Wed. 1/2/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) First hour: Joshua Blakeney, an award-winning British-born Canadian scholar at the University of Lethbridge (Canada), has been consistently drawing fire from the unregistered agents of Israel who dominate the North American media. Why? Blakeney wrote his thesis on the 9/11 inside job, and makes no bones about the fact that Israel and its agents did it. Recently, the Israeli propagandists in Canadian media blasted Blakeney’s Press TV report, “Parents dispute removal of Aboriginal children,” falsely claiming that Blakeney had made certain allegations that were in fact made not by him,…
FULL ARTICLETag: zionism
Who’s worse, the Saudis or the freemasons?
My latest Press TV interview: Saudi monarchy betraying the Muslim world: Kevin Barrett “It’s just beyond hypocrisy for the Western so-called proponents of democracy to be constantly propping up this outrageously corrupt, vicious, brutal, undemocratic regime in Riyadh. “I hope that the people of Arabia would one of these days wake up and demand change. Once the Arab Spring finally reaches the Saudi Arabia, I think that’s when the Arab Spring will have actually arrived.” (Watch video and read transcript)* * *And my latest book review: Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol unveils freemasonry? Not quite!
FULL ARTICLEPaul Rea on 9/11, Seth Farber on getting crazy enough to save the world
Fri. 12/14/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Caller lines ON during the first hour! 218-339-8525 1st hour: Paul Rea‘s book Mounting Evidence: Why We Need a New Investigation into 9/11 is a well-researched and important contribution to the 9/11 literature – and an excellent book for educated, open-minded beginners. Dr. Rea has taught humanities at Ohio State University, the University of Northern Colorado, and St. Mary’s College of California. This is his first appearance on Truth Jihad Radio. He will discuss, among other things, Christopher Bollyn’s thesis that Israel and its US assets bear primary responsibility for…
FULL ARTICLEPaul Levy on the WETIKO epidemic; Zan Overall & callers on busting Israel for 9/11
Wed. 12/12/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) CALL IN DURING 2ND HOUR ONLY! 218-339-8525 Paul Levy 1st hour: Paul Levy is one of the wisest, most spiritually-wide-awake people I’ve had the privilege of getting to know since I launched my Truth Jihad and burned my bridges to the bores of the world in general and the academy in particular. Since undergoing what was misdiagnosed as a “psychiatric breakdown,” and awakening to the dreamlike nature of reality, Paul has become a major-league wounded healer. A practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism, Paul is the author of The Madness of George…
FULL ARTICLEChristopher Bollyn, Gordon Duff answer your questions!
Wed. 12/5/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Phone lines are ON! 218 339-8525 Call in and ask the guests anything! First hour: Christopher Bollyn, author of Solving 9/11 – the most comprehensive book on Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attacks. I cited his article How Ehud Barak Pulled Off 9/11 on Press TV last week – and watched Zionist flack Kenneth Katzman go into full meltdown mode, demanding that I be taken “off the air entirely, from any show anywhere in the world.” Second hour: Gordon Duff of Veterans Today has breaking news: The UK Ambassador is…
FULL ARTICLEEric Walberg on power struggle in Egypt; Joel Kovel on Zionists in general and Kenneth Katzman in particular ; – )
Mon. 12/3/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) First hour: What’s really going on in Egypt? Author-journalist and geopolitics expert Eric Walberg, who has lived mostly in Egypt during recent years, says Egypt’s 9/11 truther president Mohammed Morsi is “biting the bullet” and completing what I have called Egypt’s Islamic revolution – which is what the vast majority of Egyptians want. Takbir! I can just hear Henry Kissinger muttering under his breath: “I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go Islamic because of the irresponsibility of its own people! The issues are…
FULL ARTICLEDid I just get a death threat live on Press TV?
Does Israel flack Kenneth Katzman’s demand that I be “taken off the air entirely, from every show, everywhere in the world” sound like a death threat? (How else could I possibly be removed from all of the hundreds of shows I guest on, as well as those I host?) I guess some people just can’t handle the truth. Read the article: A real Jew, a Zionist, and a truth jihadi walk into a bar Watch the video: Press TV video Israel Zionist state violates Jewish morality: Expert
FULL ARTICLEBrzezinski to US: Stop following Israel like a stupid mule
Will Congress approve this as the new American flag – representing the “stupid American mule” that Israel always leads by the nose? My new article is getting a lot of play… Press TV version: Brzezinski to US: Stop following Israel on Iran like a stupid mule version: Brzezinski: US must stop following Israel “like a stupid mule”
FULL ARTICLEPetras, Fetzer & Tarpley on USA coup d’état scandal
Mon. 11/26/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Is the USA on the brink of a coup d’état? Is there a plot to “decapitate” the government? Are the neocons scheming for another, bigger 9/11? Has Obama signed an “insider threat” memorandum aimed at heading off his own assassination? And is all this related to the various heads that have been rolling, including that of Petraeus? My guests today, Webster Tarpley and James Petras, have recently published provocative articles probing the depths of the deep state! (Note: Originally Tarpley was supposed to go on first, but in a last-minute…
FULL ARTICLETargeting journalists: a modest proposal
If you’re a journalist, and you report something Israel doesn’t like – such as the truth – Israel will try to blow you up. (full story and video: )