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FFWN: Biden Deathwatch (with Cat McGuire)

Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern. Rumble link  Bitchute link PSA 0) Keep FFWN Watching (so You Can Keep Watching FFWN) Biden Deathwatch 1) Biden introduces Zelenskiy as ‘President Putin’ at Nato summit 2) House Oversight Subpoenas Top Biden Handlers To Find Out Who’s Running The Country 3) Hunter: proxy president & CIA asset? 4) The names being floated as Kamala Harris’ running mate if Biden drops out 5) Joe Biden’s Cognitive Issues Are Destined for the Memory Hole Dumbocracy 6) American Pravda: JFK Richard Nixon the CIA and Watergate 7) Why’s…


NYT Urges Biden to Die, Run as Corpse

Dissociated Press In a break with its long tradition of supporting living candidates, the New York Times Editorial Board has urged President Biden to “just go ahead and die already.” In an opinion piece on Friday, the Times wrote that “the greatest public service [Biden] can now perform is to expire of natural causes, and then announce that he will continue to run for re-election as a corpse.” Admitting that it might be hard for voters to distinguish Biden’s corpse from the man they just witnessed debating Donald Trump, the Times urged Biden to display his rigor mortis with gusto and…


FFWN: You Will Eat Bugs, Deny the Existence of Women, Own Nothing, and Be…Well, Not Happy, But Maybe Alive if You’re Lucky

PSA 1) Make Up Your Mind…to Give FFWN a Donation! Trumpworld & Jan. 6 Hearings 2) Entire MSM (except Tucker on Fox) broadcasts “unfiltered Nancy Pelosi feed” of Jan. 6 show trials 3) “The State At War with the Nation”—the Garland Raids and the January 6 Show Trials 4) Proud Boys leader and top members charged with seditious conspiracy over January 6 4.5) Why Were Ukrainian Nazis in the U.S. Capitol on January 6? 5) As January 6 Select Committee prepares public hearings, Trump and his accomplices walk free 6) How Republicans Abandoned Democracy…


Sterling Harwood Says Biden Is Doing a Good Job

Listen HERE Lawyer, philosophy professor and author Sterling Harwood appears as defense attorney for an obviously guilty & doomed client: US president Joe Biden. Harwood emailed me to tell me that he thinks Joe Biden is doing a good job, offering to make the case in public: “See, now’s the time to trot out Dr. Harwood, the Ivy League punching bag, to try to defend Biden at his lowest point. What a show or segment of a show it would make! Fireworks will fly!”


LIVE RADIO! John Hankey on Uvalde as MK-Utra Psy-Op; Sterling Harwood Says Biden Is Doing a Good Job

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First  hour: Filmmaker John Hankey, director of the Dark Legacy films on the assassination of JFK Jr. and more recently “COVID19 Inside Job“, says the children at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas may have been killed by a manchurian candidate (just like JFK Jr. was). He thinks the motive was less to promote gun control, but to shift the conversation to gun control: “I wish the motive wasn’t screamingly obvious: to try to change the debate from abortion, an issue which kills the Republicans; to guns, an issue which…


Five Who Used Marijuana in Past Exit White House — The Rest Will Keep Using in Present and Future

Dissociated Press Five White House advisors who used marijuana in the past, but have given it up in the present and vowed not to partake in the future, have been ignominiously booted from the Biden Administration.  Press Secretary Jen Psaki explained: “The President (cough, cough) wants only fully-qualified stoners—people who are truly high on America, and who are smoking weed right now at this very moment (whushshshshshsh) and who will keep right on toking till doomsday. Ex-users, T-breakers, and others who are not fried, stoned, baked, bouldered, blitzed, blazed, dazed & confused, short-term-memory-impaired, and looking just as clueless and brain-dead…


US says Bin Salman butchered Khashoggi — and won’t be punished

Trump said “elect me and you’ll find out who really blew up the World Trade Center  – hint hint, it was the Saudis!” But once elected, he befriended the same Saudi gangsters he had called 9/11 perps! Will Biden, who campaigned on promises of justice for Khashoggi, likewise change his tune now that he’s president and a tool of the Deep State? Press TV: A declassified US intelligence report has revealed that Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman – known by his initials as MBS – has ordered and directed the gruesome killing of Saudi opposition journalist Jamal Khashoggi.…


Joe Biden: Trump Made “Very Generous” Bribe-for-Pardon Offer

Dissociated Press President Joe Biden has confirmed that he received a “welcome to the White House” letter from his predecessor Donald Trump, telling reporters from the Oval Office that the note was “very generous.” “The president wrote a very generous letter,” Biden said. “Because it was private, and included a bribe offer, I won’t talk about it until I talk to him and bargain the price up a few more bucks. But it was generous.” A re-layable White Horse souse has reported that the “generosity” in question pertained to the sum of money Trump is offering Biden in return for…


Israel approves 780 new illegal settler units in occupied West Bank: Peace Now

Press TV News Review Featuring mini-debate: “Does Israel control US and Western countries’ policies or is Israel just a spearhead of Western imperialism?” The other guest is Ken Stone . The anti-settlement monitoring group Peace Now says Israeli authorities have advanced plans for the construction of 780 new illegal settler units in the occupied West Bank, days before US President-elect Joe Biden takes office. Peace Now, which tracks settlement construction in the occupied territory, said Sunday that Israel has approved “plans to build 780 housing units in settlements, most of them deep in the West Bank”, adding that the move will…


William Woodward: Biden an Improvement on Trump?

Listen HERE In the previous show Prof. Kevin MacDonald of the Occidental Observer joined Cat McGuire to discuss her article “I was at the Washington D.C. ‘Save America’ rally“. Both Kevin MacDonald and Cat McGuire are former leftists who no longer identify as such. Another psychology professor, William Woodward of the University of New Hampshire, continues to espouse the same left-liberal ideals that have inspired his commitment to many causes, including 9/11 truth. Among his interests is the “neocolonial heritage of Western psychology”— a very different approach to the discipline from Kevin MacDonald’s. Woodward, unlike MacDonald, sees (faint) hope for…

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