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Questioning the Syria hype on Russia Today

In a recent Russia Today interview I questioned the official Western version of events in Syria. While I don’t doubt that the Syrian government and allied forces are committing atrocities, as would any sovereign government attempting to save itself from a rebellion armed and partly directed from abroad, the bottom line is that when the Syrian opposition chose to start a civil war and ally itself with the Zionist-US-Saudi-NATO criminals, it robbed itself of the moral legitimacy it might have otherwise enjoyed. excerpted from : ‘Orchestrated PR event?’ The timing of the “massacre” reports is of no coincidence, believes…


What is Really Happening in Syria?

Watch this brand-new Press TV interview on Syria Shortly after reports of the Houla massacre – all blaming the Syrian government – started blanketing the corporate media, Press TV asked me for a response.  I replied:  It is so easy for people to rush to judgment in these situations and go with their first impressions based on their prejudices and I think that we have seen a lot of that with the conflict in Syria and we have seen it with other areas as well and in Syria, it is just so hard to know exactly what is going on…