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Ahmadinejad plugs Truth Jihad

The lackeys of Zio-American imperialism may be reading Lolita in Tehran…but President Ahmadinejad has better taste. He’s engrossed in Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie by Kevin Barrett, the world’s most notorious Muslim 9/11 truth author and radio host. “When I called 9/11 a big lie, I got the idea from Dr. Barrett,” the Iranian president explained. “This hilarious book rips the pants off the 9/11 conspiracy and exposes its private parts to the whole world. And besides, it is good practicing for my English.” A spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Culture quickly interrupted and…


Osama endorses Obama’s “kill Americans” plan: “Waste ’em all and let God sort ’em out!”

February 5th 2010Undisclosed location northeast of western South Waziristan (AP) Supporters of President Obama were shocked and dismayed yesterday by a Washington Post report that the President has embraced Bush’s policy of killing US citizens allegedly involved in terrorist actions abroad. But it now appears that Obama has received enthusiastic support from an unexpected source: Osama Bin Laden himself. In a new audiotape delivered by bearded courier to, the reclusive al-Qaeda leader is heard enthusiastically endorsing Obama’s “kill Americans” policy. Here is a translation of Bin Laden’s statement. In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. All praise…


Ask a former Islamic terrorist

During my recent debate with evangelical Islamophobe Walid Shoebat (listen here)  I noticed that he responds to all questions with pretty much the same set of stock answers. When asked about the Illuminati, the differences between the different monotheistic scriptures, or the definition of terrorism in general, Shoebat’s answer was always the same: “Blah blah blah Islamic terrorism.” Since Shoebat and his handlers are making so much money off this schtick, they might as well start an advice column. (Apologies to the Onion.) Ask a Former Islamic TerroristA new advice column I’m ghostwriting for Walid Shoebat Dear Former Islamic Terrorist,I…

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