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Military Spending Is Destroying the World: USA leads the way, neocons are the worst culprits

Al-Alam Arabic News Channel: A new cold war is looming. The global arms war has reached its highest levels in history. Military expenditures have reached $2 trillion $443 billion in the year 2023 across the five continents including the Middle East. These are record numbers. The Stockholm International Institute for Peace Research has revealed that the global military burden increased to 2.3% last year, with the rate of military spending as a percentage of government spending rising to 6.9%, and global military spending per capita reaching $309. Washington has allocated more than one-third of the total global military expenditure for…


Sanders commits political heresy by questioning military-industrial complex: Scholar

Press TV Leading US Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has committed a political heresy by questioning the huge giveaways to the military-industrial complex and wealthy individuals and corporations, American scholar Dr. Kevin Barrett says. Sanders on Monday criticized the US government for its massive military spending and tax breaks for wealthy individuals and corporations while eliminating social benefits for low-income and middle class families. He proposed spending $1.5 trillion over 10 years to create a universal child care and early education system, to be funded by taxing the wealthiest Americans. The proposal is the latest by the frontrunner Democratic candidate that…


Dave Lindorff on Why US Military Spending Should Be Cut 50%; Prof. Anthony Hall on the Meaninglessness of (Canadian) Elections

Listen HERE First half hour: Donald Trump says the purpose of the US military is to defend our borders—not police the world. If he really believes that, he should slash military spending at least 50%!  Guest Dave Lindorff writes in his new article “Military Spending’s Out of Control While Slashing It Could Easily Fund Medicare for All”: “Something very unusual happened on Thursday, Oct. 17. The New York Times suddenly ran an article on its opinion page explaining how to cut $300 billion from the $1-trillion military budget. The article, written by Lindsay Koshgarian, director of the Institute for Policy Studies’…


Talking “peace economics” with Dr. Peace, a.k.a. Bob Reuschlein

Tuesday, October 17th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Dr. Bob Reuschlein of goes by the moniker “Dr. Peace.” Dr. Bob was a presenter at the recent Economic Democracy Conference in Madison, Wisconsin.  He’s an expert on the many ways that excessive military spending kills economies, debases whole societies, and brings down empires. His research indicates that of all the ways the government can spend money, military spending is by far the most economically destructive. My take: A handful of special interests are getting rich on gargantuan military…


Ellen Brown explains one HUGE motive for 9/11

Originally scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 13th, now rescheduled for Thursday Sept. 15th, 10-11 a.m. Central (11 a.m. Eastern) – ONE HOUR EARLIER THAN USUAL – on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Once again, the NoLiesRadio servers have been crashed right before my show – and come back on line immediately after show time. So this interview has been rescheduled for Thursday. Message to the bad guys: If you think this is going to somehow impede my efforts to bust your sorry asses, think again. Guest: Journalist and author Ellen Brown, author of the currency-reform classic Web of…


Dear Barack, thank you for thanking me for everything…and by the way, thanks for nothing

It’s Thanksgiving, the time for giving thanks. But I never expected to get an email from Barack Obama thanking me…for everything.     From:    Subject:     Thankful    Date:     November 25, 2010 12:45:20 PM CST    To:     kbarrett[AT]merr[DOT]com    Reply-To: Kevin — When Michelle and I sit down with our family to give thanks today, I want you to know that we’ll be especially grateful for folks like you. Everything we have been able to accomplish in the last two years was possible because you have been willing to work for it and organize for it. And every time…