefers crimethink to goodthink. He breaks down the charges against Trump and argues that they range from weak to laughably bogus. But will the courts and juries agree? Or will Trump have to run for president while bouncing from courtroom to courtroom— and if he loses in court but wins the election, will he be furloughed from prison to attend his own inauguration? Rolf Lindgren, a former pillar of Wisconsin’s Libertarian party (and my 2008 congressional campaign manager) is now a card-carrying…


Rolf Lindgren Breaks Down Trump’s Legal Issues; Helen Buyniski Skewers the Thought Police

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: All goodthinking people agree: Donald Trump should go to prison. But tonight’s first-hour guest, Rolf Lindgren, prefers crimethink to goodthink. He breaks down the charges against Trump and argues that they range from weak to laughably bogus. But will the courts and juries agree? Or will Trump have to run for president while bouncing from courtroom to courtroom— and if he loses in court but wins the election, will he be furloughed from prison to attend his own inauguration? Rolf Lindgren, a former pillar of Wisconsin’s Libertarian…


LIVE RADIO! Jim Fetzer on Lawfare vs. Trump, Mujahid Kamran on “Usurious Money Lenders and Assassinations in History”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Philosophy professor Jim Fetzer discusses Trump’s indictment for mishandling national security secrets. Is the case as weak as it looks? Does it rest on a novel legal theory? If Trump were as bad as the never-Trumpers say, couldn’t they nail him for real crimes? Is the real purpose of the indictment to keep Trump out of the White House? And if so, does the National Security State hate Trump because he  opposes endless wars? Second hour: Physics professor Mujahid Kamran discusses his two new articles “Usurious Money…


FFWN: Alex Jones, Cass Sunstein and “Cognitive Infiltration”

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived PSA 1) Dodge Zelensky’s Draft, Support FFWN! Punitive Damages & Cognitive Infiltration 2) A jury finds Infowars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones should pay $45.2 million in punitive damages to the parents of a Sandy Hook shooting victim 3) Alex Jones Cass Sunstein and “Cognitive Infiltration” Trump Raid 4) Trump FBI search overshadows Congress as it convenes to pass climate bill – live 5) FBI executes search warrant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago in document investigation  6) Judge who approved FBI’s…


Ex-Cultist Radhia Gleis on BuddhaField Cult /Trump Cult

Listen HERE Radhia Gleis discusses her award-winning new book “THE FOLLOWERS: ‘Holy Hell’ and the Disciples of Narcissistic Leaders: How My Years in a Notorious Cult Parallel Today’s Cultural Mania.” The autobiographical volume describes the author’s 25 years in the BuddhaField cult led by Jaime “Michel” Gomez, an apparent narcissistic sociopath and homosexual predator-cum-hypnotherapist with a flair for plagiarizing spiritual books and trying out their tricks on unsuspecting seekers. (And as the Firesign Theater reminds us, there’s a seeker born every minute!) Taking up where Will Allen’s documentary Holy Hell left off, Gleis systematically compares Jaime Gomez’s BuddhaField with Donald Trump’s…


Iran’s Supreme Leader Wishes Trump a Happy and Carefree Retirement

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor As philosophy professor Sterling Harwood and I agreed during the final minutes of FFWN (watch the video and check out story links HERE) it is truly heartwarming to see the way Iran’s Supreme Leader, Imam Ali Khamenei, has fondly wished Trump a happy and carefree retirement. The Iranian rahbar tweeted an image of an Iranian “shadow drone” casting a mercifully cooling shade over the poor orange-skinned sweaty ex-president, protecting Trump from sunburn and the potentially mortal threat of skin cancer during a sweltering Florida golf outing. We were also happy to report that the…


FFWN: Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

Watch live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern at Guest host: Philosophy professor Sterling Harwood Theme song PSA 1) Help FFWN Expose “COVID Modernity” (and Put Trust in Mainstream Media Out of Its Misery) Collapse of Trust 2) Trust In Media At All Time Low: Majority Believe Reporters Purposefully Trying To Mislead People  3) Should We Have Faith in Democracy?  4) Paul Craig Roberts: America’s First Revolution (Collapse of Belief in the System) Is Happening Now War on Freedom 5) House Oversight Chair requests FBI Probe of Parler, including its role in Capitol siege 6) Not…

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