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Free Ziyad Yaghi!

Broadcast Tuesday, Dec. 10th 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT), archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows.  Guest: Laila Yaghi, mother of Ziyad Yaghi – an innocent young American framed in one of the most absurd “terror” cases yet – which is saying something! Laila Yaghi holding a picture of her imprisoned son 19-year-old Ziyad’s “crime”: He went to visit…


New World Order unmasked!

Is the New World Order crumbling before our eyes? Are people everywhere rising up against the all-seeing-eye of “total information awareness” ?  This Monday and Tuesday, November 4th and 5th, rallies will be held around the world unmasking the global surveillance state.   Read the complete article: 


9/11 perp Giuliani joins terrorists to attack Rouhani

Press TV “One of Netanyahu’s minions, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, appeared to be just as panicked as Netanyahu by Rouhani’s “charm offensive” and its promise of peace. Giuliani spoke at a rally organized by the terrorist group Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) outside the UN in protest of Rouhani’s visit. The former New York mayor and 9/11 suspect, speaking to the terrorist group, charged that President Rouhani was involved in the 1994 bombing of a Jewish center in Buenos Aires, Argentina. “The irony of suspected 9/11 terrorist Giuliani, speaking to one of the world’s most reviled terrorist groups, charging the moderate…


Bandar, Prince of Terrorists

Bandar’s response to this article Is Saudi Intelligence chief Bandar bin Sultan – affectionately known to his Bush crime family colleagues as “Bandar Bush” – the real operational head of al-CIAduh? Read my Press TV article: Bandar Bin Sultan: Prince of Terrorists  


Western secret services created al-Qaeda to attack enemies of Israel

Press TV  Western secret services have created the al-Qaeda terrorist group to protect Israeli interests and justify military intervention in other countries, a political analyst says. “The whole story of the so-called war on terror is not what we’ve been told. It’s not as strange as it may seem that the US would bomb Syria for al-Qaeda,” Dr. Kevin Barrett told Press TV on Wednesday. He made the comments after Senator Rand Paul criticized President Barack Obama for asking Americans to be “allies with al-Qaeda” twelve years after the 9/11 attacks. “Twelve years after we were attacked by al-Qaeda, 12…


All out for Washington, DC this September 11th!

Will you be there for “March on Washington 1.2″ ? When the corporate media mounts a hysterical campaign against a planned march on Washington DC…you know you’d better be there. And when the anti-March-on-Washington blitz is led by Fox News, World Net Daily, Breitbart, and the ADL…you can see exactly who is running scared.  The neocon nutjobs are frothing at the mouth about the Million American March Against Fear. Why? Because it promises to bring a broad coalition of Americans together to protest the post-9/11 politics of fear. Full story: When the corporate media mounts a hysterical campaign against…


Hezbollah gets “terrorist” label for fighting al-Qaeda

Will al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri be America’s next Homeland Security chief? “Kerry argued that Hezbollah is indeed a terrorist organization because it ‘has deepened its support’ for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. What Kerry didn’t say is that Assad is fighting an insurgency led by al-Qaeda. “Translation: John Kerry supports al-Qaeda. He even says that anyone who opposes al-Qaeda is a terrorist. “This comes after Republican leader John McCain sneaked across the Syrian border to join al-Qaeda a little over a month ago. “In today’s USA, al-Qaeda apparently enjoys bipartisan support…” Read the full article:


Jeffrey Goldberg confesses: The real “terror threat” is from neocons like him

My 2009 book Questioning the War on Terror began by pointing out that terrorism is less of a threat to Americans than bathtub drownings and lightning strikes. Since then, the “terror-bathtub” meme has gone viral. I push it every chance I get, and I’m hearing more and more echoes. Someone at Mossad’s psychological warfare division has apparently decided that the “terrorism is less dangerous than bathtubs” thing has become an actionable threat. So they assigned Jeffrey Goldberg, former guard at an Israeli political prison, to bash me with a bathtub. Goldberg’s new article Terrorism vs. bathtubs: the false analogy on…


The Guardian goes truther! Charlie Skelton exposes “the Great Wall of Bilderberg”

My intel contacts claim that The Guardian is, shall we say, in bed with, and heavily penetrated by, Britain’s intelligence services. Other UK contacts – people close to former high-level MP Michael Meacher – say that Meacher had his life threatened for writing about 9/11 truth in The Guardian. Since Meacher backed down in 2004, fearing for his family’s safety, The Guardian published no truthful material whatsoever about 9/11…until September 12th, 2011, when Charlie Skelton’s How the world changed after 9/11 blew a lot of minds. And now, Charlie is at it again: He’s covering the formerly top-secret Bilderberg Conference.…

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