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FFWN: Jewish Theocracy, Zionist Governance? (with Prof. Anthony Hall)

Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern. Rumble link  Bitchute link PSAs 1) Help FFWN catch up with two Fundrazrs that barely fell short Axis of Resistance vs. Genocide 2) Houthi attacks sink second Red Sea ship after mariner killed 3) Israeli military approves plan for ‘offensive’ in Lebanon 4) Is Cyprus about to be dragged into a war between Israel and Hezbollah? 5) Israeli army in ‘urgent need’ of troops as resistance deals heavy losses 6) Biden Deploys Record Number of Troops to Jordan in Quiet Buildup 7) Israeli military knew Hamas…


LIVE RADIO: Wyatt Peterson on Oct. 7 in Context and “Perfidy of Zion”; Anthony Hall on Mass Graves in Gaza…and Canada?

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Wyatt Peterson discusses his book Perfidy of Zion and his article “October 7 in Context.” Excerpt: “It’s difficult for non-Jews to fathom the depths of ethnic animosity towards ‘the other’ permeating the Israeli state. Both Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich — Benjamin Netanyahu’s current Ministers of National Security and Finance respectively — are outspoken supporters of Baruch Goldstein and his ‘Massacre at the Mosque.’ Ben-Gvir proudly boasts that he once had a portrait of Goldstein prominently displayed within his home, and groups of Jewish settlers continue to…


Alan Sabrosky on How the Romans Encouraged “Voluntary Migration” from Carthage; Anthony Hall on Israeli Reaction to ICJ Genocide Ruling

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Alan Sabrosky, former Head of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College, joins this show on the first Friday of each month. Unfortunately his connection dropped off at the 20’30” mark so the rest of the show features my monologues and conversations with producer Mr. Rho, interspersed with attempts to re-establish the connection During our 20 minutes of conversation “Doc” Sabrosky raises the usual issues—wars in West Asia and Ukraine, prospects for civil war in light of Biden’s border crisis, will there even be a 2024…


Anthony Hall on Canadian Parliament’s Nazi Salute, Cokehead Trudeau, Discredited Nobel Prize Committee, & More

Listen HERE Globalization Studies professor emeritus Anthony Hall of Looking Out at the World from Canada discusses Canada’s latest scandal: Justin Trudeau and Zelensky leading the Canadian Parliament’s standing ovation for a Nazi, I mean, National Socialist war veteran. Prof. Hall also discusses his new article on the discredited Nobel Prize committee: “The waning credibility of the Nobel Prize is suffering another tromping after having granted this year’s award in Medicine to the makers of the gene-modifying mRNA/lipidnanoparticle procedure…” Today’s bestowal of the Peace Prize on an anti-Islam anti-Iran propagandist discredits the committee even further. Prof. Hall reminds us of…


LIVE RADIO! Richard Cook on “Is World War III About to Start?”, Anthony Hall on Discredited Nobel Prize Committee, Cokehead Trudeau, & More

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Challenger Disaster whistleblower Richard Cook, author of Our Country, Then and Now, discusses his new article “Is World War III About to Start?” Parts 1 and 2 were published by ScheerPost. But the ultra-controversial Part 3, which touches on the “Zionists are depopulating Ukraine so they can create a new Khazaria a.k.a. ‘Big Israel’” hypothesis, was refused. So I posted it at the free speech site VTForeignPolicy. Cook: “President Biden has said, ‘The world faces the biggest risk of nuclear Armageddon since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.’…


Anthony Hall on the Permanent Emergency; Ken Meyercord on Multipolarism vs. DC Think Tanks

Listen HERE First half hour: Prof. Anthony Hall has a new Substack “Looking Out at the World from Canada.” We discuss his recent pieces on the permanent emergency, his sojourn through the world of advertising, and the war on terror as a war on humanity. Second half hour: Retired Washington, DC TV host Ken Meyercord points out that “no American carrier has entered the Persian Gulf since 2020. Do we fear Iran’s enhanced military capabilities make any carrier stuck in the confined space of the Gulf a sitting duck?” He also observes that China holds all the cards on the…


FFWN Special: Anthony Hall’s “News From Canada”: Will 2023 See a Reckoning for the COVID Catastrophe?

PSA: Support FFWN: E. Michael Returns for “Biggest Stories of 2022 – What’s Coming in 2023” Anthony Hall, Professor Emeritus of Globalization Studies, University of Lethbridge, presents this year’s news from Canada (and some historical context), focusing on the pushback against Trudeau’s COVID dictatorship. Will 2023 see a worldwide reckoning for COVID crimes? Prof. Anthony Hall taught Native American Studies and Globalization Studies from 1982 through 2016, when he was suspended by the University of Lethbridge administration on the ludicrous pretext that parties unknown had posted an anti-Semitic image on his Facebook page for a couple of hours. The…


Anthony Hall on Grassroots Revolt Against Justin Trudeau’s Dystopia

Listen at my Substack Professor Emeritus Anthony Hall (University of Lethbridge) returns to discuss the ongoing grassroots revolt against Canadian fuhrer, I mean, Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. We’ll discuss “what’s going on in Canada that led to the installation of a new Premier of Alberta, Danielle Smith, who replaced Jason Kenney who resigned. Smith promises to institute an Alberta Sovereignty Act. The great distance between Danielle and Trudeau can be signified by this comment from the new premier who intends to insert medical choice into the Alberta Human Rights Act.” We’ll also discuss the rise of the Alberta Independence Party;…


LIVE RADIO! Mystic Greg Leveille on “Going Beyond Chaos”; Anthony Hall on Grassroots Revolt Against Justin Trudeau’s Dystopia

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Greg Leveille of the Spiritual Secrets Substack just published “Going Beyond Chaos while floating in a River of Loving Consciousness.” In it he asks some good questions: “Are you making a positive difference in the world, or are you contributing to the confusion and the contentiousness of the current round of worldwide chaos?   Can you let go, or at least ignore the left-side and right-side arguments, or have you taken a firm stand supporting one side or the other? “Do you think of yourself as part of the government…

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