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False Flag Weekly News will return shortly…

Rumble link Bitchute link Greetings False Flag Weekly News fans, I didn’t schedule FFWN today because I expected to be traveling to Iran for a conference honoring the late, great Nader Talebzadeh. Unfortunately my visa didn’t come through in time. So here I am, stuck at home, with no FFWN to broadcast! And you with no FFWN to watch! If you need a dose of acerbic commentary, check out last night’s Press TV episode above (transcript HERE). And here is an even more acerbic satire on the same topic. And to help FFWN return next week, here is the Fundrazr link:…


Nader Talebzadeh on US-Iran relations, Iranian elections, 9/11 truth, and more

Listen HERE They say no good deed goes unpunished. Classic example:  When Iranian filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh, Iran’s leading talk show host, founded the New Horizon NGO to bring independent thinkers from all over the world to Tehran seeking dialogue and common ground, the Zionist-occupied US Treasury Department slapped him with sanctions and all but labeled him a terrorist. (Nader and New Horizon’s appeal to USG, filed over a year ago, still awaits a response.) Today, Nader is an advisor to former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who wanted to run in the June 18th presidential elections but was not approved by…


New Horizon chair Nader Talebzadeh discusses neocon war on Iran…and America

Nader Talebzadeh, Iran’s biggest TV talk show host, chair of New Horizon NGO. Neocon-Zionist Mnuchin’s Treasury Department recently sanctioned Iranian NGO New Horizon, vaguely alleging that its conferences—which bring together independent thinkers from around the world—are fronts for Iranian spying. The sole basis for this absurd claim is the Justice Department’s indictment of Monica Witt, a former Air Force officer who allegedly defected to Iran and spilled secrets to Iranian intelligence. There’s only one problem: Monica Witt has absolutely no connection to the New Horizon NGO! As New Horizon Chair Nader Talebzadeh explains in this interview, Witt showed up uninvited…