The Palestinian Resistance movement Hamas has elected Ismail Haniyeh as its leader for a second term. The 59 year-old politician has led Hamas since 2017.
FULL ARTICLETag: zionism
Conversation with Rasheed Muhammad Pt. 2: Neocon-Zionist Role in 9/11
Listen HERE What roles did neoconservatism (the Straussian atheistic political philosophy of the Big Lie) and Zionism (the messianic-millennarian project dedicated to creating and maintaining a Jewish state in Palestine) play in 9/11? Why are there double-standards governing what can and can’t be said about Jews on the one hand, and Muslims on the other? How has the sacred story of the Holocaust been used to legitimize the genocide of Palestine? Do those who dish out preposterous lies to the masses, as taught by Leo Strauss, actually believe their own BS—or are they secretly enjoying duper’s delight? These are some…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: “This madness mustn’t be tolerated!”
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch above or on my YouTube channel (where we may or may not get censored) PSAs 1) Help FFWN expose 9ELEVEN 2) Urge Congress to rebuke Ilhan Omar for comparing self-defense group Hamas with genocidal “Israel” Zionist Entity 3) In Tel Aviv, a dance party celebrates the exit of the ‘crime minister.’ 4) Israeli to Build Major Listening Post in Guise of “Smart City” on Azeri-Iran Border War on Iran (elections there happening now) 5) ‘This madness mustn’t be tolerated’ Tehran says after ex-Mossad chief implies Israel played…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Middle East Mayhem = War on God (with Presbyterian minister John Shuck)
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays —watch live above (no longer broadcasting on censorship-infested YouTube) PSAs 1) Help FFWN Wave the Flag of Truth! 2) John Shuck’s Letter on Free Speech Published in Billings Gazette War on God 3) Save Islamic heritage from Saudi bulldozers! John Shuck in Baqee Conference later today 4) Today Most Jews Worship Holocaust Not God -Jewish Daily Forward 5) Israeli Demons Cheer Arson Fire at Al-Aqsa Mosque Middle East Mayhem 6) Netanyahu warns against ‘lynchings’ as clashes between Arabs and Jews rock Israeli cities 7) ‘Civil War Has…
FULL ARTICLEChuck Baldwin on COVID/Antichrist/Zionism—and the Great Spiritual Reset
Listen HERE First half hour: Pastor Chuck Baldwin, one of America’s notable voices of truth, is doing God’s work as an essayist and broadcaster as well as from the pulpit. In this interview he critiques the increasingly totalitarian social media censorship, links the manufactured COVID crisis to the system of Antichrist, discusses the role of Zionism, and advocates countering the WEF’s “Great Reset” with the Great Spiritual Reset. The remainder of the show includes my khutbah (Islamic sermon) on Quds Day, a.k.a. Palestine liberation day, the last Friday of Ramadan, which falls on Friday May 7 this year. (Watch the…
FULL ARTICLENatanz Sabotage: The War of Aggression on the Wrong Side of History
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, for ICTD The Zionist entity has taken credit, and Iran’s government has agreed and blamed them, so we can be reasonably sure that Netanyahu’s team of gangsters was behind it. The Zionists have all but declared themselves Iran’s eternal arch-enemy, and have been attacking Iranian shipping and bombing Iran-friendly forces in Syria and Iraq, so this is just an escalation of the Israeli war of aggression against Iran. The Zionists are terrified by Iran’s success as an independent regional power dedicated to helping the Palestinians liberate the holy land. They understand that Zionism is…
FULL ARTICLEKushner Nominated for Peace Prize—Nobel’s Corpse Detonates Posthumous Suicide Bomb
Dissociated Press Residents of Norra Begravningsplatsen, Solna, Sweden were awakened this morning to a tremendous explosion. Many assumed there had been an accident with a gas main, while others feared a terrorist attack. The latter group’s apprehensions proved well-founded. The explosion, which destroyed much of the Norra Begravningsplatsen cemetery, turned out to be the world’s first posthumous suicide bombing: Alfred Nobel’s corpse had protested Jared Kushner’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize by rolling over in its grave and blowing itself to bits. Titti Skitqvisst, president of the Nobel Endowment and great-grand-niece of the celebrated inventor, explained: “When my ancestors buried Alfred…
FULL ARTICLEElias Davidsson: I Sued a Zionist Wikipedia Editor for Slander—and Won!
Listen HERE Researcher and author Elias Davidsson has shown that there is no evidence any Muslims hijacked planes on 9/11. (See his book Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11, reviewed here, as well as the new America’s Betrayal Confirmed.) He also exposed “India’s 9/11” – the 26/11/2008 attacks on Mumbai—in his book The Betrayal of India: Revisiting the 26/11 Evidence. Such efforts apparently ruffled certain people’s feathers. Elias Davidsson wrote me: “The district court at the German city of Koblenz ruled on Thursday, 14 January 2021 in the case Davidsson vs. Gruenewald, that Gruenewald, a convert to Judaism who acted within…
FULL ARTICLEDonald Trump: Another False Messiah?
Trump, Self-Styled “King of Israel,” Has Failed to Save America from Democrats and Pedophiles…Will His Cult Followers Keep Making Excuses? By Kevin Barrett In the year 1666 the whole Jewish world went crazy. A manic-depressive madman named Sabbatai Zevi, aided by his loquacious PR flack, Nathan of Gaza, had declared himself the Messiah. History hadn’t been kind to the Jews. Their self-image as God’s chosen, destined to rule over the goyim cattle, clashed with messy reality. Persecuted here, expelled there, despised everywhere, Jews felt themselves a nation in decline. Many were ready to follow a mad messiah who promised to…
FULL ARTICLEZafar Bangash on Western Governments’ Hypocrisy & the Post-Trump World
Listen HERE Islamic movement leader and journalist Zafar Bangash says the crimes of the US and Israel, and the obscene level of hyprocrisy around them, won’t magically end when Trump leaves office: “The Western ruling elite and their enabling media use selective information. They deliberately distort information. They deliberately highlight certain things and even if they are totally false, they continue to repeat them again and again so that they are drummed into people’s minds, and people are made to believe that that has to be the truth. “The United States…has attacked many countries, going back to the Korean War,…