by Kevin Barrett, For decades, Israel has been threatening to blow up the world if it is ever forced to end its apartheid system. Zionists call this plan to murder all of humanity “the Samson Option.” But the world, undeterred, continues to turn … against Zionist apartheid. On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu upped the ante, announcing a new, even worse plot to take revenge on the nations. Termed “the Simpson Option,” Bibi’s plan consists of having the Zionist-dominated media replace current television, movie and internet content with endless re-runs of The Simpsons. “With our control of the…
Introducing…the DUMBPHONE
“What it is, see, is…well, it looks just like a Smartphone, except it’s really, REALLY dumb.” By Kevin Barrett, VT Editor Here at VT we’re always trying to figure out how to make a quick buck… …without selling our souls to the avaricious avatars of ultimate evil. Easier said than done. Some of us have set up little side-businesses. Gordon Duff sells hand-crafted high-grade military weapons. Jim Fetzer invests in 9/11 truth conferences(but hasn’t quite hit the jackpot yet). Jim Dean can get you wholesale discounts on confederate flags. Preston James peddles shards of mystery-metal from the Roswell crash out of the…
FULL ARTICLEDieudonné charged with material support for comedy
Dieudonné is so funny he’s a threat to public safety Paris, FranceDissociated Press France’s most popular comedian, Dieudonné Mbala Mbala, has been arrested and charged with providing material support for comedy. After detaining the French comedian Wednesday at his home in Quenelle-sur-Seine, the French authorities announced that anyone caught laughing at Dieudonné’s performances, whether on youtube, Facebook, twitter, or anywhere else, would also be arrested and charged with providing material support for providing material support for comedy. “And if you think that’s funny, wise guy” added Police Commissioner Jerque Culfoutre, “we’ll arrest you for providing material support for providing material support…
FULL ARTICLEObama’s secret letter to Iran revealed!
US President Barack Obama has been sending secret letters to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khamenei. But the full text of these letters has never before been revealed. But now, in his latest stunning revelation, Edward Snowden has hacked into White House computers and acquired a copy of Obama’s most recent letter to Tehran. In exchange for a fistful of US toilet paper dollars, which nobody in Moscow seems to realize are not worth the paper they’re printed on, Snowden agreed to provide with exclusive access to the letter. In the interest of world peace, intercultural understanding, cute…
FULL ARTICLEObama: “I’m a SOUL Jew!”
According to the Jewish Journal, President Obama says: “I am Jewish in my soul.” They neglected to report the rest of the President’s statement: “…But not in my body – and if you think you’re going to whack off the end of my peepee with one of those rabbinical meat-cleavers, you’ve got another think coming!” But seriously, folks…Imagine what Fox would be if doing Obama had said “I am Muslim in my soul.” Yet a covertly Jew-souled President is OK. How very odd. Naturally, the Presidential coming-out-of-the-closet as a “soul Jew” did not satisfy the neocons, who have been sneaking…
FULL ARTICLEOy vey! Top ten reasons why Israel shouldn’t be training American cops
Martin Hill just sent me an email entitled: “Oy Vey, Officer! Happy Hanukkah from LAPD: Menorah lighting ceremony at LAPD Headquarters.” It seems that all that Israeli “training” (using American taxpayer money) is turning American police officers into Zionists. Is this really a good idea? Do we really need Israeli-militarized American cops driving star-of-David-decorated tanks down our streets, setting up ethnic-ID checkpoints and dropping white phosphorus and cluster bombs on our neighborhoods?Here are the top ten reasons why Israel shouldn’t be brainwashing (I mean, “training”) American cops. 10. Our cops will switch to coffee and bagels, so all the donut…
FULL ARTICLEBusiness opportunity: Jihadi chocolate shops!
Since I founded Torture Renditions Ltd. on Saturday, people have been lining up outside my door asking for more business ideas. So how about…jihadi chocolate shops? This concept is tailor-made for maximum publicity. All you have to do is hang a black jihadi flag over a chocolate shop, take a couple of hostages, and SHAZZAM! The whole world knows about you. Looks like Lindt was absorbed in a “hostile takeover” The black flags with white writing are perfect for dark-chocolate-based confectionary delicacies. Every time I see one of those flags I think of ultra-dark 90%-cocoa chocolate. Edible flags, anyone? I’ll…
FULL ARTICLEWho will rendition the renditioners?
Eric Holder reading my letter Sent to: Attorney General Eric HolderUnited States Department of JusticeWashington, DC Dear Attorney General Holder, As I understand it, your office has determined that so-called extraordinary rendition is perfectly legal. In your view, it is legal, Constitutional, and 100% kosher to kidnap people and transport them to countries where they will be harshly interrogated, tortured, and/or extrajudicially executed. As an American who proudly partakes of our nation’s can-do entrepreneurial spirit, I sense a business opportunity here. But I thought I had better check in with you first to make sure that you have no…
FULL ARTICLEIsrael changes name to Judaic State (JS)
Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that the Zionist entity formerly known as Israel will henceforth be known as Judaic State (JS), and that he has appointed itself as its Caliph. Netanyahu added that he will also assume the titles “Commander of the Zionist Faithful,” “Grand Poobah of all Jews, Freemasons, and Luciferians,” and “Child-Killer-in-Chief.” Netanyahu asserted that Judaic State will continue to use systematic terrorism to carve territory out of the region’s legitimate nations, including Palestine, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon, in service to its ever-expanding Jewish Caliphate. He added that he also hopes to eventually overrun Iraq and…
FULL ARTICLEDear “Jewish Defense League”: Why aren’t I on your death list?
It has come to my attention that you have been issuing death threats against my friends and colleagues, including Press TV’s Canada correspondent Joshua Blakeney and freelance journalist Tom Mysiewicz. I am writing in protest of these threats. Frankly, I am appalled. And what really galls me is: Why did you leave me off the list?! Full story: Also see my Press TV op-ed: Zionist terrorists target journalists with death threats