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LIVE RADIO! Eric Walberg on Spiritual Underpinnings of Politics; Abu Bilal Yakub on “One-Eyed Impostor Messiah”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Canadian journalist-author Eric Walberg on politics and metaphysics. Second hour: Islamic scholar Abu Bilal Yakub discusses The One-Eyed Impostor, book one of his Messiah and False Messiah trilogy. He hypothesizes that the Dajjal (Antichrist) is “in a realm (or dimension) suspended somewhere between the material realm (our physical universe) and the seven stratas (the seven heavens), which not only explains why he has not yet physically emerged (at the present moment of writing this book) but how he is able to enact his actions and their manifestations in…


Sudan Complicit in Genocide of Palestinians

Dr. Kevin Barrett interviewed by Press TV Sudan has just officially committed treason and complicity in genocide by accepting a ransom from occupied Washington, DC and its masters in Tel Aviv in return for being taken off the terrorism list which will allow US and Western money to flow to Sudan and of course in return for covert bribes from bin Sheitan in Israeli occupied Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The pathetic Sudanese leadership has set itself up to be executed for treason by its own people and by the world’s 2 billion Muslims and two and a half billion Christians, whose holy…


Sheikh Imran Hosein: “We Are Living in the End Times”

Listen HERE Sheikh Imran Hosein is not just the world’s leading Islamic eschatologist; he may well be the most important Islamic scholar working in English today. (If you disagree, please direct me to whoever is doing more important work!) In this interview, recorded in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia after Jumuah prayers on June 21, 2019 (Shawwal 18, 1440) Sheikh Imran explains how we know we are living in the End Times (akhir uz-zaman). He discusses the nature and timeline of the Antichrist (Dajjal) and his relation with Zionism; explains which Jews and Christians today are following God and which are following…


Filmmaker Peter Valentino on “Papamundi and the 9/11 mechanism”

Broadcast September 19th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows.  Peter Valentino Peter Valentino’s new film Papamundi and the 9/11 Mechanism takes up where my 9/11 anniversary article Arrest Kissinger for Both 9/11s left off…and suggests that the oligarchical high perpetrators of 9/11 may have disturbing links to the Vatican. (Check out Peter’s…


Leading Islamic scholar Imran Hosein: Americans are awakening to false-flag terror plots!

Tuesday, April 23rd, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). Sheikh Imran Hosein is one of the world’s most accomplished Islamic scholars – and undoubtedly THE leading Islamic scholar of Islamic eschatology and world events. (If you can find any other Islamic scholars who are in his league on those topics, please let me know!) Today, Sheikh Imran Hosein and I will take up where yesterday’s conversation with Bishop Richard Williamson left off, concerning the spiritual/religious dimension of contemporary history. In the wake of the Boston bombing, Sheikh Imran Hosein…