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Live Radio! Bruce Baird on Israeli Nukes, Laurent Guyénot on “The Conspiracy Against Michael Jackson”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Dr. Bruce Baird discusses Israel and its nuclear weapons, including allegations by Joe Vialls and others that the Zionists have used several low-yield low-radiation nukes in various false flags and deniable attacks beginning as early as the 1980s. Second hour: Laurent Guyénot, author of From Yahweh to Zion, discusses  his new article “The Conspiracy Against Michael Jackson.”


Massacre of the Innocents: CDC Inflicts Biowar Vax on Children

Full uncensored version posted above by noon Central time Saturdays 0) Help FFWN spread the word and save the children End of History? 1) British Defense Minister Flies to DC for Briefing on False Flag to Launch Nuclear War 2) If a Nuke Is Dropped on Your City (MSM prepping us for doomsday) 3) Best Place to Survive Nuclear War in the U.S. 4) Francis Fukuyama Doubles Down on His Idiotic “End of History” Thesis War on Eurasia 5) Biden’s Tech-War Goes Nuclear 6) Battle for Kherson (to be updated) 7) A war Russia is…


FFWN: BREAKING! World War III Hasn’t QUITE Happened Yet

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived This week’s guest commentator: J. Michael Springmann PSA 1) Help FFWN Stave off World War III, I Mean Bankruptcy, for at Least One More Week SMO Ends, War Begins? 2) Russia to begin partial mobilization – Putin 3) “This Is Not a Bluff”: Putin Ready to Use Nukes to Defend Russia 4) Text of Putin’s Mobilization Speech 5) “Russia drafts anti-war protesters into military” shrieks CNN 6) Brainwashed for War With Russia (Ray McGovern) 7) Russia will…


Ukraine: The New 9/11 (with E. Michael Jones)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above.  We are NOT broadcasting on my YouTube channel  this week due to censorship. PSAs 1) Help Destroy “Mad Brute” MSM, Support FFWN! 2) 2 Days Away! 9/11CON: The Pentagon – Saturday March 19 | 4 Researchers – 4 Theories 3) RIP, William Hurt. Thank you for speaking the truth about 9/11 Ukraine: The New 9/11 4) Zelensky invokes 9/11 in pressing Congress for help  5) Putin’s name removed from 9/11 memorial  Happy Purim! 6) In Zelenskyy’s Mordechai-like Purim plea, Biden is…


Gordon Duff on Lebanese protestors shot by snipers for exposing Israeli nuking of Beirut

Listen HERE Ex-intel-insider Gordon Duff of Veterans Today has garnered almost half a million reads for “The Beirut Nuclear Coverup as Protests Break Out, Oct. 2021 Over Lies.” And that’s just in English. His analysis of the Beirut blast has reached tens of millions in Arabic and Farsi. Duff writes: “The people of Lebanon were victimized, not once by a nuclear attack by Israel but by their own leaders and corrupt press.  They still aren’t taking it. Gunfire broke out in Beirut when snipers under the control of Saudi Arabia, using paid contractors trained by the US, attacked a Hezbollah led…


Edward Curtin on “The Satanic Nature of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki”

Listen HERE Edward Curtin’s classic article “The Satanic Nature of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki” is worth re-reading as we commemorate the holocausts perpetrated August 6 and August 9, 1945. The fact that the people running the American empire are purely and simply evil—the term “psychopathic” isn’t strong enough—was illustrated by the completely unnecessary atomic bombings of Japanese civilians, which, contrary to public myth, did not cause Japan to surrender or save any lives. It was nothing more nor less than a message to the Russians. What a way to send a message. Educated in the classics, philosophy,…


Iran’s enriched uranium an economic—not military—threat?

Why all the hysteria over Iran’s nuclear program, when Iran has shown little interest in researching nuclear weapons, no interest in building them, and is under legally-enforced fatwas from the founder and the current Supreme Leader to never possess WMD? Is the real problem that the makers of fuel for nuclear power plants fear Iranian competition?


Gordon Duff Says Israel Nuked Beirut

Listen HERE Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, has been on a roll lately with such articles as “After-Report on the Nuclear Attack on Beirut,” “Breathtaking: Case Closed, Infrared Video Reveals Details of Israeli Nuclear Missile,” “Israel Hits Beirut with Nuclear Missile, Trump and Lebanese Govt. Confirm,” and “Did the Missile/Fertilizer/Fireworks Explosion Miss the ‘Warehouse?- New Impact Photos.” And how does the nuking of Beirut relate to “Trump’s Secret War Plan for the South China Sea“? Tune in and find out.


FFWN: Who Nuked Beirut?

Broadcasts live 30 minutes earlier than usual this Saturday, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Eastern, on  With State Dept. whistleblower J. Michael Springmann, author of Visas for al-Qaeda PSAs 1) Help FFWN Ask “Who Nuked Beirut?” 2) Webinar August 8: Could the 2020 Election Be Stolen? 3) How to Inoculate Your Team Against Conspiracy Theories (Harvard Business Review) Beirut 4) Beirut (mini-nuke?) explosion: footage shows massive blast shaking Lebanon’s capital 5) Israel destroys East Beirut with a new weapon 6) “This is not just ammonium nitrate,” former CIA operative says of explosion 7) Trump says US generals tell him Beirut blast ‘bomb…

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