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Iran: Threat or Menace? Part 1: Background briefing

The first of a three-part series of brief articles considering the run-up to the June 14th Iranian presidential elections Compared to citizens of other developed countries, Americans are not especially well-informed about the world. Like other peoples only more so, Americans view the world through a glass darkly – a glass darkened by ignorance and prejudice. Much of the fault lies not with the people, but with their corporate-monopoly media. Consider the case of Iran, a geo-strategical lynchpin nation more than three times the size of Iraq. Since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Iran has gotten uniformly bad press in…


Was Pope Benedict fired by the Knights of Malta?

I’m in the Amsterdam airport with Merlin Miller, the man I voted for in the last presidential election, returning to the USA after two amazing weeks in Iran. During the Tehran-to-Amsterdam flight I watched Argo, the Zionist propaganda flick designed to remind Americans why Iran is supposed to be our enemy. The film depicts Iranians as angry, violent fanatics who hate Americans. The reality is precisely the opposite. Iranians are the most warm, hospitable, generous, kind, pro-American-people folks you’ll ever have the good fortune to meet. This after the US government, led by the nose by Israel, has been murdering…