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Treasonous FISA Bill Passes

Blackmailed Pedophile Cabal that Owns USG Has Good Reasons to Need to Spy on Everyone Bitchute link Press TV The U.S. president has signed into law a bill that extends the government’s warrantless spying powers for two years. Joe Biden signed Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act after it passed the Senate by 60 against 34 votes. The move was slammed by privacy advocates inside and outside of Congress. They said that it allows intel agencies to spy on the communications of non-U.S. citizens, including communications on such service providers as Google. The activist group Demand Progress said…


Helen Buyniski on Out-of-Control Censorship

Listen HERE Helen Buyniski of the HelenOfDestroy Substack makes a good case that if the world’s worst evil-doers succeed in shutting down free discussion of their evil deeds, humanity’s goose is pretty much cooked. Has censorship—not just internet censorship but real-world book-burning, as recently happened when New Zealand banned the “conspiracy” print magazine New Dawn—reached the point of no return? Will the Orwellian boot succeed in stamping on a human face forever? For the full story, check out Helen’s article (with TJ Coles) “Incentivizing Censorship: a Snitch in Every Skull.”


Ellen Brown on “Another Bank Bailout Under Cover of a Virus”

Listen HERE Public banking advocate Ellen Brown, author of Web of Debt, discusses her new article “Another Bank Bailout Under Cover of a Virus.” Halfway through the show she agrees that my “coronavirus conspiracy theories” are plausible, saying: “Yeah, well, I totally agree. There was Event 201. There was ID-2020. I think Microsoft has a patent on something injectable that has numbers where they can track you. And you would hear like Aaron Russo in 2005 etc, saying that was the plan, that we would all be microchipped and they could track us from one place to another. And this whole…


Jeff Rense on Zionist NWO, Fukushima “extinction event”

Broadcast August 29th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows.  Jeff Rense is one of the original alternative talk radio hosts. And he’s still one of the best. If you don’t frequent his legendary website, by all means go there now and check it out. On this – his Truth Jihad Radio debut…


DD Weekly News: Judge blasts NSA, academics boycott Israel

A federal judge has found the NSA’s massive surveillance program to be in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution which precludes unreasonable searches and seizures.  That will come as no surprise to those who have followed our efforts in the past to oppose it, but Richard Leon of the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia, unlike us, is in the position to do something about it.  He has stayed his ruling in the expectation that the US government will appeal in order to continue with its accumulation of every electronic record of every American citizen as…


New World Order unmasked!

Is the New World Order crumbling before our eyes? Are people everywhere rising up against the all-seeing-eye of “total information awareness” ?  This Monday and Tuesday, November 4th and 5th, rallies will be held around the world unmasking the global surveillance state.   Read the complete article: 


Congress joins NSA in 9/11 treason

Why did the Bush Administration want to use the NSA to spy on every American, without any judicial oversight, beginning seven months BEFORE 9/11? Because it needed to profile all prominent Americans who might pose a threat to the upcoming 9/11 coup d’état… and collect blackmail material on as many as possible. Worse yet, elements of the NSA appear to have been directly complicit in the 9/11 attacks. According to James Bamford, America’s leading expert on the NSA, the alleged 9/11 hijackers’ base of operations was NSA headquarters in Laurel, Maryland!  full story:


Colorado “open season on drones” law should be expanded

Deer Trail, Colorado is about to declare open season on drones: “According to the proposed ordinance, which will be considered by the town council at its next meeting on Aug. 6, prospective bounty hunters can get a one-year drone-hunting license for $25. Proposed bounties will be $25 for those turning in the wings or fuselage of downed aircraft and $100 for mostly intact vehicles. To collect the bounty, the wreckage must have ‘markings, and configuration … consistent with those used by the United States federal government.’” It’s a great idea. But why stop with drones? Why not declare open season…


Hey NSA: Intercept THIS!

James Bamford, author of A Pretext for War and upcoming guest on my radio show, just revealed in Wired Magazine that the National Security Agency is building a gigantic Message Intercept Center in the Utah desert. The NSA will be able to read all your emails and listen to your phone conversations. Breakthroughs in decryption will make codes like Pretty Good Privacy worse than useless, since the NSA will pay special attention to encrypted stuff, assuming that you must have something to hide. The NSA’s untold acres worth of supercomputers will ferret out your psychological state and decide whether or…