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I just made front page headlines in Israel

Israel’s biggest newspaper is outraged by my Press TV story Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday.   (Click here for the English version of the YNet article.) The newspaper YNet isn’t outraged that Israeli kids are dressing up as the burning Twin Towers to celebration Purim, a joyous occasion commemorating Jews’ tricking an empire into slaughtering 75,000 “enemies of the Jewish people.” YNet isn’t outraged that Benjamin Netanyahu’s first reaction to 9/11 was: “It’s very good.” YNet isn’t outraged that Netanyahu kept right on crowing about how wonderful 9/11 was, and was still saying it seven years later.…


Wayne Madsen: 9/11 author Philip Marshall “suicided” by black ops team

Tuesday, Feb 19th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Former National Security Agency officer Wayne Madsen of Wayne Madsen writes: February 15-17, 2013 — Sacramento, CA — Philip Marshall: A black ops hit made to appear as a suicide   Philip Marshall, the retired United Airlines pilot, 9/11 analysis author, and one-time Iran-contra era associate of CIA/DEA informant Barry Seal, did not shoot his two teen-age children and himself. That is the conclusion of everyone who knew Marshall after he moved to the Sierra Nevadas community of Murphys…


Will the War on Islam end in 2013?

  Public opinion polls show that the vast majority of the world’s Muslims know that the “War on Terror” is a barely-disguised War on Islam. And it isn’t just Muslims who understand this. So do all serious Western strategic thinkers. One of the few who is willing to say it openly is James Schall, Professor of Government at Georgetown University and Hoover Institute strategist: “I always thought it was a mistake not to say what Iraq really was, that is, a war against an expanding Islam.” But today – eleven and one-half years after the controlled demolition of the World…


Petras, Fetzer & Tarpley on USA coup d’état scandal

Mon.  11/26/12, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Is the USA on the brink of a coup d’état? Is there a plot to “decapitate” the government? Are the neocons scheming for another, bigger 9/11? Has Obama signed an “insider threat” memorandum aimed at heading off his own assassination? And is all this related to the various heads that have been rolling, including that of Petraeus? My guests today, Webster Tarpley and James Petras, have recently published provocative articles probing the depths of the deep state! (Note: Originally Tarpley was supposed to go on first, but in a last-minute…


John Hankey on neocon coup attempt, Dane Wiggington on Rothschilds buying up the weather

Mon.  11/19/12, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Does the Rothschild “eight families” banking cabal sponsor a satanic cult of human sacrifice? Is the Rothschild-bankster satan-cult the hidden hand behind the neocon geostrategists who dreamed up our “war on terror” nightmare? And are these people working on yet another coup d’etat? Are the Israelis who staged the islamophobic film, the Benghazi false-flag op, and the honey-traps that have brought down Petraeus and others setting up another 9/11-type incident to preserve their crumbling “war on terror” narrative? Edward Luttwak, who alongside Wolfowitz ranks as the top neocon strategist, wrote…


My latest Press TV interview: 9/11 coup d’etat triggered pre-planned War on Islam

I had a busy weekend on Press TV.    First, yesterday’s interview: War against Muslims started even before 9/11 (watch the video) Reports about a Virginia military course that taught officers to prepare for a total war on Islam indicate the US right wing agenda even before 9/11, an analyst tells Press TV. Press TV has interviewed Dr. Kevin Barrett, author of ‘Questioning the War on Terror’ about the orchestrated campaign against Islam since September 11th, 2001. What follows is an approximate transcript of the interview. Press TV: The Virginia (military) course that was mentioned there in our report has…


Two-hour special with Webster Tarpley: “46 Drills of 9/11”

Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 8/24/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. My guest for both hours will be Webster Tarpley, author of the brand-new “46 Drills of 9/11.” Webster Tarpley is the author of 9/11: Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, which uses 9/11 as the springboard to a comprehensive theory of false-flag terrorism. (He has also written several other critically-important books.) From 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA by Webster Tarpley THE 46 DRILLS, OPERATIONS, WAR GAMES, AND ACTIVITIES OF 9/11 PRE-9/11 PREPARATION AND DEVELOPMENT Drill…


Dick Cheney: Russian apartment bombings inside job “complete nonsense”

Pot Calls Kettle White Cheney, Putin shoot down “conspiracy theories” Sundance, WyomingAppropriated Press  At a hastily-convened press conference outside his home today, former Vice President Dick Cheney absolved Vladimir Putin and the Russian state security services of responsibility for the 1999 apartment bombings that brought Putin to power and launched the Russian invasion of Chechnya. Responding to Putin’s statement that 9/11 inside job theories are “complete nonsense,” Dick Cheney thanked Putin for his support and added, “Vlad didn’t do those apartment bombings either, no matter what the conspiracy theorists say. That’s complete nonsense. State security services and their professional-assassin contractors just…

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