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Jafar Ramini on 75th Anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba—Which He Experienced at Age 5

Listen HERE Jafar Ramini, Palestinian writer and political analyst, joins us from Australia to discuss the recent 75th anniversary of the Nakba—the “Palestinian Holocaust”—which he experienced personally: “Jafar was born in Jenin, Northern Palestine on May 21st, 1943. He was 5 years old when he and his family had to flee the terror of the Zionist militia. He lived in London for 53 years, before emigrating to Perth, West Australia two years ago. Jafar will be 80 years old tomorrow. Justice for the people of Palestine is his life-long commitment.” For more on this issue, check out my new American…


Holocaust in Palestine: 75 Years (with Palestinian refugee Johnny Punish on VT Radio)

VT Radio Al-Nakba  (The Nakba), also known as the Palestinian Catastrophe, was the destruction of Palestinian society and homeland in 1948, and the permanent displacement of a majority of the Palestinian Arabs by Euro Colonists with guns and ideas of Judenstat built on the blood of a people who had ZERO to do with the German Euro-Holocaust.


Bill Gates: “COVID Vaccines Are The Final Solution.” ADL: “That’s Anti-Semitic!”

Dissociated Press The Anti-Defecation League has demanded that Bill Gates apologize for calling COVID vaccines “the Final Solution.” At a press conference in Basel, Switzerland, ADL chief Jonathan Greenbutt read a prepared statement flaying Gates for his insensitivity to  Jewish suffering.  “There is only one Final Solution,” Greenbutt intoned, “and that is the sacred six-million-victim big-H Holocaust. If Bill Gates thinks he can erase the memory of Hitler’s six million Jewish victims by killing six billion people and calling that the Final Solution, he needs to know that he’s shall I put it…anti-Semitic.” Greenbutt explained that the ADL owns the…


Alan Sabrosky and Cat McGuire on “Unsettled History: The Useful Abuse of the Holocaust”

Listen HERE This is the second hour of the Dec. 23 live show. The discussion frequently refers to the first hour with Daniel Pinchbeck. Alan Sabrosky and editorial associate Cat McGuire discuss their new essay “Unsettled History: The Useful Abuse of the Holocaust.” It begins with a meditation on Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement that Facebook would no longer permit “misinformation about settled historical events,” and goes on to question just how “settled” historical events can ever be, with the Holocaust being a case in point. Alan Ned Sabrosky (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a writer and consultant specializing in national and international security…


LIVE RADIO! Daniel Pinchbeck on “Jewish Identity, Anti-Semitism, and Tikkun Olam”; Alan Sabrosky and Cat McGuire on “Unsettled History: The Useful Abuse of the Holocaust”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Daniel Pinchbeck and Alan Sabrosky are important public intellectuals who have distinguished themselves tackling controversial topics with integrity and insight. Coincidentally, both just published articles on issues related to Jewish identity politics. (They are both ethnically Jewish but don’t practice Judaism, and are generally non-tribal in political orientation, with Daniel leaning left and Alan leaning right.) First hour: Daniel Pinchbeck discusses his new article “Jewish Identity, Anti-Semitism, and Tikkun Olam: The Beginning of an Inquiry.” It begins: “I don’t know why, exactly, I feel this desire — this responsibility…


Alfred and Monika Schaefer Reflect on Imprisonment for Exercising Free Speech

There is no live radio show tonight due to Revolution Radio taking a Thanksgiving holiday Video link What’s it like to be imprisoned for speaking one’s mind? Let’s ask Alfred and Monika Schaefer! Alfred Schaefer was released from a German prison last July 1st. He had been imprisoned since 2018 for “Holocaust denial” and “incitement to hatred.” Alfred’s sister Monika Schaefer was also convicted alongside Alfred and spent most of 2018 in a German prison. The Canadian siblings were prosecuted after various Judeo-fascist organizations complained about their June 2016 video “Sorry Mom I Was Wrong About the Holocaust” which quickly…


Bruce Leichty on Holocaust Conference Arrest Lawsuit

Listen HERE Mennonite attorney Bruce Leichty discusses the brief he filed in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals last month, asserting that federal judge John W. Broomes committed numerous errors when he granted summary judgment to Bethel College, and prevented him from taking his case to a jury. Leichty was arrested in 2019 for participating in a holocaust conference at Bethel College in Kansas for which he had paid and registered. His crime? Handing out fliers until he was asked not to, then participating in Q&A and posing questions that made people uncomfortable. Since when was it illegal to ask questions?…


LIVE RADIO: Mr. Rho on Crypto Crash, Ellen Brown on Backyard Food Shortage Solution, Bruce Leichty on Holocaust Conference Arrest Lawsuit

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First 35 minutes: Mr. Rho discusses the crypto implosion and related topics. Final 15 minutes: Ellen Brown, author of Web of Debt and other books, recently published “The Food Shortage Solution in Your Own Backyard.” It describes Russia’s vast superiority over the US in residential land use: “…in the United States there are 40 million acres of lawn. Lawns are the most destructive monoculture on the planet, absorbing more resources and pesticides than any other crop, without providing any yield…(whereas) Russian families have shown the possibilities, using permaculture methods on simple cottage…


Germar Rudolf: “Free Speech in Russia Could Have Stopped the War”

Listen HERE Germar Rudolf, chemist, publisher, and free speech hero, recently published “Give Me Freedom of Speech or the World Will End.” It’s a preface to his book “The Day Amazon Murdered Free Speech.“ I emailed Germar to congratulate him: “As far as I can tell, you’re the first Ukraine supporter who’s written anything original or thoughtful on the war.” He pushes back against those of us who have been dissing the UkroNazis:: “Ever since the end of the Second World War, the term ‘Nazi’ has been used by every regime on the face of the earth to de-humanize individuals…


“Don’t Know Much About the Holocaust”

ADL: Sam Cooke Classic Is Anti-Semitic! Dissociated Press The Anti-Defecation League (ADL) has issued a press release slamming Sam Cooke’s classic “Wonderful World” and demanding the song be canceled. According to ADL president Jonathan Greenbutt, the line “don’t know much about history” is unacceptable. “Every American needs to know everything we tell them about the most important thing that ever happened in history—the Holocaust,” Greenbutt explained at a press conference. “That’s why we’re forcing it into every preschool curriculum in the nation and putting up Holocaust museums in every city, town, village, and hamlet.” Greenbutt insisted that “not knowing much…

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