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Kevin on Sputnik: ‘JCPOA withdrawal is one of the stupidest geostrategic moves that’s ever been made’

Sputnik Iran is marking 40 years since the Islamic revolution in the country. On February 1, 1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returned to Tehran from Paris after 14 years in exile. The return of an outspoken critic of Iran’s former ruler Mohammad Deza Shah Pahlavi marked the beginning of the Iranian revolution, which eventually led to the establishment of the Islamic Republic. Up to 10 million people showed up for Khomeini’s arrival, according to media reports. In response, the United States had attempted to launch a counterrevolution, supported an invasion by Iraq and strengthened its alliance with Iran’s regional rival Saudi…


Eric Margolis: The world is a huge mess!

Listen HERE Can journalists with competence and integrity get published in the mainstream? It does happen occasionally. A prime example is Eric Margolis, whose official bio reads: “Eric S. Margolis is an award-winning, internationally syndicated columnist. His articles have appeared in the New York Times, the International Herald Tribune the Los Angeles Times, Times of London, the Gulf Times, the Khaleej Times, Nation – Pakistan, Hurriyet, – Turkey, Sun Times Malaysia and other news sites in Asia. “He is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post, Lew Rockwell. He appears as an expert on foreign affairs on CNN, BBC, France…


Radio Islam International interviews Kevin Barrett; then Greg Felton on occupied USA

Listen HERE First 15 minutes: Radio Islam International interview. Topics: Has the US lost the war on Syria? Has its Syria policy been incoherent? Is John Bolton owned by Sheldon Adelson? Why did the New York Times give Erdogan op-ed space to cheer Trump’s withdrawal plans? Did Netanyahu’s close friend Larry Silverstein and such associates as Lewis Eisenberg make billions of dollars on 9/11 insurance fraud? Final 40 minutes: Canadian ex-MSM-journalist Greg Felton talks about the weather, the government shutdown, Zionist occupation of the USA, the tidal wave of censorship crashing down on alternative media (including the Orwellian project NewsGuard)…


FFWN: Marzieh Hashemi: POW in the war on non-establishment media

Broadcast Friday Jan. 18 11 to noon Eastern on then archived above PSAs 1) Support FFWN—it’s cheaper than therapy! 2) Free Marzieh Hashemi—Twitter storm happening this morning!  #FreeMarziehHashemi   #PrayForMarziehHashemi War on Non-Establishment Media 3) Marzieh Hashemi: Our Post-9/11 Orwellian Nightmare 4) How a NeoCon-Backed “Fact Checker” Plans to Wage War on Independent Media 5) The Twitter Smearing of Corbyn and Assange War on Iran 6) Pentagon Officials leak to NYT to head off Bolton’s war on Iran 7) Is Bolton Steering Trump into War with Iran? 8) Companies That Do Business with…


Marzieh Hashemi: Our post-9/11 Orwellian nightmare

The post-9/11 USA is an Orwellian nightmare…and it’s getting worse all the time. Since when could journalists, including American citizens, be indefinitely detained without charges? Since 9/11! (Actually it’s even worse…anyone, including US citizens, can be tortured and/or killed by the US government at any time, for any reason, without any due process…as happened to Anwar al-Awlaki and his innocent children..and it’s now perfectly legal!) The only way to fix this problem is to expose the truth about 9/11, prosecute the real perpetrators, and restore the Constitution.     In the above interview I mentioned getting harassing phone and Skype…


9/11: Still THE Issue (False Flag Weekly News 1/11/19)

Broadcast LIVE Friday Jan. 11, 11 to noon Eastern at then archived above PSAs 1) Help FFWN keep exposing deceptions! 2) Kevin’s new Truth Against Terror newsletter uses antiterrorism spin to promote 9/11 truth in Muslim community 9/11: Still THE Issue 3) Some interesting new information about 9/11  has been hacked or taken down, still archived at 4) New 9/11 Files: Lawyers Discussed Whether Bush Knew About Attacks in Advance 5) Release of 9/11 documents will have devastating consequences for US deep state: Hackers 6) ‘Larry Silverstein, Lewis Eisenberg made billions from dollars from destruction of Twin Towers’…


Keith Kahn-Harris on “Denial: The Unspeakable Truth”

Listen HERE In Denial: The Unspeakable Truth, Keith Kahn-Harris argues that “Holocaust denial is not just eccentricity; it is an attempt to legitimate genocide through covert means. Denials of the harmfulness of tobacco, of the existence of global warming, and other denialisms, are, similarly, projects to legitimate the unspeakable.” Among the “other denialisms” he cites non-Western-mainstream views on 9/11, AIDS, vaccines, the Armenian and Bosnian genocides, the “fine-tuning” argument for the existence of God, the Apollo moon landings, Lysenko’s genetics, Tiananmen Square, perpetual motion machines, and flat earthism. What’s more, Kahn-Harris urges us to “remember that denialism can never actually be…


It’s a Christmas conspiracy, Charlie Brown!

Merry Christmas, fellow heretics! ‘Tis the season for exchanging gifts, ’tis it not? ‘Tis also the season for sending your friends and relatives some sort of greeting card, letter, or (if you’re a cyber-acculturated cheapskate) email letting them know you’re not dead and giving them at least a vague sense of what you’ve been up to. So why not send your friends and relatives some thought-provoking mirth too?  Just forward this Peanuts parody as—or alongside—your “official Christmas greeting.” Who knows, if it goes viral, maybe thousands or even millions of people will eventually come to doubt the official story of…


FFWN: ‘PERFECT TIMING’ + Israeli PR = ‘Yellow vest’ FALSE FLAG

PSA 1) Be a FFWN Santa! Strassbourg False Flag Shoots Down Yellow Vests? 2) Israeli PR jumps the gun — as usual — on Strasbourg false flag 3) ‘PERFECT TIMING’ ‘Yellow vest’ conspiracy theorists claim Strasbourg shooting was a ‘false flag’ operation arranged by Macron to distract from riots 3A) Cherif Chekatt, France gunman who opened fire at Christmas market, is dead, prosecutor says 4) Strasbourg attack not a govt conspiracy to undermine Yellow Vests – Interior Ministry official 5) More than 1300 were arrested and dozens injured after violent anti-government protests engulf France — here’s how the clashes…


Helen Buyniski: Wikipedia is rotten to the core!

Listen HERE Why does Wikipedia use the CIA-invented slur “conspiracy theorist” in such a mindlessly pejorative way? Why are Wikipedia’s entries on the 9/11 truth movement so obviously dictated by the forces behind the cover-up of the worst crime in US history? Investigative journalist Helen Buyniski has some answers. She has published several articles on Wikipedia, including Wikipedia: J’accuse, Wikipedia: Rotten to the Core, and Wikipedia: the Modern Delphic Oracle. Helen writes: “Our in-depth investigation has found that everything we’ve been led to believe about Wikipedia is a lie…Scratch the surface of the ‘free encyclopedia anyone can edit’ and you find a…

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