Listen HERE Looking for non-MSM perspectives on the Middle East and more? Counterpunch and American Herald Tribune are worth checking out. My January 31st live show highlights two notable writers who are both making debut appearances on Truth Jihad Radio. The first hour (this archive) features Counterpunch journalist Ron Jacobs, author of Daydream Sunset: Sixties Counterculture in the Seventies and Capitalism Is the Problem. Topics: Ron’s recent articles on Iran and impeachment. I’m also curious about his take on the ’60s and ’70s counterculture movements. My next post will be the second hour of this live show, an interview with American Herald…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
FFWN: Gangster Scumbags Dershowitz, Trump & Bibi Keep Their Underwear On
Broadcasts live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 1) The REAL Deal of the Century: Support Alternative Media—FFWN Is a Bargain! Impeachment Threats 2) White House has issued formal threat to Bolton to keep him from publishing book 3) Alan Dershowitz to Senators: “Keep Your Underwear On and Acquit Trump—OR ELSE” 3.5) A Woman Who Accused Trump Of Rape Is Now Seeking His DNA To Test Against Genetic Material Found On Her Dress Trump and Bibi Roll Out Their Insane “Deal” 4) Israel’s Netanyahu indicted in corruption cases, hours before Mideast peace plan announced 5) Trump’s plan leaves Palestinians…
FULL ARTICLEAlan Dershowitz to Senators: “Keep Your Underwear on and Acquit Trump—OR ELSE”
Dissociated Press In a riveting performance before the US Senate gallery this morning, Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyer Alan Dershowitz mounted a spirited defense of his new client, Donald J. Trump. Flourishing a badly stained and noticeably noisome pair of men’s Fruit-of-the-Loom underwear at the astonished senators, Dershowitz boldly intoned: “THESE are the only briefs I need to convince you to to acquit the President.” “This filthy pair of underwear is only XXL. The flabby and humongous posterior of the President of the United States is clearly at least an XXXXXXXXXXL. “So like we told the OJ Jury: IF THE UNDERWEAR DOESN’T…
FULL ARTICLETrump’s Insane “Deal” – Kevin Barrett & Mike Springmann Throw Rotten Fruit
US President Donald Trump has repeated his hugely-controversial endorsement of occupied Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel’s “undivided capital” as he outlined his administration’s self-styled plan for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which Palestinians have already dismissed. (Press TV)
FULL ARTICLEDiscussing “Deal of the Century” with J. Michael Springmann on Press TV; then explaining impeachment to Radio Islam
Listen HERE Had I been in the room with Trump, Netanyahu, and that truckload of applauding sycophants bussed in from the Israeli Embassy, and had been forced to sit down in the front row and listen to Trump-and-Bibi’s “Deal of the Century” bullshit, I could easily have suicide-bombed the whole place without needing an explosive vest—since just listening to the live feed made me so angry I almost went up in a 100 megaton fireball while merely sitting at my desk ; – ) But seriously, folks, we have a serious problem with evil in high places. Today’s show features…
FULL ARTICLEWhy Big Brother Fears Qassem Soleimani: He’s the Che Guevara of the 21st Century
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, for the Unz Review He was the 21st century’s most accomplished military leader—and a deeply spiritual man. Before they killed him, they didn’t even want you to know his name. After martyring him, they realized their mistake—and pulled out all the stops to stop you from finding out that he was a great man, a modern-day Che Guevara. An unprecedented wave of censorship has crashed down on millions of people posting pro-Soleimani messages and images on social media. There has never before been a mass silencing like this. The hundreds of millions of Iranians, Iraqis,…
FULL ARTICLETwo Shia Muslims and a Goat Farmer Walk Into a Radio Show: Part 2
Listen HERE Andrew Israel reverted to Shia Islam from Judaism last Ramadan. He writes: “I want to discuss the Illuminati from a personal standpoint and how the holocaust parallels the story of imam Hussein at Karbala: fake jews/muslims turning against their own people.” He adds: “You’re not wrong to challenge these Luciferian Zionists who pretend to be Jews. What Jews fail to understand, more than any other religion is that every faith has its corrupted leaders! It is unfortunate that they are so sensitive to the holocaust that it blinds them to their actual criminal nature exposed in the Quran. So…
FULL ARTICLETwo Shia Muslims and a Goat Farmer Walk Into a Radio Show: Part 1
Listen HERE Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world, and the Shia school of thought may be its fastest-growing segment. Tonight we talk to two white American converts to Shia Islam—one ethnically Italian, one ethnically Jewish—plus an Italian-American dairy goat farmer who hasn’t converted to Shiism…yet. (Disclaimer: I haven’t either. I’m just a plain ole Muslim.) First half hour: Charles Messina is an Italian-American Shia Muslim. He wrote me: “Salaam Dr. Kevin, I have been very busy on the [NYC] subway talking about Islam, Iran, & the great General Soleimani, and I want to let the American people know…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Stop Zio-Wahhabi War on Iran!
Broadcasts live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern at This week’s guest host: Dr. Alan Sabrosky, ex-Head of Strategic Studies, US Army War College PSAs 1) Help FFWN Spread the Truth & Stop War on Iran 2) NO WAR WITH IRAN-PROTEST JAN 25TH 9/11 3) NYT: Did the Saudis Play a Role in 9/11? Here’s What We Found 4) Yes, Omar al-Bayoumi Had Foreknowledge of 9/11—Because He Worked for CIA-MI6-Mossad 5) Architect Of CIA’s (9/11 PATSY) Torture Program Says It Went Too Far 6) French publisher apologizes after history textbook suggests CIA ‘orchestrated’ 9/11 terror attacks (“Terribly sorry we neglected…
FULL ARTICLEWahhabis in Auschwitz: Senior Saudi Clerics Convert to Holocaustianity
Dissociated Press Acting under orders from Clown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman, a delegation of senior Saudi clerics has traveled to Auschwitz, Poland and officially converted to Holocaustianity. The conversion ceremony featured the clerics kneeling down before a statue of Anne Frank and solemnly uttering the testimony of faith: “There is no god but the Holocaust, and six million Jews died in gas chambers.” After their mass conversion, the clerics proceeded to circumambulate the alleged gas chambers where millions of Jews were supposedly killed with hydrogen cyanide gas—after which, in what can only be a divine miracle, all traces of hydrogen…