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Soren Korsgaard on the COVID “Deadly Deception”

Listen HERE Soren Korsgaard discuses his new edited book Deadly Deception Exposed. Soren felt that last week’s guest Dr. Gideon Polya, a contributor to the book, was unrepresentative of the other contributors, in that Dr. Polya accepts the mainstream view of COVID-19 and supports masks, distancing, and lockdowns. Most of the other co-authors, notably German physician Dr. Reiner Fullmich, do not. And neither does Soren, who offers a critique of COVID panic as an orchestrated deception designed to usher in the Great Reset.


LIVE RADIO! Ron Unz and Soren Korsgaard: Two very different views of the COVID catastrophe

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Mainstream media, including internet oligarch owned social media, has worked overtime to suppress two very different categories of alternative views of COVID-19. The first category consists of those who downplay or in some cases even deny the pandemic. These folks make various sorts of claims including: The COVID death numbers are exaggerated; test results are meaningless; masks are useless or worse; there is no need for social distancing or lockdowns; vaccines will do more harm than good; the whole thing is a hoax designed to get rid of Trump…


Gideon Polya on new book Deadly Deception Exposed

Listen HERE Holocaust/genocide expert Gideon Polya discusses his review of The most dangerous book ever published: deadly deception exposed. Gideon, one of the seven authors who contributed essays to the book, emailed me: “I agree with the common theme of all the authors that the endlessly greedy, thieving, lying  and racist neoliberal Establishment will seek to exploit any situation, including the Covid-19 Pandemic for private advantage …”  But he doesn’t see eye to eye with the contributors who downplay or even deny the reality of COVID-19.


E. Michael Jones and Matthew Ehret on “Nazi Healthcare: A Eugenic Solution for the Baby Boomer Demographic Time Bomb”

Listen HERE Matt Ehret just published “Nazi Healthcare Revived Across the Five Eyes: A Eugenic Solution for the Baby Boomer Demographic Time Bomb.” E. Michael Jones of Culture Wars joins the discussion. Matt Ehret writes: “The western population concentrated in the Trans Atlantic nations is facing a demographic time bomb the likes of which has never been seen in history called by some ‘the babyboomer demographic time bomb’…” COVID-19, which conveniently targets older folks, may not be deadly enough to solve the problem…so bring on the Nazi doctors!


FFWN: The Ministry of Truth Has NOT Approved this Broadcast!

Broadcasts live (barring further censorship) 11 to noon Saturdays at my YouTube channel and below: Guest commentator Cat McGuire PSA   1) Defy the Ministry of Truth! Support FFWN Vaxxed! 2) Did Israeli vaccine kill 40x more elderly than the disease would have killed? To know, we need better debunking     3) Younger Members of the U.S. Military Are Shunning the Vaccine in Droves 4) Fauci says pandemic won’t end till 110% of the population is vaccinated (satire)   Religious Objections 5) Cells taken from aborted fetuses for COVID-19 vaccines cause moral dilemma for some Canadian Catholics…


Did Israeli vaccine kill 40x more elderly than the disease would have killed? To know, we need better debunking

UPDATE FRIDAY MARCH 5: THE PATRICK DELANEY ARTICLE DISCUSSED HERE (SEE SCREENSHOT ABOVE) HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THE CHILDREN’S HEALTH DEFENSE WEBSITE By Kevin Barrett Did the Pfizer vaccine in Israel kill 40 times more elderly, and 260 times more younger people, than COVID itself would have killed? That is the assertion in the headline of an article by Patrick Delaney, published in Childrens’ Health Defense. How should we go about “fact-checking” this kind of controversial claim? I spent many years teaching critical thinking in colleges and universities, so my way of approaching such questions focuses on logic and evidence. Oddly,…


AP and Atlantic Council Anoint Me “COVID Conspiracy Super-Spreader”— and Erase Ron Unz

By Kevin Barrett, for Unz Review The bad news is that two of the most powerful institutions in America have anointed me a “COVID super-spreader.” The good news is that I stand accused of super-spreading “COVID conspiracy theories,” not the actual disease. But the worse news is that the way things are going, “conspiracy spreaders” may soon be quarantined in COVID camps as threats to public health. Dissidents, it seems, are the new terrorists. The Associated Press and the Atlantic Council simultaneously published a coordinated attack on me and others accused of propagating alternative analyses of the origin of COVID-19.  Though…


Josh Mitteldorf on “False COVID Narrative”: Science Corrupted by Politics—”COVID Death Count” Not Reliable

Listen HERE Scientist Josh Mittledorf, (check out his website), author of Cracking the Aging Code (with Dorion Sagan), recently published “Ten Elements of the False COVID Narrative” (Part 1 and Part 2). How profoundly has science been corrupted by politics? Which elements of the mainstream COVID narrative—and which “conspiracy theories”—are demonstrably false? How do we sort through the tidal wave of information, misinformation, and disinformation that’s washing over us, and honestly search for the truth? First we have to be willing to rethink our earlier positions if it turns out they were wrong. For example in July I published “Judging…


Sterling Harwood on COVID Bioweapon Hypothesis

Listen HERE In this interview philosophy professor Sterling Harwood lays out the case for COVID being a bioweapon. He points out that the official timeline, according to which COVID-19 emerged in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, has been proven wrong. In fact, the novel coronavirus was spreading earlier in the US and Europe: “There are all sorts of reports and findings of the virus before December 1st, when the first patient was known to have COVID in China. John Hankey was able to find French X-rays that have the very distinctive ground glass appearance. They found multiple (such X-rays taken)…


Trump to Pursue Herd Immunity Through COVID-Laced Breakfast Cereal

Dissociated Press President Donald Trump has announced his new “herd immunity” plan to defeat the pandemic: A breakfast cereal made of GMO corn, high-fructose corn syrup, COVID-19 virus, and glyphosate and other artificial flavors. “If every child in America ate a bowl of CoronaFlakes every morning,” the President tweeted yesterday, “we could achieve herd immunity in less than two weeks. Back to work, America! Just in time to re-elect me and save me from another bankruptcy and maybe prison.” The herd-immunity-through-cereal strategy was drafted by Trump’s new science advisor, self-taught virologist and defrocked gynecologist Dr. Buster Hymen, inventor of the…

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