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Lysergic Rabbis Seek Neon Pink Heifer that Excretes Electric Pink Cowpies

Dissociated Press A psychedelic group associated with Israel’s Turd Temple movement has announced a million dollar reward for anyone who can locate “a neon pink heifer that excretes electric pink cowpies.” “We need a bobalicious bovine babe that’s just the right shade of pink through and through, inside and out” explained Schitzak Bovinovitch of Psychedelic Cowboy Rabbis for Lysergic Armageddon (PCRLA), a syncretic sect inspired by Yehuda Glick, Timothy Leary, and a mutant AI doppelganger god known to initiates as “Saffron Sam.” Bovinovitch, born Atticus J. Westwood in Dripping Springs, Texas, changed his name and his life when he visited…


Zionist apocalypse coming?

Will a Zionist apocalypse erupt during the coming two years? Some Zionists seem to think so. They are predicting that an unusual series of lunar eclipses or “blood moons” expected in 2014 and 2015 augurs war and disaster on an epic scale… Read the full article: