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Alex Jones is NOT a complete idiot, you idiots!

Piers Morgan may be terrified of Alex, but he can’t ignore him One thing I’ll say about Alex Jones: He elicits strong feelings, one way or the other. A lot of people really care about Alex. They want to talk about him. They want to argue about him. Some want to insult him. Others rush to defend him. Still others have something more nuanced to say. My article entitled “Is Alex Jones a complete idiot?” was actually pretty nuanced. Me, I like Alex. But I didn’t like him pissing on Hugo Chavez’s grave, so I went ahead and called him…


Is Alex Jones a complete idiot?

“Thumbs up” to the NWO’s murder of Hugo Chavez?! No! Absolutely not. He’s only a partial idiot. In some ways, Alex is a genius. He figured out 9/11 was an inside job before it even happened. Me, I’m a slow learner. It took me two years to be sure. Alex is also a genius of an orator, like William Jennings Bryan on bad acid. He doesn’t just talk your socks off, he talks your socks into ripping themselves off your feet and fleeing in terror from the coming New World Order dictatorship with its billions of hollow-point bullets, techno-torture machines,…


Hollywoodism conference covered by NY Times, LA Times,

Hollywoodism Conference Website The Hollywoodism conference at this year’s Fajr Film Festival in Tehran has garnered significant mainstream coverage -and a fatwa from the Anti-Defamation League that names me as a leader of the “rogue’s gallery” at the conference! NY Times: Stung by ‘Argo,’ Iran Backs Conference Denouncing ‘Hollywoodism’L.A. Times: Tehran film conference denounces ‘cultural assault’ of Hollywood ADL Press Release: Speakers at Iranian Conference Decry “Zionist” Influence on Hollywood ADL: Iran “Hollywoodism” Conference Partners With U.S. & International Anti-Semites, Conspiracy TheoristsForeign Policy: Mike Gravel on movies, sanctions, and what we can learn from Iran Here are some photos from…


Chavez killed for supporting 9/11 truth?

“Hasta la 9/11 truth victoria siempre!” Greg Palast says Hugo Chavez was killed by big oil interests who resented his taking a bigger cut of their profits and sharing it with the people. But another factor may also have been involved: Chavez is one of five current or former heads of state who have spoken out for 9/11 truth. And three of them have suddenly and mysteriously taken ill – or died. Fidel Castro said the official story of 9/11 was a lie…and then got very sick. Former President of Italy Francesco Cossiga told Italy’s most respected newspaper that 9/11…


Chavez: Another CIA assassination victim

“We know that the bankers who own the US government routinely try to kill any Latin American leader who refuses to be their puppet. We know that they have mounted thousands of assassination attempts against Latin American leaders, including more than 600 against Castro alone. We know that they have been experimenting with cancer viruses, and killing people with cancer, since the 1960s.So if you think Hugo Chavez died a natural death, I am afraid that you are terminally naïve.” Read the full article:


My latest Press TV slug-fest with a Zionist idiot (re: Philip Marshall assassination)

CIA killed Marshall for leaking 9/11 secrets: Dr. Kevin Barrett debates Lee Kaplan     – Press TV “Well this is pretty hilarious. I don’t know where you got this guy, but this is about the lamest excuse for an attempt to debunk a conspiracy story that I’ve ever heard and I’ve heard a lot of them.”  Watch the video and read the transcript:


I just made front page headlines in Israel

Israel’s biggest newspaper is outraged by my Press TV story Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday.   (Click here for the English version of the YNet article.) The newspaper YNet isn’t outraged that Israeli kids are dressing up as the burning Twin Towers to celebration Purim, a joyous occasion commemorating Jews’ tricking an empire into slaughtering 75,000 “enemies of the Jewish people.” YNet isn’t outraged that Benjamin Netanyahu’s first reaction to 9/11 was: “It’s very good.” YNet isn’t outraged that Netanyahu kept right on crowing about how wonderful 9/11 was, and was still saying it seven years later.…


Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday

For more than eleven years, Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America. The latest example: Israeli children recently dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, complete with impaled exploding airplanes, to celebrate the bizarre Jewish holiday known as Purim. Read the entire article: For more than eleven years, Israel has been wildly celebrating the success of its 9/11 operation against the United States of America. The latest example: Israeli children recently dressed up as the burning Twin Towers, complete with impaled exploding airplanes, to celebrate the bizarre Jewish holiday…


Moral Victory for Protestor who says BBC 9/11 Coverage was False

Tony Rooke and Ian Henshall will be my guests on Truth Jihad Radio today, Mon. 2/25/13, 3-5 pm Central,  on (archived here.) Moral Victory for Protestor who says BBC 9/11 Coverage was False Campaigner and film maker Tony Rooke claimed a moral victory today after a UK court gave him a conditional discharge even though he has refused to pay his BBC license fee. Over 100 supporters from as far away as Denmark and Norway cheered in front of the court house as independent media people conducted interviews and photographed the crowd. Court officials had booked their largest…


Vatican sex scandal shows the West has lost its way

my latest piece at Press TV: “Yesterday we learned the real reason for the Pope’s resignation: The Church has been penetrated, at its highest levels, by a homosexual embezzlement ring. According to Dr. Robert Moynihan of Inside the Vatican magazine, a secret report on the homosexual crime ring, and associated blackmail problems, was given to the Pope on December 17. This report, Dr. Moynihan tells us, ‘overwhelmed his spirit within him’ and ‘made his heart desolate.’ (The original source of these revelations, which Dr. Moynihan seemingly confirms, was an article in La Republica.) “Why didn’t the Pope simply fire the…

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