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NY Times confesses: We Zionists killed the US diplomats!

Since I’m the local Muslim Islamic studies expert who works for free, I get asked a lot of questions. This week, people brainwashed by Zionist media are asking: “Why do those crazy Muslims riot every time someone insults Islam?” For example, a Facebook friend asks: Kevin, I’m not sure I understand the connection you are making between the production of this film and the violence that took place thereafter. You seem to imply that the film-makers are directly responsible for the attacks, which may be true in a strictly causal sense but don’t you think you are excusing the insanity…


Top Ten Reasons Obama Will Appear on Letterman instead of Meeting Netanyahu

“So David, are you ready for the top ten reasons I snubbed Netanyahu?”  Obama to Appear at Comedy Show Instead of Meeting Netanyahu: Reports US President Barack Obama will appear on a late night comedy show during a September 18 visit to New York at the same time he could have met Israeli premier, reports say. Reports by Israeli media outlets of Obama’s presence in David Letterman’s comedy show, instead of meeting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, come amid mounting tensions between the two allies over setting “red lines” by Washington on Iran’s nuclear energy program, a request the US…


Who really killed Ambassador Stevens? It’s the Zionists, stupid!

A growing number of American Jews reject the Zionist islamophobia that led to the death of Ambassador Stevens – and tens of thousands of other Americans 9/12/2012, New York, NY Here in New York City, the 3rd-rate newspapers – all owned by 3rd-rate people who happen to be radical Zionist Jews – are pumping the “al-Qaeda” killing of the US Ambassador to Libya for all it’s worth. The headline I saw in the Bed-Stuy Yemini-owned corner store screamed out:Muslims: “We’re All al-Qaeda Now!” The story doesn’t mention the fact that the vast majority of Muslims don’t like “al-Qaeda” and think…


Greetings from Ground Zero!

Last night’s Ground Zero 9/11 symposium here in New York City was the most purely enjoyable 9/11 conference I’ve ever experienced – mainly because I didn’t have to give a talk! (As psychologist Robert Griffin said, most people fear public speaking more than death.) The poor schmucks forced to take the podium, including Robert himself, held up their end brilliantly. I’ll be writing it up for Veterans Today a.s.a.p. – click here to find my VT stuff. The evening’s climax – the brand-new film Top Priority: The Terror Within – was nothing short of amazing. Homeland Security whistleblower Julia Davis…


Why does Rabbi Michael Lerner lie about Iran?

I’m sure he’s just parroting the lies that are common among his crowd. But when lies have been thoroughly debunked for months or years, people who parrot them are liars, even if the lying is motivated more by naiveté than malice. Here is what Rabbi Lerner just emailed me: Editor’s Note: Noam Chomsky powerfully presents (below)  the case against US and Israeli policy toward Iran. Yet I’m troubled by an aspect of the situation to which Chomsky gives only brief lip-service. Millions of people demonstrated against the stealing of the Iranian election by the fundamentalist mullahs who control the state…


Mandatory holocaust denial law passed in California!

This just in: The California State Legislature has passed a new law making holocaust denial mandatory on all college campuses. Anyone who refuses to deny the holocaust will be punished, sanctioned, or thrown out of the university. The holocaust that must be denied, of course, is the Palestinian holocaust. The law orders university bureaucrats to “squelch nascent anti-semitism” and “encourages university leaders to combat a wide array of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel actions.” In other words, if you oppose the Zionist genocide against the Palestinian people, you will be expelled or fired. If you point out that the Palestinian holocaust is…


Zionists and anti-Zionists agree: Israel did 9/11! (Chamish vs. Bollyn “debate”)

Wed. 8/29/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) My recent VT article Finally: Barry Chamish Concedes Israel’s Involvement in 9/11 went viral. Now it’s time to bring on THE GREAT “DEBATE” !  Radical Zionist Barry Chamish, and hardcore anti-Zionist Christopher Bollyn agree that Zionists did 9/11. But they disagree about which Zionists did it, and whether it was essentially a “purely Zionist” operation. First hour: “Barry Chamish is an author and world-class investigative journalist. He first gained worldwide notoriety with his coverage of the Yitzhak Rabin assassination and the conspiracy he helped to later uncover. His book, the…


Questioning the Syria hype on Russia Today

In a recent Russia Today interview I questioned the official Western version of events in Syria. While I don’t doubt that the Syrian government and allied forces are committing atrocities, as would any sovereign government attempting to save itself from a rebellion armed and partly directed from abroad, the bottom line is that when the Syrian opposition chose to start a civil war and ally itself with the Zionist-US-Saudi-NATO criminals, it robbed itself of the moral legitimacy it might have otherwise enjoyed. excerpted from : ‘Orchestrated PR event?’ The timing of the “massacre” reports is of no coincidence, believes…


Don’t believe the Islamophobic hype!

Hello Kevin, I’ve raised the issue of Muslim extremism with you before. An anxious friend sent me the attached link:  and it does certainly seem to augur vast changes in Europe, and not for the better.  The West is in moral decline,  which lends ammunition to the extremist Muslim position. But Shariah law is in such deadly opposition to Western values it’s difficult to see anything but an extremely violent outcome, if developments continue as predicted here.  As usual, the majority are silent, while a very small, fanatical minority takes control. Cannot moderate Muslims rein these people in?  Or…


Morsi joining alliance against Zionist terror?

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi (L) shakes hands with an Egyptian soldier who was wounded in an attack in Sinai during a visit to soldiers at a hospital in Cairo, August 7, 2012. First published at Press TV Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:42AM GMT By Kevin Barrett With Iran’s president demanding 9/11 truth and fighting off Mossad terrorism, and the democratic elements of Turkey’s leadership surviving such false flag terror plots as Sledgehammer and Ergenekon, will Egypt’s President Morsi join in an eventual regional alliance against Zionist-assisted false flag terror? By firing some of Egypt’s leading Mossad-assisted false flag terrorists last…

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