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Nile Bowie on Malaysia, color revolutions, and the banksters’ war on the world

Tuesday, Jan. 8th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). Nile Bowie is a growing presence in the alternative media. Guest: Nile Bowie reporting from Malaysia!  Nile Bowie, a regular guest on Russia Today and other alternative media, is the author of a terrific article on Malaysia: US Attempting “Regime Change” in Malaysia: Fact or Fiction? Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, the former President of Malaysia who defied the banksters and the IMF and saved his country during the Asian financial crisis, supports 9/11 truth and regularly hosts 9/11 truth events. Dr.…


CIA officer John Kiriakou imprisoned to protect 9/11 cover-up

Former CIA Case Officer John Kiriakou is being railroaded to protect a National Security Secret: Who really did 9/11 and why by  Kevin Barrett Former CIA Case Officer John C. Kiriakou is facing 30 months in the federal pen. According to the New York Times, Kiriakou’s crime was passing the identity of an undercover CIA officer to a journalist.  But a quick peek behind the scenes reveals the real reason Kiriakou is being crucified: He revealed information about CIA officials involved in torturing innocent 9/11 patsy Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM) into endorsing a pre-scripted false confession.  READ THE FULL ARTICLE


NYC mayoral candidate Jeff Boss, We Are Changer Jeremy Roth-Kushel

Mon. 1/7/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Jeff Boss is running for Mayor of New York City as well as Governor of New Jersey in 2013,  and plans to run for President of the USA in 2016. Jeff’s main platform is 9/11 truth. He says he personally witnessed the US National Security Agency arrange the 9/11 attacks. He also claims to have affidavits of others who witnessed the same things, and were silenced with a combination of hush money and death threats. Second hour: We Are Change activist Jeremy Roth-Kushel has challenged a Nobel Laureate…


Daniel Pipes gets an earful of truth

Daniel Pipes, America’s #1 islamophobe, tells Obama: “Bomb Iran for Israel or I’ll send my friend Andrew Adler after you!” Unregistered Israeli agent Daniel Pipes, founder of the snitch-on-your-professor website Campus Watch, is the number one enemy of academic freedom in America. He was a major player in the witch-hunt that forced me out of the University of Wisconsin system in 2006, for the crime of researching and discussing the taboo issue of what really happened on 9/11.So when I found myself on a panel with Pipes discussing why Israel and its global assets are trying so hard to shut…


Will the War on Islam end in 2013?

  Public opinion polls show that the vast majority of the world’s Muslims know that the “War on Terror” is a barely-disguised War on Islam. And it isn’t just Muslims who understand this. So do all serious Western strategic thinkers. One of the few who is willing to say it openly is James Schall, Professor of Government at Georgetown University and Hoover Institute strategist: “I always thought it was a mistake not to say what Iraq really was, that is, a war against an expanding Islam.” But today – eleven and one-half years after the controlled demolition of the World…


Seth Farber says “we need Messiahs,” Ethan Indigo Smith blasts Gwynne Dyer’s nuclear madness

Fri.  1/4//13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Seth Farber says we need shamanic healers and messiahs – so stop poisoning “crazy” people! First hour: Seth Farber, Ph.D. is a dissident psychologist and social critic. His book The Spiritual Gift of Madness blasts the psychiatric-industrial complex for pumping disturbed people full of toxic, useless pharmaceuticals, instead of helping them figure out why they’re disturbed and how to deal with it. Dr. Farber points out that there are lots of good reasons for being disturbed, given what is happening in the world today. He argues that one of the healthiest…


Zionists panic, lash out at Blakeney & Press TV!

Wed.  1/2/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Joshua Blakeney, an award-winning British-born Canadian scholar at the University of Lethbridge (Canada), has been consistently drawing fire from the unregistered agents of Israel who dominate the North American media. Why? Blakeney wrote his thesis on the 9/11 inside job, and makes no bones about the fact that Israel and its agents did it. Recently, the Israeli propagandists in Canadian media blasted Blakeney’s Press TV report, “Parents dispute removal of Aboriginal children,” falsely claiming that Blakeney had made certain allegations that were in fact made not by him,…


Prof. James Tracy: The Sandy Hook School Massacre: Unanswered Questions and Missing Information

  Tuesday, Jan. 1st, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). James Tracy is an Associate Professor of Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University. His recent article The Sandy Hook School Massacre: Unanswered Questions and Missing Information has gone viral, suggesting that more and more Americans are waking up to the fact that the “deep state” or “dual state” is behind almost all “terrorist attacks,” school shootings, and massacres of civilians. If you doubt that, please study the history of Operation Gladio, which appears to be alive and well in…


Who’s worse, the Saudis or the freemasons?

My latest Press TV interview: Saudi monarchy betraying the Muslim world: Kevin Barrett “It’s just beyond hypocrisy for the Western so-called proponents of democracy to be constantly propping up this outrageously corrupt, vicious, brutal, undemocratic regime in Riyadh. “I hope that the people of Arabia would one of these days wake up and demand change. Once the Arab Spring finally reaches the Saudi Arabia, I think that’s when the Arab Spring will have actually arrived.”  (Watch video and read transcript)* * *And my latest book review: Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol unveils freemasonry? Not quite!


Martin Hill: I have come to bury Bush, not to praise him!

Fri.  12/28/12, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Kevin Barrett returns to interview Martin Hill, author of a terrific summary of the sick and twisted criminal career of George H.W. Bush, currently on his deathbed (if anything that evil can ever really die.) Defense Contractor NBC honors ailing war criminal George H.W. Bush with Freemasonic “33 photo” propaganda tribute  by Martin Hill Second hour: Eric Sayward of chats it up with Donny Tsunami and takes calls.

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