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Man discovered who still believes in Iraqi WMDs

I couldn’t access this blog while I was in Iran. But I did keep posting articles elsewhere. Here are links to some of my recent work.-Kevin Barrett Man discovered who still believes in Iraqi WMDs In a shocking throwback to an earlier stage of human evolution, a man has been discovered who still believes that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. University of California scientists report that a Berkley man, Lee Kaplan, has tested genetically and ideologically as a species of neanderthalus politicus previously thought to have gone extinct….The atavistic relic of a bygone age was displayed yesterday on…


Allen Roland, Gilad Atzmon on TJ radio today

Mon.  4/15/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Call-in: 218-339-8525 First hour: Ph.D. psychotherapist Allen Roland is a 9/11 truther who heals vets with PTSD. A regular pundit on RT and Press TV (and my colleague at Veterans Today), Allen Roland is widely recognized as one of America’s most perceptive political commentators. Allen is the discoverer of “the unified field” – which bears more than a passing resemblance to the Islamic notion of tawhid or “divine oneness” as viewed by the masters of Sufism. Allen’s latest article: Seniors, Vets Unite – Obama Is Pushing Us Over The Cliff…


“Truth & healing” with Kathleen Rosenblatt; Prof. Lawrence Davidson on Israel “skunking” Palestine

Wed.  4/3/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Call-in: 218-339-8525 Kathleen and fellow truth activist Graham Nash Read my Veterans Today article 9/11 truthers heal veterans with PTSD. First hour: Dr. Kathleen Rosenblatt, co-founder of the first acupuncture clinic in the US – and founder of LA 9/11 Truth – has been focusing on healing PTSD-afflicted veterans through acupuncture and audio-CD-supported meditation. (Listen to a sample CD here.) She has contributed to efforts to bring the real perpetrators of 9/11 to justice via people’s grand juries, and is a member of Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth. Second hour:…


1st hour: Mainstream pundits: Ron Paul can win! 2nd hour: Veterans’ 9/11 uprising continues

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 10/3/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Libertarian 9/11 truth activist Rolf Lindgren on recent admissions from mainstream pundits that Ron Paul can win! Second hour: US Army Major (ret.) Dr. Doug Rokke, former chief of DU cleanup operations in Iraq after Gulf War I, discusses the ongoing veterans’ 9/11 truth uprising, of which Veterans Today is just one example. (Today’s news story that Marines are showing up on Wall Street to join and protect protesters suggests that the US…


Persecuted Muslim Veteran Zahid Chaudhry

Tuesday, January 11th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Guests: Zahid and Ann Chaudry, victims of Islamophobia and US government persecution. From Rebecca Campbell: Ever since September 11, 2001, the US government has engaged in an unexplained, ruthless persecution of legal US resident Muhammad Zahid Chaudhry and his wife Ann. This decorated disabled US Army veteran, with a sterling record of service both in the military and out, now faces deportation from the US to his native Pakistan in mid-January 2011. If this happens, Zahid, now confined…