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LIVE RADIO! Alan Sabrosky Wonders if West Should Convert to Islam; Michael Lindsey Agrees That Traditional Religion Is the Solution, BUT…

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Regular “first Friday of the month” guest Dr. Alan Sabrosky, upon learning that Iraq just banned transgenderism, prostitution, and homosexuality, emailed me: “Maybe all whites should convert to Islam? Then we might well be protected from these (and other) predators. Christianity (with the partial exception of Russian/Eastern/Greek) Orthodox hasn’t done squat for Western Culture over the past century or so, at a minimum.” Me: “Not a bad idea. Or they could try to help a Christianity-friendly school of Islam take power. Muslims are required to protect Christians…


LIVE RADIO! Kabir Helminski on Gaza and “What Would a Moral Israel Look Like?”, John Andrew Morrow on Islam and Slavery

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Two notable American Muslim authors and spiritual leaders offer first reactions to today’s ICJ decision on emergency measures requested by South Africa to stop Israel’s genocide of Gaza, and discuss their recent writings. First hour: Kabir Helminski, one of the best-known names in American Sufism, discusses “Gaza: Witnessing for Justice” and  “What Would a Moral Israel Look Like?” Kabir Helminski is co-director and co-founder — together with his wife Camille Helminski (also profiled in the Living Spiritual Teachers Project) — of The Threshold Society, a nonprofit educational foundation that…


LIVE RADIO! Blake Archer Williams on Islam, Democracy, and the Defeat of the West; Charles Upton on Islam and Current Events

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Is Islam pro-democracy, anti-democracy, or neutral? And what is Islam’s position on slavery? Today two noted Islamic scholars offer fresh arguments. First hour: Blake Archer Williams, who studied with UC-Berkeley professor Hamid Algar, has published a long list of books on topics related to Shia Islam. Today he discusses his new (introduced and translated) book Rational and Scriptural Proofs for the Validity of the Principle of Majority Rule in Islam by Masʿūd Imāmī. We may also veer off on a political tangent by considering Pepe Escobar’s new review of Emanuel Todd’s new…


Eric Walberg on Rainbow Flag vs. Islam (& HUGE Canadian Muslim-led anti-woke demonstration)

Listen HERE Canadian Muslim Eric Walberg‘s “Reinventing the wheel: Islam and homosexuality” critically reviews Scott Kugle’s books Homosexuality in Islam: Critical reflection on gay lesbian, and transgender Muslims (2010) and Living out Islam: Voices of gay, lesbian and transgender Muslims (2014). Eric notes that “Kugle’s sifting through Islamic history and jurisprudence reveals that this whole debate took place at various times in Islamic history, starting with the time of the Prophet, the first caliphs, and the debate continued until at least the 12th c.” So why reinvent the wheel? Is there a not-so-hidden agenda? Eric’s conclusion: “Kugle calls his (sodomy-permitting) version…


US Army Psy-Ops Whistleblower Scott Bennett on Elections, Ukraine, Iran, Islam

Listen HERE Scott Bennett, author of The Shell Game (a copy of which he bestowed on Tucker Carlson) discusses the midterm elections, our participation in the Towards Tomorrow Seminar with former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and much more. Below is an excerpt from the interview. Kevin Barrett: Your take on the EU then is quite different from that of the EU’s top foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, who raised some eyebrows a few weeks ago when he said “Europe is a garden and most of the rest of the world is a jungle and the jungle could invade the garden.”…


El-Hajj Mauri’ Salakhan on “Free Aafia” Demonstrations Oct. 23

Listen HERE Human rights activist El-Hajj Mauri’ Salakhan of discusses the “Free Aafia” demonstrations he’s helping organize, scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 23, near where Aafia Siddiqui is being held at the Federal Medical Center, Carswell, in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas. As I wrote in the posting for last month’s interview with Gordon Duff: Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was the victim of what Ramsey Clark called “the worst case of individual injustice I have ever witnessed.” A brilliant neuroscientist (MIT-Brandeis) and leading Islamic activist, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was crucified by the 9/11 perp neocons not because of anything she did, but purely to…


Claire Khaw Says Non-Muslims Should Follow the Qur’an’s Rules (Some of Them, Anyway)

But in that case why not just convert to Islam? Listen HERE Claire Khaw advocates “Secular Koranism”—the idea that the Qur’an should become the basis of secular legal systems. Its rules, she says, should apply to everyone, not just Muslims. That’s not as crazy an idea as it sounds. Claire has some provocative and persuasive insights into the underlying causes of Western decadence and how the Qur’an’s guidance could help fix things. Listen to this interview and you’ll discover that Claire and I agree that patriarchy is basically a good thing, not a bad thing. (For more heretical talk on…


El-Hajj Mauri’ Salakhan on “Free Aafia” Demonstrations Oct. 23; Helen Buyniski on “Persian Girls Gone Wild…in the Service of Western Imperialism”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Human rights activist El-Hajj Mauri’ Salakhan of discusses the “Free Aafia” demonstrations he’s helping organize, scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 23, near where Aafia Siddiqui is being held at the Federal Medical Center, Carswell, in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas. As I wrote in the posting for last month’s interview with Gordon Duff: Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was the victim of what Ramsey Clark called “the worst case of individual injustice I have ever witnessed.” A brilliant neuroscientist (MIT-Brandeis) and leading Islamic activist, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was crucified by the 9/11…


Jila Ansari Offers a Different Perspective on Iran, Religion, and Zionism

Listen HERE Jila Ansari of is an Iranian-American long resident in the US. She has appeared on Ken Meyercord’s WorldDocs show to discuss Iran, Abrahamic monotheism, the social and political dimensions of religion, and related topics—offering perspectives that are very different from those ordinarily heard on Truth Jihad Radio. Her take on Zionism, however, is right at home here!


Nadeem Haque on “Ecolibrium: The Sacred Balance in Islam”

Listen HERE Nadeem Haque discusses his new book (with Al-Hafiz B.A. Masri and Mehran Banaei) Ecolibrium: The Sacred Balance in Islam.  Nadeem writes: “Islam is regarded in the Quran (its primary textual source) as a natural belief system founded on nature (in Arabic: fitrah). Furthermore, in the Quran, nature is spoken of profusely, not only as a pointer to God (a singular non-anthropomorphic ‘non-localized entity’) but also as a source of sustainability for all creatures that inhabit this vast universe. To this extent, Ecolibrium shows that the Quranic system does not separate the ‘religious’ from the ‘sacred’, for everything is sacred…

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