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Chemtrails conference, mind control, Disclosure Project on TJ Radio!

Wed. 8/15/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Post your questions to  my Facebook page. Today we’ll feature some seemingly “wild and crazy” topics that suggest truth may be stranger than fiction! Cynthia McKinney and Roseanne Barr will appear at the Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails event this weekend! First hour guest: John Whyte, organizer of this weekend’s Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails Conference in Los Angeles: “Are Geo-Engineers embarking on a dangerous path in an attempt to control the weather? Will the fears over global warming be used to develop a potentially devastating scenario? What will the implications of spraying the…


Everything You Know Is Wrong: Top Ten 9/11 Truth Re-Thinks

Some people say “9/11 truth ends war.” Others, the impolite ones, say “9/11 truth ends Israel.” But what 9/11 truth really ends – and what really needs to be put out of its misery – is stale, conventional thinking. War, as Gwynn Dyer put it, is just a “lethal custom.” We do it because it’s customary, not because it is a particularly good idea to train young men to be mass murderers, dress them up in uniforms and turn them loose to use ever-more-lethal weapons on their fellow human beings and our shared environment. To end war, we need to…