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Kevin MacDonald on persecution of dissidents; Abdul Arif Muhammad on Marzieh Hashemi abduction; “Fearlessness Teacher” R. Michael Fisher on Nick Sandmann-Nathan Phillips standoff

Listen HERE First hour: Prof. Kevin MacDonald, (U. of California-Long Beach) like me, is a born-and-bred Wisconsin white boy educated at UW-Madison. Like me, he is one of the most notorious intellectual troublemakers ever to emerge from that august institution. Heck, we even have the same first name! Aside from that, we’re quite different. I’m a left-anarchist-leaning Muslim, while he’s the intellectual godfather of (gasp) white nationalism! Can we actually hold a civil conversation? Heck, yes! Though I have a radically different worldview from his, I respect the integrity and coherence of his work, which seems driven by an honest…


Bro. Abdul Arif Muhammad on Starbucks boycott and ADL; Karin Brothers says Skripals could bring down May so their lives are in danger

Broadcast live, Friday April 20, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, on Revolution.Radio then archived Saturday HERE First hour: Bro. Abdul Arif Muhammad, general counsel for the Nation of Islam, discusses “STARBUCKS BOYCOTT SPREADS AFTER ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE INVOLVEMENT.” That article begins: “Starbucks seemed to be making all the right moves in response to the recent racial controversy in which the bigotry of its Philadelphia store manager instigated the arrest of two Black male customers waiting to meet a business colleague.” But then Starbucks put the Anti-Defamation League — the notoriously racist witch-hunting Israel lobby group —in charge of a national “racial bias training session” for all Starbucks…