Dissociated Press In its latest effort to combat anti-Semitism, Columbia University has built a separation wall around its campus and hired Israeli Defense Forces soldiers to guard the checkpoints. Non-Jewish students and professors attempting to enter campus are strip-searched, menaced with attack dogs, and otherwise ritually humiliated. Students suspected of being Christian are spat upon in accordance with Jewish custom. The rising tide of anti-Semitism on campus has also led administrators to consider evicting non-Jewish students from dormitories, where their rooms will be used to house Jewish students descended from Holocaust survivors. Under the plan, any non-Jews who tried to…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Military Spending Is Destroying the World: USA leads the way, neocons are the worst culprits
Al-Alam Arabic News Channel: A new cold war is looming. The global arms war has reached its highest levels in history. Military expenditures have reached $2 trillion $443 billion in the year 2023 across the five continents including the Middle East. These are record numbers. The Stockholm International Institute for Peace Research has revealed that the global military burden increased to 2.3% last year, with the rate of military spending as a percentage of government spending rising to 6.9%, and global military spending per capita reaching $309. Washington has allocated more than one-third of the total global military expenditure for…
FULL ARTICLETreasonous FISA Bill Passes
Blackmailed Pedophile Cabal that Owns USG Has Good Reasons to Need to Spy on Everyone Bitchute link Press TV The U.S. president has signed into law a bill that extends the government’s warrantless spying powers for two years. Joe Biden signed Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act after it passed the Senate by 60 against 34 votes. The move was slammed by privacy advocates inside and outside of Congress. They said that it allows intel agencies to spy on the communications of non-U.S. citizens, including communications on such service providers as Google. The activist group Demand Progress said…
FULL ARTICLEQuora: What is the future of Jews?
Quora link Jews have a very bright future. After exterminating the Palestinians, the Jewish State will demolish the al-Aqsa Mosque and start sacrificing pink heifers in a “rebuilt” blood sacrifice temple. This will cause the Messiah to descend from the clouds to rule the earth from a throne soaked in pink heifer blood. The Messiah will lead the Jews to glorious world conquest. They will start by seizing all the land between the Nile and Euphrates rivers and exterminating the Arab untermenschen who currently live there. Then they will expand their state to encompass the known world, and later the…
FULL ARTICLEUS Congress Bans Words “River” and “Sea” as Hate Speech
Dissociated Press The US House of Representatives on Wednesday voted 377-44 to condemn the words “river” and “sea” as hate speech. The new bill imposes fines of up to six million dollars, and prison terms of six million years to life, for the use of the two anti-Semitic expressions. The bill includes a provision requiring that all flowing bodies of water previously designated as R’s be renamed as watercourses, waterways, streams, tributaries, brooks, inlets, rivulets, rills, runnels, streamlets, freshlets, canals, channels, bourns, creeks, rillets, or billabongs. Another provision mandates that S’s be henceforth referred to as oceans, saltwater expanses, gulfs, briny…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Mees Baaijen on “the Predators vs. the People”; Ahnaf Ibn Qais on “The End of ‘Israel’ and the Death of Zionism”
Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at KevinBarrett.Substack.com First hour: Mees Baaijen introduces his new book The Predators vs. the People: The Big Picture of the 500-Year Secret War Against Humanity. He makes a case that a global mafia or “Glafia” has been riding the power of usury, a.k.a. exponentially-compounding interest, toward complete global domination. For an introduction to his thesis, check out his 2016 article “Who Are the Controllers?” Excerpts from The Predators vs. the People: “In his explosive book Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3,000 Years (1986), Jewish scholar and survivor of the…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: “Israel” Checkmated? (with Cat McGuire)
Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern Watch on Bitchute PSA 1) Help info-checkmate Bibi, support FFWN! https://fundrazr.com/a2NAWf (old one that needs a boost) Breaking News Updates 2) “Conspiracy theorist” immolation at Trump trial https://archive.ph/kJ6Hs https://barsoom.substack.com/p/an-immolationist-in-chapel-perilous 3) US vetoes Palestinian attempt to gain statehood at the United Nations as Russia walks out in protest before Israel speech https://consortiumnews.com/2024/04/19/watch-us-vetoes-palestine-un-membership-as-russia-walks-out/ 4) Breaking: Iran state media says air defence systems shot down three drones https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/4/19/live-israel-launches-missile-attack-in-response-to-iran-assault The Missiles of April: Checkmate 5) Scott Ritter: The Missiles of April https://consortiumnews.com/2024/04/15/scott-ritter-the-missiles-of-april = Checkmate https://www.scottritterextra.com/p/checkmate 6) U.S., Not Israel, Shot Down Most Iran Drones And Missiles https://theintercept.com/2024/04/15/iran-attack-israel-drones-missiles/ 7) US makes failed…
FULL ARTICLEBREAKING! Netanyahu Claims Iranian Missiles Raped Women and Beheaded Babies
Dissociated Press Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused Iran of “weaponizing sexual violence” by using enormous, tumescent phallic-shaped missiles to “engage in the widespread and systematic rape of Israeli women.” Netanyahu claimed, without presenting evidence, that the missiles were programmed with sophisticated software enabling them to perform mass rapes with unprecedented efficiency and brutality. “The Iranian missile force has used widespread and systematic rape as a weapon of war. We will respond by exterminating the seed of Amalek!” the Prime Minister shouted. The visibly unhinged Israeli leader also accused Iran of using its missiles to “behead 40 babies” and…
FULL ARTICLEADL-Backed Legislation Would Ban the Word “Genocide”
Dissociated Press Legislation banning the word “genocide” has been simultaneously introduced in the US Congress, the Canadian parliament, and dozens of states, provinces, and European countries. The flagship bill is the Countering Antisemitism Act, “the most far-reaching anti-Semitism initiative to be introduced in Congress” according to the ADL. It defines anti-Semitism as “any critical or negative statement about Jews or Israel,” and provides stiff fines and prison sentences for those who commit anti-Semitic transgressions, including the use of forbidden words. “The word ‘genocide’ is an anti-Semitic term, because it delegitimizes a 2500 year old Jewish religious practice,” explained ADL spokes-Semite Shlomo…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Gordon Duff Drops Some Intel; Josh Mitteldorf on UFO/ET Issue, Diversity of Jewish Agendas, and Other Big Questions
Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at KevinBarrett.Substack.com First hour: Ex-VT editor Gordon Duff, now at TheIntelDrop.com, writes strikingly non-mainstream headlines: *Biden concedes Netanyahu a ‘lunatic mass murderer’ making continued US support of endless War Crimes ‘hard work’; *126 New Jewish Recruits refuse after thousands of Jewish war criminals killed by Freedom Fighters; *Gaza death toll exceeds 33,500 as the newest US backed Jewish Genocide continues; *Zionist regime will drown in blood of Haniyeh’s children and other Palestinians; *Thousands of ‘Half Caste/Untouchable’ Indian Slave Laborers sent to Jewish Occupied Palestine to Act as Human Shields in Iranian…