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“Don’t Know Much About the Holocaust”

ADL: Sam Cooke Classic Is Anti-Semitic! Dissociated Press The Anti-Defecation League (ADL) has issued a press release slamming Sam Cooke’s classic “Wonderful World” and demanding the song be canceled. According to ADL president Jonathan Greenbutt, the line “don’t know much about history” is unacceptable. “Every American needs to know everything we tell them about the most important thing that ever happened in history—the Holocaust,” Greenbutt explained at a press conference. “That’s why we’re forcing it into every preschool curriculum in the nation and putting up Holocaust museums in every city, town, village, and hamlet.” Greenbutt insisted that “not knowing much…


Alan Sabrosky Discusses Internet Censorship—and Announces His Retirement (from Doing Interviews Like This)

Listen HERE Dr. Alan Sabrosky USMC, “most censored man in America,” former head of Strategic Studies, US Army War College, returns to Truth Jihad Radio with politically incorrect takes a long list of issues, starting with 9/11—the topic that brought him to my radio show in 2010 to debut his “Israel did it” interpretation of the mother of all false flags. Dr. Sabrosky is not happy about the current state of the Union. “It’s like being the navigator on the Titanic…(today’s America is) somewhere between a sewer and a train wreck. And the thing that’s bothered me most is that…


Edward Curtin on “The Satanic Nature of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki”

Listen HERE Edward Curtin’s classic article “The Satanic Nature of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki” is worth re-reading as we commemorate the holocausts perpetrated August 6 and August 9, 1945. The fact that the people running the American empire are purely and simply evil—the term “psychopathic” isn’t strong enough—was illustrated by the completely unnecessary atomic bombings of Japanese civilians, which, contrary to public myth, did not cause Japan to surrender or save any lives. It was nothing more nor less than a message to the Russians. What a way to send a message. Educated in the classics, philosophy,…


Ken Meyercord INSISTS on talking about the Holocaust

Listen HERE Ken Meyercord—like fellow Truth Jihad Radio regular Randy Short—seems to be running for the office of “most dangerous man in DC.”  Ken’s cable access TV show (check out the Holocaust episode) has focused on the same kinds of topics we cover here. And when he isn’t butchering sacred cows on Washington DC-area cable TV, Ken may be found at think tank seminars, speeches, book-signings and similar events raising the hard questions and making the denizens of our nation’s capital uncomfortable. I recently invited Ken back on the radio to discuss his views on the likely US military origin…


LIVE RADIO: Ken Meyercord INSISTS on talking about the Holocaust; Cat McGuire on Cyber Polygon: Cyber attack “drill goes live in July?”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Ken Meyercord—like fellow Truth Jihad Radio regular Randy Short—seems to be running for the office of “most dangerous man in DC.”  Ken’s cable access TV show (check out the Holocaust episode) has focused on the same kinds of topics we cover here. And when he isn’t butchering sacred cows on Washington DC-area cable TV, Ken may be found at think tank seminars, speeches, book-signings and similar events raising the hard questions and making the denizens of our nation’s capital uncomfortable. I recently invited Ken back on the…


Gideon Polya on new book Deadly Deception Exposed

Listen HERE Holocaust/genocide expert Gideon Polya discusses his review of The most dangerous book ever published: deadly deception exposed. Gideon, one of the seven authors who contributed essays to the book, emailed me: “I agree with the common theme of all the authors that the endlessly greedy, thieving, lying  and racist neoliberal Establishment will seek to exploit any situation, including the Covid-19 Pandemic for private advantage …”  But he doesn’t see eye to eye with the contributors who downplay or even deny the reality of COVID-19.


David Rovics on Cancel Culture, Deplatforming, Social Media Dystopia…and Solutions

Audio HERE, video version above Activist singer-songwriter David Rovics recently got hounded by a Twitter mob for supposedly “Platforming Fascists.”  His crime? Talking to ex-white-nationalist Matthew Heimbach on his YouTube channel. But wait! What’s wrong with having conversations with people whose views we don’t entirely agree with—or maybe even strongly oppose? How can we even oppose them if we don’t listen to them first, so we know what we’re opposing?  This video may trigger the same mob of narrow-minded folks who want to censor and silence other viewpoints. (Imagine their chagrin listening to me explaining to David why I have become…


Lady Michele Renouf: I Risked 5 Years in Prison—and Won First-Ever Acquittal in German “WWII Heresy” Prosecution

Listen HERE On November 5th German prosecutors and a district court judge in Dresden suddenly ended their 32-month criminal case against Lady Michèle Renouf just days before the trial was to begin. Lady Renouf was charged with “incitement” under the §130 Volksverhetzung law, which has been used for the wholesale imprisonment of German dissidents, including scientists, authors and even the lawyers who defend them. What speech crime was she charged with? Expressing grief, sympathy, and repentance for the crimes her (British) government committed against German civilians during World War II, including the firebombing of Dresden. Lady Renouf’s impromptu remarks during the…


Diana Johnstone’s “Circle in the Darkness”: Reflections on More Than a Half Century of History

Listen HERE Diana Johnstone’s new book Circle in the Darkness: Memoir of a World Watcher is an lucid, courageous, elegantly-written, uncommonly well-informed reflection on post-World War 2 American and European history. The author traces her journey from Vietnam-era antiwar activism in the 1960s to a nearly five-decade-long career as one of America’s best alternative journalists. Unlike most writers associated with the left (and the center and right for that matter) Diana Johnstone is not afraid of pursuing the truth about controversial topics, including political assassinations such as those of Issam Sartawi and Olaf Palme; neoliberal bankster dictatorship and the lies that…


Historian Michael Hoffman Gets Hate Mail from Hitler Supporters

Archived HERE First hour: Michael Hoffman , author of the new book Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People, recently elicited over 600 comments with his Unz Review post mourning the victims of the firebomb holocaust of Dresden. (Read “The People Who Were Burned to Ashes on Ash Wednesday.”) A fair number of comments espoused a pro-Hitler position. The uproar continued as Hoffman received hate mail objecting to his strong disagreements with the neo-Nazi current. In this interview Michael Hoffman explains: “I recognize that there are plenty of decent people who are confused, or have been spoonfed disinformation—and some of my fellow revisionists…

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