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The 9/11 truth case stands, peer-reviewed and unrefuted

In a comment on my recent critique of Chomsky I pointed out: There is actually a substantial peer-reviewed body of literature supporting 9/11 truth, including many books as well as dozens of articles. It isn’t “just a couple of articles by architects and engineers” (as Chomsky is still saying). By contrast, there is virtually no peer-reviewed literature at all defending the claim that the 9/11 Commission’s version is correct, or putting forth any evidence in support of this conclusion.  Some anonymous coward – a troll named Omni-Putz who spends his life stalking and harassing 9/11 truth-tellers – responded: “Barrett’s facebook…


Here’s How I Teach About 9/11

* * *  from the New York Times: How Do You Teach About  9/11? By KATHERINE SCHULTEN   Tyler Hicks/The New York Times Go to related Sept. 11, 2001, Times Topics page We need your help. Have you taught about Sept. 11 and its repercussions? Do you plan to address the 10th anniversary of the attacks this September? How? Does your school, district, state or country have a suggested curriculum? What questions, in general, does teaching this topic raise for you?… (full article at ) * * *Here is what I submitted to the New York Times: In 2005,…