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Greg Mortenson: Pathological Liar and War Criminal

Speaking of Debbie Menon – one of my favorite alternative journalists – she recently defended war propagandist Greg Mortenson, America’s kinder-and-gentler Joe Goebbels, in an email to Gordon Duff on which I was copied. Mortenson, the zillionaire author of Three Cups of Tea, made his fortune by peddling the Big Lie that Americans are in Afghanistan to educate the benighted Muslim savages and rescue the poor oppressed women from their evil men. Now that Mortenson has been exposed as a pathological liar by 60 Minutes, Debbie (and lots of other brainwashing victims) are having a hard time facing the truth.…


Dr. Javed Jamil on the KB Show today!

Tuesday, March 29th, 11 a.m. Pacific (9-10 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Dr. Javed Jamil is Executive Director of Mahavir Hospital in Saharanpur, India; Executive Chairman, International Centre for Applied Islamics; and Director of the Program for Ethical Academic and Cultural Enterprises (PEACE). He is the author of eight books including The Devil of Economic Fundmentalism, a critique of contemporary economics that presents an alternative paradigm, peace economics. Along with his books on socio-political subjects, Dr. Jamil is a noted poet and novelist. Among the questions I hope to ask him: Has…


Let’s BURN the 9/11 Commission Report on September 11th, 2011

A Muslim brother just emailed me this heartbreaking remark about the Florida Qur’an-burning: Pakistanis slam Qur’an desecration (Muslim Americans Still Silent One Week Later?) But what can we say? As Muslims in post-9/11 America, if we express our real feelings, we will be called “extremists”; and if we insist on our right to defend ourselves, both verbally and physically, against the ongoing 9/11-instigated genocide, we will be labeled “terrorists.”  For just as “driving while black” (DWB) still can get you pulled over, DWI (Defending While Islamic) can get you shipped to Guantanamo. After all, they couldn’t accomplish a genocide against…


A God-Centered Planet

Galileo had his facts right, but the Church had good intentions. Above and beyond arguments over geocentrism vs. heliocentrism, the Church was (ineptly) defending its vision of earth as a God-centered planet. In a sense, earth and all other celestial bodies have always been, and will always be, deocentric. At the “center” of existence is a unified superconsciousness (allahu ahad) that is eternal (allahu samad), not part of any natural chain of causality (lam yalid wa lam yulad) and incomparable to anything in creation (wa lam yakun lahu kufu’an ahad).  (Source: Qur’an, Surat al-Ikhlas.) Science cannot prove the existence of…


They Hate Our Meaning: Explaining the West’s Suicidal Embrace of Islamophobia

“Why don’t we hang ourselves?”  “With what?”  –Waiting for Godot  “The demonstrators filling the streets in Cairo, Tunis, Tripoli, Algiers, Manama, Sana and Tehran give every indication of dreaming dreams not entirely dissimilar from our own. Rather than rejecting modernity, as radical Islamists such as Osama bin Laden have urged, these protesters want a bigger slice of what modernity has to offer. Though not guaranteeing harmonious coexistence, this convergence of aspirations does suggest that a cosmic clash of civilizations is avoidable.”  – Andrew Bacevich Bacevich, a conservative turned critic of American imperial folly, offers instructive insight into the limits of…



Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 2/4/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. ISLAM:THREAT OR MENACE? Is political Islam a threat? Or merely a menace? The debate has raged since 9/11/01…and now it’s raging on Truth Jihad Radio! In light of the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, we’ll discuss the myths and realities of political Islam with “political Islamophile” Dr. Fouzi Slisli, a genuine academic expert, and “political Islamophobe” Dr. Bill Warner, an…er…interesting autodidact. First hour: Professor Fouzi Slisli, expert in political Islam. Fouzi Slisli is an interdisciplinary…


Persecuted Muslim Veteran Zahid Chaudhry

Tuesday, January 11th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Guests: Zahid and Ann Chaudry, victims of Islamophobia and US government persecution. From Rebecca Campbell: Ever since September 11, 2001, the US government has engaged in an unexplained, ruthless persecution of legal US resident Muhammad Zahid Chaudhry and his wife Ann. This decorated disabled US Army veteran, with a sterling record of service both in the military and out, now faces deportation from the US to his native Pakistan in mid-January 2011. If this happens, Zahid, now confined…


Everything You Know Is Wrong: Top Ten 9/11 Truth Re-Thinks

Some people say “9/11 truth ends war.” Others, the impolite ones, say “9/11 truth ends Israel.” But what 9/11 truth really ends – and what really needs to be put out of its misery – is stale, conventional thinking. War, as Gwynn Dyer put it, is just a “lethal custom.” We do it because it’s customary, not because it is a particularly good idea to train young men to be mass murderers, dress them up in uniforms and turn them loose to use ever-more-lethal weapons on their fellow human beings and our shared environment. To end war, we need to…


High School Student Interviews Me on the WTC-7 Mosque

A high school student recently interviewed me on the WTC-7 Mosque: Here are my questions:1. What is the current situation of the mosque? Is it still under construction? I don’t know whether any construction work is going on right now, but as I understand it the space has been used for Friday prayers for several years at least. So it has been a mosque for many years, since long before the controversy arose. According to recent news reports, they are planning construction work, and applying for government funds to help pay for it. So in that sense it is definitely…


Tuesday 10/5 KB Show Guest: Sheikh Yusuf Estes

From Yusuf Estes is very loved by young and old alike. Children and adults of all faiths delight to hear him entertain while presenting the pure message of Islam. They call him the “Funny Sheik”. He was raised in a strong Christian home, educated in Texas and became successful owning music stores, TV shows and used his talents for piano and organ as a music minister while preaching the Bible. He served as Delegate to United Nations Peace Summit for Religious Leaders and U.S. Federal chaplain from 1994 until 2000. His story “Priests & Preachers Enter Islam” is truly…

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