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LIVE RADIO: Donald Trump: The Deep State’s Enemy or Asset?

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: History-teacher-turned-filmmaker John Hankey and lawyer and philosophy professor Sterling Harwood discuss Hankey’s new film Trump in the Crosshairs: Murder in Butler, Pennsylvania. The film exposes the July 13 “assassination attempt” as a murderous publicity stunt orchestrated by the Zionist deep state to enhance Trump’s chances of taking office and rubber-stamping escalated genocide. See my articles: “Sifting and Winnowing”: Evidence in the False Flag Trump Shooting and American Cognitive Decline: It’s Bipartisan; and my interviews on the subject with Alan Sabrosky and Barbara Honegger. Second hour: Pro-Trump…


FFWN: Can We Debate? (Is It Still Legal?)

Watch on Bitchute PSA 1) Help FFWN bust the birdcage Debate 9/11! 2) Harvard Employee Asks To Debate 9/11 Conspiracies – Lynched by 9/11 Coverup Team at Daily Wire 3) 9/11 Debate Challenge at University of Wisconsin Raised to $2000, Approaching 12th anniversary Israel Rejects Ceasefire – Continues US-Backed Genocide – 30k Dead 4) ‘Our Conditions’ – Full Text of Hamas Response to Ceasefire Proposal 5) US Feeds Israeli Genocide and Sadism in Gaza and Pushes for Insane Insurgency against Russia 6) ‘Our Firm Position’ on Any Normalization with Israel – Saudi Arabia 7)…


Ron Unz Asks “Vaxxing Deaths or COVID Deaths?”

Listen HERE Ron Unz of The Unz Review has a knack for marshaling strong arguments supporting heretical perspectives on history and current events. His latest intervention “Vaxxing Deaths or COVID Deaths?” is doubly heretical, managing to offend both vaccine skeptics (or at least those who think the COVID vaccines are a threat on par with or greater than COVID itself) and guardians of orthodoxy (who won’t appreciate Unz’s claim that COVID emerged from a US bio-attack on China and Iran). In “Vaxxing Deaths or COVID Deaths?” Unz notes that the upticks in overall deaths and specifically cardiac/stroke deaths in the US…


Steve Kirsch on Why Vax Advocates Refuse to Debate

Listen HERE Steve Kirsch is a self-described “retired high-tech serial entrepreneur” with engineering and computer science degrees from MIT. He is also a leading critic of the COVID vaccines. He writes: “I used to believe that the FDA, NIH, and CDC were honest organizations. I trusted them. I’m doubly-vaxed with Moderna as of March 29, 2021. “A month later, I started hearing stories from my friends who reported relatives who died or they themselves became permanently disabled. So I looked into it and the more I looked, the more appalled I became…” Steve Kirsch has challenged vaccine advocates to debate…


The No-Show Physics & Civil Engineering Debate with RichardGage911 & _____

Why won’t any qualified experts defend the official story? I regularly host this annual debate, sponsored by the Association for Nine Eleven Truth Awareness. Richard Gage, the guest debater this year, then provides a most persuasive presentation of the main points of the debate that would have to be satisfactorily addressed by a future opponent – if one were to be found. In the absence of an opponent this year, the debate was considered “Resolved: the Official Conspiracy Theory of 9/11 violates Newton’s Laws of Motion, especially the complete collapse of the 3 World Trade Center towers.” The debate occurs…


9/11 Controlled Demolition Debate! Niels Harrit (Chemist) vs. Denis Rancourt (Physicist)

Listen HERE Since the recent 9/11 physics debate focusing on the nuclear demolition hypothesis garnered a lot of interest in the Unz comment section, and since nanothermite-investigating chemistry professor Niels Harrit recently published an interesting article on the shortcomings of PCR tests, I thought this would be a good time for a flashback to the Great Demolition Debate of 2010. As I wrote then: On my November 6 (2010) show physics professor/activist Denis Rancourt and I spent the first hour amicably discussing 9/11, and mostly agreeing with each other. During the second hour, we had a heated debate (temperatures almost…


The Debate – Saudis & Child-Killer Blacklist

Press TV Just as the UN took Saudi Arabia off the child killer list, the Saudi-led coalition struck Yemen, which led to the deaths of children. Why does the UN, which is supposed to watch out for the well-being of children, take Saudi Arabia off a list in which it knows it is guilty if those crimes? In this edition of the debate, we will ask this exact question from our guests, and look at why this illegal war is still being waged one of the poorest countries in the world…


Eric Zuesse Says COVID Proves Socialism Beats Capitalism

Listen HERE Eric Zuesse returns to debate his article “Ideology and Coronavirus.” He writes: “There are two polar-opposite approaches for dealing with the challenge of coronavirus-19: libertarian proposals prioritize the economy above the public’s health, whereas socialist proposals prioritize the public’s health above the economy. Libertarian countries rely on developing ‘herd immunity’ to the disease, in preference to imposing social distancing and ‘lockdowns,’ which aim instead to reduce the spread of the infection. Unlike socialist measures, the ‘herd immunity’ approach doesn’t need any regulations, because it allows the disease to spread so that the people who survive it will become…

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