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Saudis seize another Yemen-bound fuel ship, violating two-month truce

The Saudis may have paused their bombing, but they are still committing genocide by deliberately depriving Yemenis of life support. – -Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Press TV: The Saudi-led coalition has seized another Yemen-bound fuel ship in violation of the terms of a two-month truce brokered by the United Nations. The Yemen Petroleum Company said the ship was denied docking at the port of Hudaydah even though it had gone through required inspections and obtained clearance from the U-N. Essam al-Mutawakel, a company spokesman, censured the coalition’s acts of piracy. He said the coalition had also seized two other…


LIVE RADIO! Alan Sabrosky Un-Retires from Radio; Zafar Bangash on Saudi Mismanagement of Pilgrimage, Eric Walberg on Post-US-Occupation Afghanistan

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Dr. Alan Sabrosky USMC, “most censored man in America,” former head of Strategic Studies, US Army War College, announced his retirement from public speaking on my radio show October 8th. Fortunately he is coming out of retirement tonight. He recently posted on his Facebook page: “SEVERAL WEEKS AGO, before my most recent 3-day (FB) ban (!), I told my friend Kevin Barrett & posted here that I was going to take the occasion of my 80th birthday (10/10/2021) to put an end to public speaking and such.…


UN rights council ends probe into possible war crimes by Saudi-led coalition in Yemen The UN Human Rights Council has voted to drop a UN probe into possible war crimes by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen. NGOs and rights groups have decried the decision as intense Saudi arm-twisting. It marked the first time in the council’s 15-year history that a resolution was defeated. The motion was proposed by several western countries. The Dutch ambassador expressed his disappointment, saying the Council effectively cut the lifeline of the Yemeni people to the international community. Earlier this week, several rights advocacy groups revealed that Saudi Arabia had been heavily lobbying against the resolution that would extend…


Yemen Smacks Saudi Aramco – New Age of Drone/Missile Resistance?

In the above video, “SPOTLIGHT interviews Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett author and Middle East expert out of Madison and Brecht Jonkers historian and journalist from Hasselt to look at retaliatory attacks by Yemeni army against Saudi Arabia’’s vital installations.” Below is an unusually good new piece on the Axis of Resistance drone & missile program. -KB How Iran’s Missile Strategy has Rewritten the Rules of Middle Eastern Wars Iran has built an extraordinary military alliance stretching from Lebanon to Gaza to Yemen that missile by missile has changed the rules of war in the Middle East By Arron Merat,…


Yemeni armed forces target military camp in Saudi town of al-Wadiah interview with Kevin Barrett, Yemeni armed forces launched a drone attack against a military training camp in the south of Saudi Arabia, killing and injuring dozens of mercenaries and Saudi officers. Brigadier General Yahya Saree, the armed forces spokesman, announced the development on Thursday evening. The attack took place two days earlier against a military training camp based in the Saudi region of Najran’s al-Wadiah area, he said, according to PressTV. “The operation was carried out using 10 Qasef-2K drones. It targeted the command center, training sections, and other parts of the barracks,” the spokesman stated. According to…


Amnesty, rights groups blast Saudi execution of Shia youth

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The Saudis just murdered Mustafa Hashem al-Darwish, who committed the “crime” of protesting when he was a teenager. Western human rights groups may protest, but Western governments will never move against the Saudis. Why not? Because Western governments are owned by criminal oligarchs who are just as nasty as the Saudi gangsters, though perhaps slightly more competent. (They only use bone saws when they can get away with it.)


US says Bin Salman butchered Khashoggi — and won’t be punished

Trump said “elect me and you’ll find out who really blew up the World Trade Center  – hint hint, it was the Saudis!” But once elected, he befriended the same Saudi gangsters he had called 9/11 perps! Will Biden, who campaigned on promises of justice for Khashoggi, likewise change his tune now that he’s president and a tool of the Deep State? Press TV: A declassified US intelligence report has revealed that Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman – known by his initials as MBS – has ordered and directed the gruesome killing of Saudi opposition journalist Jamal Khashoggi.…

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