“Are you talking about ME?” When it’s time to shop for a pet, don’t just open the Pet Yellow Pages and start with the “A’s.” If you do, you may find yourself saddled with an aardvark. Read the full story: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/12/16/aardvarks/comment-page-1/#comment-517378
Obama surrenders to Bibi & Bachmann, will bomb Iran
President Obama has announced that due to the interminable whining, nagging, and complaining from Israeli PM Netanyahu and US Congress clown Michele Bachmann, he has decided to go ahead and bomb Iran with them – despite the P5+1 nuclear agreement. Read the full article: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/11/29/bomb-arak/
FULL ARTICLETwo new Syria pieces go viral!
We have one week to stop this madness. My latest Press TV piece features a “headline from hell” – I wish it were satire from The Onion! Obama postpones World War III till next week Also check out the new interview: Israel main beneficiary of US attack on Syria
FULL ARTICLEPsychology professor demonstrates: “Conspiracy theorists” OK; government dupes clueless, humorless
Coast to Coast Radio just canceled its plans to broadcast a show tonight on my widely-read Press TV article on research suggesting that “conspiracy theorists” are saner than government dupes. They replaced it with “whales and dolphins in captivity.” Full story: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/07/27/c2c-conspiracy/
FULL ARTICLEHezbollah gets “terrorist” label for fighting al-Qaeda
Will al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri be America’s next Homeland Security chief? “Kerry argued that Hezbollah is indeed a terrorist organization because it ‘has deepened its support’ for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. What Kerry didn’t say is that Assad is fighting an insurgency led by al-Qaeda. “Translation: John Kerry supports al-Qaeda. He even says that anyone who opposes al-Qaeda is a terrorist. “This comes after Republican leader John McCain sneaked across the Syrian border to join al-Qaeda a little over a month ago. “In today’s USA, al-Qaeda apparently enjoys bipartisan support…” Read the full article: http://presstv.com/detail/2013/07/23/315187/hezbollah-vilified-for-fighting-alqaeda/
FULL ARTICLEFive good reasons not to nuke Washington, DC
Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Kim Jong-un’s Nuclear Threats By Kevin Barrett, TruthJihad.com When I heard that North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un was threatening to nuke Washington, DC, and “engulf the nation’s capital in a sea of flames,” my first thought was: “At last, a politician with a plan that could actually solve our nation’s most pressing problems.” The thought of Inside-the-Beltway Washington going up in flames brought joy to my heart. The politicians – incinerated! The lobbyists – carbonized! The Supreme Court – cremated! The Pentagon – a five-sided crème brûlée! AIPAC – reduced…
FULL ARTICLEI LOVE Big Brother – so don’t bother torturing me!
“The concept of the ‘living will’ could also be applied to the issue of torture. Just as you might wake up some day as a human vegetable – who knows, bad things do happen to good people – you might likewise wake up some day strapped to a gurney in a cage in Guantanamo with spark plug wires hooked to your testicles. If that happened, wouldn’t it be great if you could say: ‘Don’t bother torturing me, I’ve already signed a document giving you everything you could possibly need!’” Full story: http://truthjihad.com/news/?p=363
FULL ARTICLEIt’s hard to write satire these days
How can you write satire, when “mainstream consensus reality” is already a dark parody of itself? Marx’s remark that history repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce, applies in spades to the Project for a New American Century (PNAC). PNAC’s “new Pearl Harbor” on 9/11 was tragic. Today, its “more wars for Israel” cheerleading is farcical. For details, see my new article: 9/11 PNAC perps still whining for US to fight Israel’s wars So there’s just no way that a satirist can keep up with the absurdity of reality. But somebody’s got to try:President Morsi should apologize – to…
FULL ARTICLEConspiracy Theories: A Modest Proposal
by Sass Cuntstein, Information Czar and Cuntstitutional Scholar Extraordinaire In my previous article “Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures,” I argued that conspiracy theories – especially the ones that are true – pose a growing threat to Western civilization in general, and to people like me in particular. I pointed out that since 9/11, a veritable tsunami of conspiracy theories has been racing toward the American shore, threatening to wash away everything we have accomplished. Clearly, something must be done… (READ THE FULL ARTICLE)
FULL ARTICLEJust what the world needs – another social network!
Have you heard about the new social network – like Facebook, only with very short messages (for the people with REALLY short attention spans)? It’s called Farter. People send out very brief messages called “farts.” The recipients “sniff” the “farts.” So each message racks up a certain number of “sniffs.” Instead of just “liking” or ignoring a “fart,” the “sniffer” rates it as “sweet,” “odorless,” “”mild,” “pungent,” “stinky,” “grab a gas mask,” or “run for your lives.” Adjustable fart-filters allow users to filter out farts that exceed a designated level of odoriferousness. Farter users pride themselves on the gaseous,…