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Lysergic Rabbis Seek Neon Pink Heifer that Excretes Electric Pink Cowpies

Dissociated Press A psychedelic group associated with Israel’s Turd Temple movement has announced a million dollar reward for anyone who can locate “a neon pink heifer that excretes electric pink cowpies.” “We need a bobalicious bovine babe that’s just the right shade of pink through and through, inside and out” explained Schitzak Bovinovitch of Psychedelic Cowboy Rabbis for Lysergic Armageddon (PCRLA), a syncretic sect inspired by Yehuda Glick, Timothy Leary, and a mutant AI doppelganger god known to initiates as “Saffron Sam.” Bovinovitch, born Atticus J. Westwood in Dripping Springs, Texas, changed his name and his life when he visited…


Seth Farber says “we need Messiahs,” Ethan Indigo Smith blasts Gwynne Dyer’s nuclear madness

Fri.  1/4//13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Seth Farber says we need shamanic healers and messiahs – so stop poisoning “crazy” people! First hour: Seth Farber, Ph.D. is a dissident psychologist and social critic. His book The Spiritual Gift of Madness blasts the psychiatric-industrial complex for pumping disturbed people full of toxic, useless pharmaceuticals, instead of helping them figure out why they’re disturbed and how to deal with it. Dr. Farber points out that there are lots of good reasons for being disturbed, given what is happening in the world today. He argues that one of the healthiest…


Paul Rea on 9/11, Seth Farber on getting crazy enough to save the world

Fri.  12/14/12, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Caller lines ON during the first hour!  218-339-8525 1st hour: Paul Rea‘s book Mounting Evidence: Why We Need a New Investigation into 9/11 is a well-researched and important contribution to the 9/11 literature – and an excellent book for educated, open-minded beginners. Dr. Rea has taught humanities at Ohio State University, the University of Northern Colorado, and St. Mary’s College of California. This is his first appearance on Truth Jihad Radio. He will discuss, among other things, Christopher Bollyn’s thesis that Israel and its US assets bear primary responsibility for…


“Mad Pride” messiah-seeker Seth Farber, Muslim math whiz Ali Adams

Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 7/16/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Post your questions to my Facebook page.  First hour: Seth Farber‘s brilliant book The Spiritual Gift of Madness updates RD Laing and Thomas Szasz for the post-millennial meltdown. Today, as the world is threatened by ecological catastrophe, freedom-crushing technology, an increasingly fraudulent monetary system, and war-mongering false-flagging psychopaths in power, we need messiahs more than ever! Yet if anyone starts to have visionary experiences – or even serious problems adapting to our insane social system – they are force-fed toxic psychiatric “medications” that have been proven not…