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LIVE RADIO! Piers Robinson on Academic Unfreedom; Mahmood OD on “One-State Solution by 2048”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Piers Robinson of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies has noticed that propagandists don’t like it when scholars study and analyze their propaganda. His latest ruminations on “The Perils of Studying Propaganda” begins with the observation: “Acknowledging that powerful actors pour huge resources into managing the ‘information environment’, in order to manipulate perceptions, attitudes and behaviours, tends to play havoc with assumptions underpinning much of liberal political science.” The propaganda-saturated COVID era, he argues, made it even more obvious that such is indeed the case. But even absent…


Journalism professor Piers Robinson exposes propagandists—including “Integrity Initiative”

Watch the video HERE Piers Robinson of the University of Sheffield is one of the UK’s most distinguished journalism professors. According to the University’s website: “Piers’ current research focuses on organised persuasive communication (OPC) and contemporary propaganda, with a particular focus on the current war in Syria. He is co-director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies (OPS) and convenes the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media. Recent published work includes a new conceptual approach for theorising propaganda and analysis of propaganda and deception in relation to the ‘war on terror’ and the 2003 Iraq invasion (ses publications).” Certain professional…