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Lady Michele Renouf: I Risked 5 Years in Prison—and Won First-Ever Acquittal in German “WWII Heresy” Prosecution

Listen HERE On November 5th German prosecutors and a district court judge in Dresden suddenly ended their 32-month criminal case against Lady Michèle Renouf just days before the trial was to begin. Lady Renouf was charged with “incitement” under the §130 Volksverhetzung law, which has been used for the wholesale imprisonment of German dissidents, including scientists, authors and even the lawyers who defend them. What speech crime was she charged with? Expressing grief, sympathy, and repentance for the crimes her (British) government committed against German civilians during World War II, including the firebombing of Dresden. Lady Renouf’s impromptu remarks during the…


Diana Johnstone’s “Circle in the Darkness”: Reflections on More Than a Half Century of History

Listen HERE Diana Johnstone’s new book Circle in the Darkness: Memoir of a World Watcher is an lucid, courageous, elegantly-written, uncommonly well-informed reflection on post-World War 2 American and European history. The author traces her journey from Vietnam-era antiwar activism in the 1960s to a nearly five-decade-long career as one of America’s best alternative journalists. Unlike most writers associated with the left (and the center and right for that matter) Diana Johnstone is not afraid of pursuing the truth about controversial topics, including political assassinations such as those of Issam Sartawi and Olaf Palme; neoliberal bankster dictatorship and the lies that…


Historian Michael Hoffman Gets Hate Mail from Hitler Supporters

Archived HERE First hour: Michael Hoffman , author of the new book Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People, recently elicited over 600 comments with his Unz Review post mourning the victims of the firebomb holocaust of Dresden. (Read “The People Who Were Burned to Ashes on Ash Wednesday.”) A fair number of comments espoused a pro-Hitler position. The uproar continued as Hoffman received hate mail objecting to his strong disagreements with the neo-Nazi current. In this interview Michael Hoffman explains: “I recognize that there are plenty of decent people who are confused, or have been spoonfed disinformation—and some of my fellow revisionists…


Israeli Knesset Debates Mandatory Auschwitz Tattoos, “Holocaust Gene” Implants

Dissociated Press The Israeli Knesset yesterday delayed voting on the Mandatory Tattoo Bill (KN-6283) requiring that all citizens be tattooed with Nazi concentration camp ID numbers in memory of the Holocaust. The bill also obliges newborn infants to undergo genetic screening to determine whether they carry the Holocaust Trauma Gene—and to submit to Holocaust Gene Implant Therapy (HGIT) if they don’t. Bickering over the bill threatened to derail the budding coalition between Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party and Benny Gantz’s Israeli Resilience Party. Netanyahu supports both mandatory Holocaust tattoos and universal gene therapy. Gantz, for his part, supports the tattoos, but…


Wahhabis in Auschwitz: Senior Saudi Clerics Convert to Holocaustianity

Dissociated Press Acting under orders from Clown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman, a delegation of senior Saudi clerics has traveled to Auschwitz, Poland and officially converted to Holocaustianity. The conversion ceremony featured the clerics kneeling down before a statue of Anne Frank and solemnly uttering the testimony of faith: “There is no god but the Holocaust, and six million Jews died in gas chambers.” After their mass conversion, the clerics proceeded to circumambulate the alleged gas chambers where millions of Jews were supposedly killed with hydrogen cyanide gas—after which, in what can only be a divine miracle, all traces of hydrogen…


Asking Good Questions About Totally Taboo Topics! David Duke & the Holocaust (with Martin Hill and Ian Greenhalgh)

Listen HERE Are there names and topics that should never EVER be brought up, mentioned, or discussed? Let me know and we’ll air them here! First 30 minutes: Martin Hill a.k.a. “Grandpa Groyper” discusses the recent wave of “groyper” sightings at astroturf pseudo-conservative events. Scroll down for Martin’s article; watch him question Matt Walsh about the neocon wars at 52:59 of this video., and watch Nick Fuentes discussing the incident at 1:18 and 1:27 here.  Martin apparently caused a minor scandal by merely mentioning the name of David Duke—saying something like “if Jewish libertarian Murray Rothbard could have a civil…


Palestinian Genocide Has Killed 2.2 Million

For honest reporting on the Palestinian genocide and other issues, watch False Flag Weekly News above with guest host Alan Sabrosky—click HERE for the story links By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor In his article New Evidence Proves Israel Attacked USS Liberty With Orders to Kill 294 Americans (reprinted today at Global Research) Aaron Nelson writes: “Fresh evidence presented in an exclusive Al Jazeera investigation into the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty that killed 34 Americans proves the incident was not a mistake. Since 1967 the ‘official story‘ has been that Israel simply misidentified the American ship as Egyptian for several hours. Israel apologized to the…


John Shuck on his pilgrimage to Karbala; Cat McGuire and Andrew Blair debate the term “holohoax”

Listen HERE First hour: John Shuck is a Presbytarian pastor and KBOO Portland radio host with an exemplary commitment to truth and justice. (Check out his Palm Sunday and Easter sermons.) We discuss his Arbaeen pilgrimage to Karbala, the subject of his new documentary film For Love of Hussain (A.S.)…as well as the subject of my article “Arbaeen: The World’s Biggest Event.” We also discuss the ongoing annihilation of free speech and free thought by the forces of Orwellian censorship—including those that pressured the KBOO board to force John to cancel his planned interview with me. (Negotiations aimed at rescinding…


Andrew Blair: The Holocaust is NOT a hoax!

Archived HERE First twenty minutes: Monologue on the downside of technological progress while attempting  to make contact with scheduled guest Andrew Blair, using a new updated-and-ruined-by-Microsoft version of Skype. Next 35 minutes: Andrew Blair carries forward my recent discussion with Joel Simpson on Holocaust controversies.  Andrew writes: “Though I am still agnostic on much of the history I do have a definite opinion on whether the story of the holocaust should be called a ‘hoax.’ It should not be, because that implies deliberate deception. Nor should it be called a ‘lie’ because that implies intent to deceive. People who believe…


Joel Simpson recommends Thomas Dalton’s “Debating the Holocaust” – but NOT the expression “holohoax”

Listen HERE Joel Simpson, a former professor who now earns his living taking amazing art photographs of earthforms, can afford to be a truly independent thinker. So he’s free to recommend Thomas Dalton’s Debating the Holocaust—a book that even tenured professors are probably better off not endorsing if they want to keep their jobs and collegial relations with their peers. Joel, who is from a Jewish background, agrees with Dalton that the revisionists appear to be winning the scholarly argument. But he disagrees with the use of the term holohoax, which he finds disrespectful, inaccurate, and rhetorically counterproductive. He also…

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