Academic freedom hero Prof. Anthony Hall, who has published numerous articles on scamdemic related issues at Global Research, has put together a great slideshow video interview (watch it above) following the rough outlines of his article “Democracy, Authoritarianism, and the Canadian Truckers Movement.” That article begins: The US Ambassador to Canada, David Cohen, has characterized the members and supporters of the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy as “extremists” who are “subverting democratic processes and voices to further the cause of authoritarianism.” As reported by Canada’s Global News, Cohen elaborated, “China and Russia are among the actors involved in those attempts to…
FULL ARTICLETag: academic freedom
Alan Sabrosky: American Universities Have Gone Insane!
Listen to the audio HERE Alan “Doc” Sabrosky has been called “the most censored man in America.” I should know. I was the one who called him that. The former Director of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College (and NOT a “retired Marine officer” as Wikipedia still says after being corrected dozens of times) Dr. Sabrosky first gained severe notoriety by arguing that Israel did 9/11 — a story he was kind enough to break on my radio show. Now he’s back on my show causing more trouble. This time his target is politically-correct academia and its phony…
FULL ARTICLEMichael Rectenwald on “Great Reset Rubric = Dystopia”
Listen HERE Michael Rectenwald stood strong for academic freedom at NYU for several years. Now he’s retired and still making waves! His new article “The Great Reset Rubric: Making Sense of Our Present Dystopia” argues that the oligarchs are using COVID as an excuse to impose “corporate socialism” i.e. neo-feudalism. Woke ideology and cancel culture, he says, are tools of the neo-feudalists: “Wokeness works by habituating the majority to the reduced expectations of the Great Reset. It does so by instilling a belief in the unworthiness of the majority to thrive, prosper, and enjoy their lives.”
FULL ARTICLEPsychology Professor William Woodward on Beirut, Israel, & More
Listen HERE Prof. William Woodward agrees with last week’s guests Anthony Hall and Gordon Duff that the “fireworks and fertilizer” explosion in Beirut was probably not accidental, and that Israel is the leading suspect. We’ll discuss the media coverup of evidence supporting the Israeli attack thesis—and the larger question of how powerful forces like the Israel lobby are able to censor the media and the academic community. References: Blockbuster: New irrefutable proof Lebanon was attacked by Israel (audio/video of Israeli attack planes, etc.) Philip Giraldi: Horror in Beirut Elliott Abrams — fanatical neoconservative Zionist — arrives with Beirut nuke FFWN:…
FULL ARTICLERobin Mathews on Academic Freedom & Tony Hall
Listen HERE Did public servants in the Albert government and the University of Lethbridge conspire with a hostile foreign government to deprive Professor Anthony Hall of his rights to free speech and academic freedom? Robin Mathews, a retired professor of Canadian Studies and English Literature (and spearhead of the Canadianization campaign) recently wrote: Dear Vice Dean of Law (and) Professor Adams … and interested others …. The question so forcefully put (vice Dean Adams) by your refusal to reply to my direct and simple questions about the nature of your task in the matter of the Anthony Hall case at…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO: Atty. Thomas Willcutts on coronavirus bioweapon claims; Robin Mathews on Academic Freedom & Tony Hall
Listen live 7 to 9 pm Fridays on Revolution.Radio First hour: Thomas Willcutts will “speak to the specific claims promoted within the ‘scientific community’ and repeated in the MSM that Covid was not created in a lab and is not a bio-weapon.” He writes: “As set forth in our email exchanges, I analyzed the leading scientific publication cited for this proposition, and said paper wholly fails to even attempt to lay out any type of proof, as laid out in my letter to the lead author, and the reasoning set forth in the paper is deeply flawed, which is all in…
FULL ARTICLEProf. Anthony Hall on internet censorship
Listen HERE University of Lethbridge Professor Emeritus Anthony Hall retired in October 2018 “because the university environment became too toxic for him to work in as a result of his having been falsely accused of antisemitism.” In this interview he reflects on the rise and fall of internet freedom of expression; the role of the Israeli lobby in general and the ADL in particular in censoring academics and activists; the question of “hate speech”; the false-flag-9/11-triggered war on Islam; the manufactured Hegelian dialectic of “Antifa vs. the alt right”; the accelerating divides between rich and poor, and between super-rich and…
FULL ARTICLEJournalism professor Piers Robinson exposes propagandists—including “Integrity Initiative”
Watch the video HERE Piers Robinson of the University of Sheffield is one of the UK’s most distinguished journalism professors. According to the University’s website: “Piers’ current research focuses on organised persuasive communication (OPC) and contemporary propaganda, with a particular focus on the current war in Syria. He is co-director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies (OPS) and convenes the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media. Recent published work includes a new conceptual approach for theorising propaganda and analysis of propaganda and deception in relation to the ‘war on terror’ and the 2003 Iraq invasion (ses publications).” Certain professional…
FULL ARTICLERobert Singer and James Tracy discuss taboo topics
Listen live, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, Revolution.Radio later archived HERE First hour: Robert Singer, a researcher specializing in eschatology and false flags, argues that “mass casualty conspiracy incidents” stopped when Obama left office. Singer was hired as a private investigator by one of the San Bernardino shooting victim’s families—scroll down to read his conclusions, then compare them with those of my edited book ANOTHER French False Flag: Bloody Tracks from Paris to San Bernardino. And speaking of comparisons, you may wish to compare and contrast Robert Singer’s eschatological views with those of Shaykh Imran Hosein. Second hour: Tenured Communications professor…
FULL ARTICLEACTION ALERT! Austria’s top Jewish group tries to censor Black Panther leader
Please write to support academic freedom and free speech! The global academic community is getting less and less free—and the freedom-crushing culprits are usually Zionists. I was driven from the American academy by neocon Zionists covering for the traitors who murdered almost 3,000 people on 9/11/2001. Since then, a long list of professors including Norman Finkelstein, Anthony Hall, Stephen Salaita, Joy Karega, and countless others have been hounded by the same global special interest group. It’s gotten to the point that you can’t even organize a speaking event on campus unless the speaker has a history of kissing up to…