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“100% certain”: 9/11 author was killed in black ops hit

Philip Marshall, Alex Marshall, and Macaila Marshall , RIP. We’ll do what we can to bust the scumbags who did this to you. After a week-long on-site investigation, former National Security Agency officer Wayne Madsen is “100% certain” that 9/11 investigator and author Philip Marshall and his two children were killed in a black ops hit. Madsen’s conclusion is that the cover story – an alleged murder-suicide – is transparently absurd.  (read the complete article)


Why Iran will win: The achilles heel of machievellian evil is that it cannot imagine goodness

Michael Ledeen is indeed a “terrorism expert.” He has reportedly bragged about murdering people in Italy in false-flag “Gladio” terror operations.   Richard Perle may be the self-styled Prince of Darkness. But Michael Ledeen is the Apostle of Evil. Of all the Straussian neoconservative satanists, Ledeen is the one who embraces evil the most openly and enthusiastically…   (read the entire article)


I’m not an Israeli journalist. I’m an American journalist.

My recent Press TV article Israelis see their ownership of US government in jeopardy has gone viral. Also check out the Veterans Today version, which includes this all-too-accurate depiction of the Chuck Hagel hearings, courtesy of Saturday Night Live:


Zionist flack Katzman re-demolished on Press TV!

I love Kenneth Katzman, the hack propagandist for Israel. Making his head explode live on Press TV was one of the most satisfying accomplishments I’ve ever experienced. Katzman is afraid to debate me again. He says he’ll never come on Press TV again if they keep featuring guests like me. He even demands that I be permanently removed from all media outlets, everywhere in the world. But that doesn’t mean that my new friend Rodney Shakespeare, with whom I dined at Tehran’s best Mexican restaurant two nights ago, can’t step in and kick his ass. Go, Rodney!


Was Pope Benedict fired by the Knights of Malta?

I’m in the Amsterdam airport with Merlin Miller, the man I voted for in the last presidential election, returning to the USA after two amazing weeks in Iran. During the Tehran-to-Amsterdam flight I watched Argo, the Zionist propaganda flick designed to remind Americans why Iran is supposed to be our enemy. The film depicts Iranians as angry, violent fanatics who hate Americans. The reality is precisely the opposite. Iranians are the most warm, hospitable, generous, kind, pro-American-people folks you’ll ever have the good fortune to meet. This after the US government, led by the nose by Israel, has been murdering…


USA has gone fascist – I’m living proof!

No, no, no, I’m not trading in my truth jihad for Homeland Security jackboots! It’s the witch-hunt that drove me out of the academy, and robbed me of a projected $2 million in lifetime earnings, that’s proof America has followed Nazi Germany, Mussolini’s Italy, Franco’s Spain, and Pinochet’s Chile down the path to fascism. That is what Naomi Wolf says in her New York Times bestseller The End of America, anyway. Wolf writes that one of the ten steps to fascism is: TARGET KEY INDIVIDUALS. She considers me one of those key individuals. I’m flattered. She even compares me to…


DHS plans cyber-9/11; My interview with Stephen Lendman

DHS announces: “Cyber-9/11 coming soon!” full story:  Stephen Lendman interviews me on the Progressive Radio News Hour Listen or download at: A listener writes: Kevin, Absolutely super interview with Stephen Lendman. I really liked your discussion regarding the use of torture to move beyond contrived confessions to actually “reset/reformat” the minds of victims so that they believe their abusers. It deserves further attention, if it were not such a horrific subject. I also liked your explanation of the Obama administration’s need to terrify whistle-blowers in order to keep the lid on the world’s greatest criminal conspiracy. Just great…


Obama: Netanyahu is a “liar” and a “coward”

A coward, a liar, and a top 9/11 suspect. The President of the United States is on the record calling Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu a “liar” and a “coward.” Nothing like this has ever happened before… (read full article)


I LOVE Big Brother – so don’t bother torturing me!

  “The concept of the ‘living will’ could also be applied to the issue of torture. Just as you might wake up some day as a human vegetable – who knows, bad things do happen to good people – you might likewise wake up some day strapped to a gurney in a cage in Guantanamo with spark plug wires hooked to your testicles. If that happened, wouldn’t it be great if you could say: ‘Don’t bother torturing me, I’ve already signed a document giving you everything you could possibly need!’” Full story:


There are no straight people in Iran

Henry Makow explains how the New World Order works to destroy the family andthe human spirit by promoting sexual obsession and perversion, turning people into soulless, atomized consumers and producers in the marketplace they control. I’m looking forward to my first trip to Iran. One reason: It’s a country whose President , top military leaders, and media support the 9/11 truth movement – and have the guts to say so in public. Another great thing about Iran: It makes the best movies, on the most modest budgets, of any country on earth. If you haven’t discovered Iranian movies yet, you’re…

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