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Top ten reasons the Mossad wants to kill David Letterman

Today on Truth Jihad Radio, national security insider Gordon Duff reveals Mossad death threats against David Letterman. The million dollar question is: Why Letterman? Here are the top ten reasons. 10) It’s from staying up to watch Letterman that Americans are too tired to invade Iran. 9) Letterman’s trademark sense of irony is the only thing standing between America and complete and utter domination by the likes of 100% irony-free people like Pam Geller and Rita Kaatz. 8) He’s too wimpy to wade into the audience to beat up 9/11 truthers like Bill Maher does. 7) He’s having a secret…


Dave Aossey and Kevin Barrett speaking in Iowa tomorrow (Tuesday)

Dave Aossey, author of Instruments of the State, will join me in two Iowa events tomorrow (Tuesday August 16th). Title: 9/11: Fact and Fiction 12 noon: Fairfield, Iowa.  Revelations Café, 112 North Main Street 6:30 pm: Iowa City, Iowa.  Uptown Bill’s, 730 S. Dubuque Street. Instruments of the State is a psychological thriller with a 9/11 truth theme. It’s the best 9/11 suspense novel yet – clearly better than Steve Alten’s The Shell Game. (Listen to my debate with Steve Alten here.) Listen to my interview with Dave Aossey here.


Anthony Lawson blasts Jim Fetzer, Veterans Today

Anthony Lawson, maker of the greatest 9/11 short film ever, This Is an Orange, is on the warpath! In a brand-new article What Has Happened to Veterans Today? Lawson blasts Veterans Today for publishing Jim Fetzer. Lawson and Fetzer, email friends for a time, had a falling-out over Fetzer’s support for claims that videos showing planes hitting the World Trade Center towers cannot be authentic. (Read about Jim Fetzer’s August 1st appearance on my radio show here, and listen to it here.)Anthony Lawson will discuss the controversy, as well as his latest text-video assault on the “no planes theory,” on…


US Congress Moves to Israel in Deficit-Reduction Effort

 US Congress Moves to Israel in Deficit-Reduction Effort August 12 2011Disassociated Press In the wake of the announcement that 81 US Congressmen are leaving on an AIPAC-sponsored junket to Israel, the new SuperCongress announced today that the entire legislative branch of the US government will be moved to Tel Aviv. The reason, according to informed sources, is to save on travel junket expenses to reduce the national deficit. Relocating Congress to Israel is expected to significantly lower the cost of AIPAC-sponsored junkets: Airfare costs will be eliminated, hotel costs reduced, and “preferred customer” cocaine and prostitution discounts taken advantage of.…


Dick Cheney: Russian apartment bombings inside job “complete nonsense”

Pot Calls Kettle White Cheney, Putin shoot down “conspiracy theories” Sundance, WyomingAppropriated Press  At a hastily-convened press conference outside his home today, former Vice President Dick Cheney absolved Vladimir Putin and the Russian state security services of responsibility for the 1999 apartment bombings that brought Putin to power and launched the Russian invasion of Chechnya. Responding to Putin’s statement that 9/11 inside job theories are “complete nonsense,” Dick Cheney thanked Putin for his support and added, “Vlad didn’t do those apartment bombings either, no matter what the conspiracy theorists say. That’s complete nonsense. State security services and their professional-assassin contractors just…


Four Arrows responds to George Bush’s National Geographic interview

Frequent radio guest Four Arrows weighs in on Bush’s attempt to wriggle out of his self-incriminating “pet goat moment.” -KB “Still Clueless”: Reflections on George Bush’s Comments Regarding His Response on 9/11 By Four Arrows          In May of this year, Time Magazine interviewed the children present the day Bush was told on 9/11 about America being “under attack.”,9171,2069582,00.html     According to interviews, most of the children knew something terrible had happened by the change in the president’s composition and complexion. “But I’ll always remember watching his face turn red. He got really serious all of a sudden. But…


Norway killer is in love with Waleed Shoebat!

It turns out that Anders Behring Breivik’s biggest inspiration is none other than my old buddy: the pathological liar and professional Islamophobe, Waleed Shoebat. (Check out my debate with Shoebat here; read my parody of Shoebat here.)  -Kevin Barrett * * * Anti-Muslim law enforcement trainer cited by Norway killer rakes in U.S. taxpayer cash By Alex Kane, | July 26, 2011 The U.S. government has strongly denounced the recent massacre by a right-wing extremist in Norway, which killed at least 76 people.  But at the same time, sectors of the U.S. government have paid an anti-Muslim activist who…


Israel prime suspect in Norway attack

[Note:  Dean Henderson, author of Was Israel Behind Norway Terror Attacks? will be my guest on Truth Jihad Radio this Wednesday, 1-2 pm Central…with a possible cameo from Gordon Duff of Veterans Today.] One thing’s for sure about the Utoya Island massacre, perpetrated by an Israel-loving Islamophobic freemason: It was NOT a false-flag attack orchestrated by Muslims to demonize Israel, Islamophobia, and freemasonry. While all rules have exceptions, I think it is safe to say that Muslims just aren’t into false-flag attacks. As Wendy Campbell once said on my radio show: “The Muslims always TELL YOU if they’re going to…


Jonathan Kay’s Among the Truthers: “It All Ties in to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion!!!!”

  Just finished my 90 minute slugfest with Jonathan Kay (it was only supposed to last 60 minutes, but time flies when you’re having a good time). The show is archived for on-demand listening here. Kay is the author of Among the Truthers: A Journey into the Growing Underground of 9/11 Truthers, Birthers, Armageddonites, Vaccine Hysterics, Hollywood Know-Nothings, and Internet Addicts * * *Jonathan Kay’s Among the Truthers: “It All Ties in to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion!!!!” “You can’t defeat the Enlightenment’s enemies unless you understand them. And that is the project I ask my readers to…


Here’s How I Teach About 9/11

* * *  from the New York Times: How Do You Teach About  9/11? By KATHERINE SCHULTEN   Tyler Hicks/The New York Times Go to related Sept. 11, 2001, Times Topics page We need your help. Have you taught about Sept. 11 and its repercussions? Do you plan to address the 10th anniversary of the attacks this September? How? Does your school, district, state or country have a suggested curriculum? What questions, in general, does teaching this topic raise for you?… (full article at ) * * *Here is what I submitted to the New York Times: In 2005,…

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