Tuesday, Jan. 29th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on NoLiesRadio.org (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom, a history of science Ph.D. with a specialty in chemistry, is the author of the best book on the 7/7 London bombings, Terror on the Tube. (Watch the 7/7 video Kollerstrom and Farrell Are Dead.) Today, Nick presents what he says is breakthrough evidence supporting his contention that the claim that Nazi gas chambers were used for mass executions with Zyclon-B (cyanide gas) are not true. According to mainstream historians as well as revisionists, Zyclon B was…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Dana Siegelman: “Karl Rove framed my dad – please join the campaign to pardon him!”
Mon. 1/28/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number 218-339-8525 First hour guest: Dana Siegelman, daughter of witch-hunted former Alabama governor Don Siegelman. Dana is leading the campaign to free her father. Dick Cheney and Karl Rove, the puppet-masters behind the Bush Jr. regime, committed more than a million murders, among other gross injustices. To enable their crime wave disguised as an administration, they targeted domestic political opponents, including Sen. Paul Wellstone and his staff and family members. One of the victims of the Bush Jr. reign of terror was Alabama governor Don Siegelman, who (like Sen.…
FULL ARTICLEDHS plans cyber-9/11; My interview with Stephen Lendman
DHS announces: “Cyber-9/11 coming soon!” full story: http://truthjihad.com/news/?p=376 Stephen Lendman interviews me on the Progressive Radio News Hour Listen or download at: http://prn.fm/2013/01/26/progressive-radio-news-hour-kevin-barrett-012613/#axzz2JHQo5TYn A listener writes: Kevin, Absolutely super interview with Stephen Lendman. I really liked your discussion regarding the use of torture to move beyond contrived confessions to actually “reset/reformat” the minds of victims so that they believe their abusers. It deserves further attention, if it were not such a horrific subject. I also liked your explanation of the Obama administration’s need to terrify whistle-blowers in order to keep the lid on the world’s greatest criminal conspiracy. Just great…
FULL ARTICLEPaul Levy on Wetiko, Mike Whitney on “We’re going to kill the dollar!”
Fri. 1/25/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) First hour: The famous musician-activist Sting (who really ought to speak out for 9/11 truth) has got one thing right: Paul Levy’s brand-new book Dispelling Wetiko “brilliantly exposes how the very roots of the madness that is threatening life on earth are ultimately to be found within our own psyche… The world would be a better place if everyone read this book.” In Dispelling Wetiko, Paul Levy tackles the same problem that I addressed in Twilight of the Psychopaths – but with a lot more spiritual depth. Buy this book…
FULL ARTICLEPalestinian professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, ex-Zionist Richard Forer
Wed. 1/23/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh is not an ivory tower theorist –he backs up his words with actions. Today’s Israeli-election-day special features two leading advocates of peace and reconciliation between Palestinians and Israeli Jews. First hour: Mazin Qumsiyeh is a Professor at Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities and a well-known Palestinian human rights advocate. He previously served on the faculties of the University of Tennessee, Duke and Yale Universities. He is chairman of the Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People and serves on the board of Al-Rowwad Children’s Theater Center in Aida Refugee…
FULL ARTICLEObama: Netanyahu is a “liar” and a “coward”
A coward, a liar, and a top 9/11 suspect. The President of the United States is on the record calling Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu a “liar” and a “coward.” Nothing like this has ever happened before… (read full article)
FULL ARTICLECanadian professor John McMurtry: 9/11 epitomized NWO evil!
Tuesday, Jan. 22nd, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on NoLiesRadio.org (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). John McMurtry, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Guelph, Canada, was one of the first and most widely-heard voices questioning the official version of 9/11. He was savaged by the neocon media and his university was deluged with angry letters from brainwashed morons – exactly what happened to me at the University of Wisconsin a few years later!Prof. McMurtry’s new essay “The Moral Decoding of 9-11: Beyond the U.S. Criminal State” (published, in an abridged version, by the…
FULL ARTICLEI LOVE Big Brother – so don’t bother torturing me!
“The concept of the ‘living will’ could also be applied to the issue of torture. Just as you might wake up some day as a human vegetable – who knows, bad things do happen to good people – you might likewise wake up some day strapped to a gurney in a cage in Guantanamo with spark plug wires hooked to your testicles. If that happened, wouldn’t it be great if you could say: ‘Don’t bother torturing me, I’ve already signed a document giving you everything you could possibly need!’” Full story: http://truthjihad.com/news/?p=363
FULL ARTICLEThere are no straight people in Iran
Henry Makow explains how the New World Order works to destroy the family andthe human spirit by promoting sexual obsession and perversion, turning people into soulless, atomized consumers and producers in the marketplace they control. I’m looking forward to my first trip to Iran. One reason: It’s a country whose President , top military leaders, and media support the 9/11 truth movement – and have the guts to say so in public. Another great thing about Iran: It makes the best movies, on the most modest budgets, of any country on earth. If you haven’t discovered Iranian movies yet, you’re…
FULL ARTICLEWho is Allen Ruff and why does he oppose Chuck Hagel?
Alleged “pro-Palestinian peacenik” and enemy of 9/11 truth Allen Ruff wants to defeat Chuck Hagel’s nomination as Secretary of Defense. Why? I got to know Allen Ruff – a big, dark, hulking, bearded, scowling bully who looks a bit like the old Zionist media caricatures of the late Ayatollah Khomeni, only about 100 pounds heavier – at pro-Palestine demonstrations in Madison, Wisconsin during the 1990s. Ruff took an instant dislike to me – if “dislike” isn’t too weak a word. At first I couldn’t figure out why. Gradually, it became apparent that Ruff was the leader of a gang of…