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LIVE RADIO! Kevin MacDonald on “Extreme Hyper-Ethnocentrism of Jews (re: Gaza)”; Fadi Lama on “Why the West Can’t Win”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Rumble link  Bitchute link First hour: Evolutionary psychology scholar Kevin MacDonald discussers his new article “The Extreme Hyper-Ethnocentrism of Jews on Display in Israeli Attitudes Toward the Gaza War.” In it, he writes: “At least until the Gaza war, Jews have successfully depicted themselves as moral paragons and as champions of the downtrodden in the contemporary West…This Jewish pose of moral superiority is a dangerous delusion, and we must be realistic what the future holds as Whites continue to lose political power in all Western countries. When the gloves…


Kevin MacDonald on Israel-Palestine and more

Listen HERE Evolutionary Psychology professor Kevin MacDonald has recently posted about thedoxxing and smearing of Harvard students who support Palestine; an alleged Danish bad experience with Palestinian immigrants; and a politically-incorrect piece on the conflict in Occupied Palestine that will annoy people on both sides. Do Palestine and the USA both have an immigration problem? If so, Palestine’s is obviously orders of magnitude worse. Or so it seems to me. But let’s check with Prof. MacDonald and get his take. Excerpts: “I don’t want Palestinian immigration into this country either. But I’m mainly concerned about the Jewish issue. We had…


LIVE RADIO! Anthropology Prof. Virginia Abernethy on “Born Abroad”; Int. Affairs Prof. Michael Brenner on “America Declares War”; Psychology prof. Kevin MacDonald on “Pro-Israel Financial Muscle” and more

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Today’s show features three American professors who have been attacked and/or marginalized due to their political views. I don’t fully agree with these three academic colleagues, but I respect their courage and independence of mind, and urge you to listen carefully to what they have to say. First half-hour: Anthropology professor Virginia Abernethy is the author of the new book Born Abroad. From her publisher: “Dr. Abernethy, who was born in Cuba in the 1930s to American parents and who is bilingual in English and Spanish, is a Harvard-trained scientist…


William Woodward: Biden an Improvement on Trump?

Listen HERE In the previous show Prof. Kevin MacDonald of the Occidental Observer joined Cat McGuire to discuss her article “I was at the Washington D.C. ‘Save America’ rally“. Both Kevin MacDonald and Cat McGuire are former leftists who no longer identify as such. Another psychology professor, William Woodward of the University of New Hampshire, continues to espouse the same left-liberal ideals that have inspired his commitment to many causes, including 9/11 truth. Among his interests is the “neocolonial heritage of Western psychology”— a very different approach to the discipline from Kevin MacDonald’s. Woodward, unlike MacDonald, sees (faint) hope for…


Kevin MacDonald and Cat McGuire on DC “Save America” Rally a.k.a. “The Insurrection”

Listen HERE Prof. Kevin MacDonald of the Occidental Observer recently published Cat McGuire‘s article “I was at the Washington D.C. ‘Save America’ rally.” Not so many years ago, that would have seemed incongruous: Cat was a hardcore leftist while Kevin MacDonald, an evolutionary psychologist, has long been an intellectual inspiration of the white identitarian movement and the alt-right. But now, as hegemonic pseudo-liberal oligarchy mutates into tyranny, MacDonald and McGuire aren’t so far apart. Both side with the (nonviolent) folks at the Stop the Steal rally, and both are pessimistic about America’s future under a Biden Administration.


Crossing Ideological Divides on Stop-the-Steal Protest with Kevin MacDonald, Cat McGuire, and William Woodward

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio – later archived at Patreon The USA is riven by an ideological divide like never before in history, with the possible exceptions of 1776 and 1860. Half the population wants to cancel the other half. Everybody’s in their own echo chamber, their own social media bubble, dismissing everything the other side says as lies and “conspiracy theories.” In hopes of starting some actual dialogue, we’re going to bust down the barriers and bring on three people with distinctively different ideological orientations. Call it “an alt-right white identitarian, a recovering leftist, and…


Prof. Kevin MacDonald on the Censorship Epidemic

Listen HERE Kevin MacDonald, Professor Emeritus of  Psychology at California State University–Long Beach, discusses escalating censorship, Trump and competing elites, the white identity movement circa 2020, the presidential race, and of course coronavirus and its implications. We also touch on his most recent book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future. “My own experience is basically being deplatformed. I edit the journal Occidental Quarterly, which until recently has been a print journal. But now it’s just going to be online because we haven’t been able to retain our subscriptions because the credit card companies won’t process…


Kevin MacDonald on escalating censorship; Peter Myers says coronavirus was made in a lab

Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Kevin MacDonald, Professor Emeritus of  Psychology at California State University–Long Beach, discusses escalating censorship, Trump and competing elites, the white identity movement circa 2020, the presidential race, and of course coronavirus and its implications. We’ll also touch on his most recent book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future. Second hour: Peter Myers argues that coronavirus was made in a lab—”most likely from Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)….All such P4 labs  (BSL-4 labs) develop both weapons and vaccines, the vaccines being a protection…


Kevin MacDonald on persecution of dissidents; Abdul Arif Muhammad on Marzieh Hashemi abduction; “Fearlessness Teacher” R. Michael Fisher on Nick Sandmann-Nathan Phillips standoff

Listen HERE First hour: Prof. Kevin MacDonald, (U. of California-Long Beach) like me, is a born-and-bred Wisconsin white boy educated at UW-Madison. Like me, he is one of the most notorious intellectual troublemakers ever to emerge from that august institution. Heck, we even have the same first name! Aside from that, we’re quite different. I’m a left-anarchist-leaning Muslim, while he’s the intellectual godfather of (gasp) white nationalism! Can we actually hold a civil conversation? Heck, yes! Though I have a radically different worldview from his, I respect the integrity and coherence of his work, which seems driven by an honest…


Kevin MacDonald: Let Crimea secede!

Broadcast Tuesday, March 18th, 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. Kevin MacDonald is a leading critic of the Zio-cons Kevin MacDonald, professor of psychology at the California State University, has published a new article Breaking up Ukraine along ethnic lines on the heels of his recent Competing Nationalisms in Ukraine. Dr. MacDonald…

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