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Josh Mitteldorf on the Origin of Life

Listen HERE Anti-aging scientist Josh Mittledorf discusses his article “The Origin of Life…Unsolved or Unsolvable?” He writes: “I believe that a bird’s eye view of innovative research over the last 70 years supports the assertion that life could not have arisen from inorganic matter by any known chemical process.” He backs up that statement by summarizing findings on auto-catalyzing hypercycles, chirality, amino acids’ information storage, self-replicating RNA, nanobes, jeewanu, and more. Bottom line: James Tour is right, life couldn’t have arisen randomly. Well, then, how did it arise? “I propose that Heisenberg’s ‘uncertainty’ is actually the action of universal mind.”


Dorion Sagan discusses his new book “Cosmic Apprentice”

Wed.  5/1/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Special – two full hours with Dorion Sagan!   Call-in: 218-339-8525 In his terrific new book Cosmic Apprentice: Dispatches from the Edges of Science (University of Minnesota Press) Dorion Sagan quotes David Bohm: “Science is the search for truth whether we like it or not.” In other words, scientists are truthers. Unfortunately, few of them are as courageous – or as interesting – as Dorion, who mines the rich gradient separating scientific truth from human meaning better than anyone. It seems that Dorion has inherited his father Carl Sagan’s talent for…


Dorion Sagan on new book “Lynn Margulis: The Life and Legacy of a Scientific Rebel”

Tuesday, March 5th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). Dorion Sagan and Lynn Margulis Happy Birthday Lynn Margulis! (Today would have been her 75th.) National Medal of Science winner Lynn Margulis (1938-2011) may one day be remembered as the prime catalyst of a paradigm shift that re-wrote the history of life on earth. She was also a courageous and eloquent 9/11 truth supporter.  Lynn’s son and co-author, Dorion Sagan, joins me today to discuss the new book he edited: Lynn Margulis: The Life and Legacy of a Scientific Rebel.…


Sex and Death/Death and Sex: TJ Radio Special today with Tyler Volk and Dorion Sagan!

Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 5/25/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Special “Sex and Death” show with science writers Tyler Volk and Dorion Sagan, authors of Death and Sex (or was that Sex and Death ?) Any way you flip it, this is one of the most fascinating and provocative (and sexiest and deathiest) science books I’ve read…partly because it isn’t just a science book. Volk’s exploration of the biological meaning of death, like Sagan’s of sex, also explores some of the many social constructions surrounding…