FFWN: They Hate Our Freedom – But Which “They”? (with Cat McGuire)

Watch above Friday after 4pm Eastern. Guest this week: Cat McGuire PSA 1) Help FFWN expose the freedom-haters! https://fundrazr.com/ffwn-bibi-bans-river2sea They Hate Our Freedom 2) ‘We Own This Country’: Mark Levin Says Pro-Palestine Protesters Should be ‘Rounded Up and Deported’ https://www.renegadetribune.com/we-own-this-country-mark-levin-says-pro-palestine-protesters-should-be-rounded-up-and-deported/ 3) House Passes “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act” – Reign of Antichrist Begins https://x.com/AFpost/status/1785790063902908893 https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=64428 4) Rep. Thomas Massie Warns Congress is Trying to Pass Hate Speech Laws to Outlaw Criticism of Israel https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=64420 5) ADL Urged Congress to Pass FISA Law Spying on Americans to ‘Protect Israel’ https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=64419 6) Bipartisan Legislation Would Let the Government Create Speech-Chilling ‘Antisemitism Monitors’ https://reason.com/2024/04/29/bipartisan-legislation-would-let-the-government-create-speech-chilling-antisemitism-monitors/ 7) $3.5…


Netanyahu Says Trying, Convicting, and Executing Him Would Be “An Anti-Semitic Hate Crime”

Dissociated Press It would be an “unprecedented antisemitic hate crime” for the International Criminal Court to issue a warrant for his arrest, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday. It would be “even more anti-Semitic and hateful”  if he were actually arrested, extradited, and convicted of genocide, he added. “But the most horrifically anti-Semitic act of all,” Netanyahu somberly intoned, “would be for me to be executed. Executing me for the crime of genocide would be the equivalent of spray-painting a swastika on a synagogue wall, or doubting the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz. It would be like…


False Flag Weekly News will return shortly…

Rumble link Bitchute link Greetings False Flag Weekly News fans, I didn’t schedule FFWN today because I expected to be traveling to Iran for a conference honoring the late, great Nader Talebzadeh. Unfortunately my visa didn’t come through in time. So here I am, stuck at home, with no FFWN to broadcast! And you with no FFWN to watch! If you need a dose of acerbic commentary, check out last night’s Press TV episode above (transcript HERE). And here is an even more acerbic satire on the same topic. And to help FFWN return next week, here is the Fundrazr link:…


LIVE RADIO! “Better Anarchist” David Rovics on History of Resistance; Ron Unz on Israeli Assassinations & COVID Origins

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at KevinBarrett.Substack.com First hour: Singer-songwriter David Rovics is one of the few American public figures with the guts to just flat-out support the Palestinian Resistance. (Like you should.) He’s also the author of classic songs including “I’m a Better Anarchist than You” which he discusses in a terrific new essay. David is also working on a musical history of resistance. As the student anti-genocide movement explodes across American campuses, David Rovics is more relevant than ever. He really should be flying from college town to college town, playing at anti-genocide occupations.…


Columbia University Fights Anti-Semitism with Separation Wall, IDF Checkpoints

Dissociated Press In its latest effort to combat anti-Semitism, Columbia University has built a separation wall around its campus and hired Israeli Defense Forces soldiers to guard the checkpoints. Non-Jewish students and professors attempting to enter campus are strip-searched, menaced with attack dogs, and otherwise ritually humiliated. Students suspected of being Christian are spat upon in accordance with Jewish custom. The rising tide of anti-Semitism on campus has also led administrators to consider evicting non-Jewish students from dormitories, where their rooms will be used to house Jewish students descended from Holocaust survivors. Under the plan, any non-Jews who tried to…


Military Spending Is Destroying the World: USA leads the way, neocons are the worst culprits

Al-Alam Arabic News Channel: A new cold war is looming. The global arms war has reached its highest levels in history. Military expenditures have reached $2 trillion $443 billion in the year 2023 across the five continents including the Middle East. These are record numbers. The Stockholm International Institute for Peace Research has revealed that the global military burden increased to 2.3% last year, with the rate of military spending as a percentage of government spending rising to 6.9%, and global military spending per capita reaching $309. Washington has allocated more than one-third of the total global military expenditure for…


Treasonous FISA Bill Passes

Blackmailed Pedophile Cabal that Owns USG Has Good Reasons to Need to Spy on Everyone Bitchute link Press TV The U.S. president has signed into law a bill that extends the government’s warrantless spying powers for two years. Joe Biden signed Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act after it passed the Senate by 60 against 34 votes. The move was slammed by privacy advocates inside and outside of Congress. They said that it allows intel agencies to spy on the communications of non-U.S. citizens, including communications on such service providers as Google. The activist group Demand Progress said…


Quora: What is the future of Jews?

Quora link Jews have a very bright future. After exterminating the Palestinians, the Jewish State will demolish the al-Aqsa Mosque and start sacrificing pink heifers in a “rebuilt” blood sacrifice temple. This will cause the Messiah to descend from the clouds to rule the earth from a throne soaked in pink heifer blood. The Messiah will lead the Jews to glorious world conquest. They will start by seizing all the land between the Nile and Euphrates rivers and exterminating the Arab untermenschen who currently live there. Then they will expand their state to encompass the known world, and later the…


US Congress Bans Words “River” and “Sea” as Hate Speech

Dissociated Press The US House of Representatives on Wednesday voted 377-44 to condemn the words “river” and “sea”  as hate speech. The new bill imposes fines of up to six million dollars, and prison terms of six million years to life, for the use of the two anti-Semitic expressions. The bill includes a provision requiring that all flowing bodies of water previously designated as R’s be renamed as watercourses, waterways, streams, tributaries, brooks, inlets, rivulets, rills, runnels, streamlets, freshlets, canals, channels, bourns, creeks, rillets, or billabongs. Another provision mandates that S’s be henceforth referred to as oceans, saltwater expanses, gulfs, briny…


LIVE RADIO! Mees Baaijen on “the Predators vs. the People”; Ahnaf Ibn Qais on “The End of ‘Israel’ and the Death of Zionism”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at KevinBarrett.Substack.com First hour: Mees Baaijen introduces his new book The Predators vs. the People: The Big Picture of the 500-Year Secret War Against Humanity. He makes a case that a global mafia or “Glafia” has been riding the power of usury, a.k.a. exponentially-compounding interest, toward complete global domination. For an introduction to his thesis, check out his 2016 article “Who Are the Controllers?” Excerpts from The Predators vs. the People: “In his explosive book Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3,000 Years (1986), Jewish scholar and survivor of the…