I’m in Chicago’s Union Station en route to New York’s 9/11/2012 events, including the Off the Radar Film Festival and the Ground Zero 9/11 symposium and protests. Alternative AIDS researcher Andrew Maniotis. I just met him for the first time,totally at random, on the streets of Chicago. Since I had a couple of hours to kill during my train layover, I exited the station and hung out by the Adams Street Bridge overlooking the Chicago River. Across the river, the top of the Sears Tower extended toward the sky like the giant middle finger of Larry Silverstein, who bought the…
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Why does Rabbi Michael Lerner lie about Iran?
I’m sure he’s just parroting the lies that are common among his crowd. But when lies have been thoroughly debunked for months or years, people who parrot them are liars, even if the lying is motivated more by naiveté than malice. Here is what Rabbi Lerner just emailed me: Editor’s Note: Noam Chomsky powerfully presents (below) the case against US and Israeli policy toward Iran. Yet I’m troubled by an aspect of the situation to which Chomsky gives only brief lip-service. Millions of people demonstrated against the stealing of the Iranian election by the fundamentalist mullahs who control the state…
FULL ARTICLEMandatory holocaust denial law passed in California!
This just in: The California State Legislature has passed a new law making holocaust denial mandatory on all college campuses. Anyone who refuses to deny the holocaust will be punished, sanctioned, or thrown out of the university. The holocaust that must be denied, of course, is the Palestinian holocaust. The law orders university bureaucrats to “squelch nascent anti-semitism” and “encourages university leaders to combat a wide array of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel actions.” In other words, if you oppose the Zionist genocide against the Palestinian people, you will be expelled or fired. If you point out that the Palestinian holocaust is…
FULL ARTICLEBuddhist Monks Screaming for Genocide: A new punk band?
Genocidal skinhead Buddhist monks in Myanmar take to the streets screaming for the extermination of the Rohingya people . Somehow, Buddhists have convinced many Americans that they represent a kinder, gentler religion. Not in Myanmar. There, super-nationalistic Buddhist thugs are a prime force behind the effort to exterminate nearly one million Rohingya Muslims – “the most persecuted minority in the world” according to the UN. What can you say to “Buddhists” like this? “Nazi monks fuck off!”? Somebody should take these skinheads bowling.
FULL ARTICLEQuestioning the Syria hype on Russia Today
In a recent Russia Today interview I questioned the official Western version of events in Syria. While I don’t doubt that the Syrian government and allied forces are committing atrocities, as would any sovereign government attempting to save itself from a rebellion armed and partly directed from abroad, the bottom line is that when the Syrian opposition chose to start a civil war and ally itself with the Zionist-US-Saudi-NATO criminals, it robbed itself of the moral legitimacy it might have otherwise enjoyed. excerpted from http://rt.com/news/daraya-massacre-reports-syria-590/ : ‘Orchestrated PR event?’ The timing of the “massacre” reports is of no coincidence, believes…
FULL ARTICLEDon’t believe the Islamophobic hype!
Hello Kevin, I’ve raised the issue of Muslim extremism with you before. An anxious friend sent me the attached link: http://www.cbn.com/media/player/index.aspx?s=/mp4/DHU227v2_WS and it does certainly seem to augur vast changes in Europe, and not for the better. The West is in moral decline, which lends ammunition to the extremist Muslim position. But Shariah law is in such deadly opposition to Western values it’s difficult to see anything but an extremely violent outcome, if developments continue as predicted here. As usual, the majority are silent, while a very small, fanatical minority takes control. Cannot moderate Muslims rein these people in? Or…
FULL ARTICLEUS rewarding Myanmar for massacring Muslims
US accomplice to Rohingyas massacre in Myanmar: Analyst A political analyst says the United States is responsible for the genocide of the minority Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, Press TV reports. “The United States of America bears responsibility for this genocide, since the US has been rewarding the Myanmar regime with ever-closer political and economic ties during recent months of accelerating atrocities,” Kevin Barrett wrote in an article published on Press TV Website.ll (full Press TV story here) * * * Open Letter to American Buddhists: Please Stop the Myanmar Genocide! By Kevin Barrett, Press TV Dear American Buddhist brothers…
FULL ARTICLEMorsi joining alliance against Zionist terror?
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi (L) shakes hands with an Egyptian soldier who was wounded in an attack in Sinai during a visit to soldiers at a hospital in Cairo, August 7, 2012. First published at Press TV Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:42AM GMT By Kevin Barrett With Iran’s president demanding 9/11 truth and fighting off Mossad terrorism, and the democratic elements of Turkey’s leadership surviving such false flag terror plots as Sledgehammer and Ergenekon, will Egypt’s President Morsi join in an eventual regional alliance against Zionist-assisted false flag terror? By firing some of Egypt’s leading Mossad-assisted false flag terrorists last…
FULL ARTICLEHard-hitting 9/11 truth in new Press TV interview on Orange County spy-on-Muslims case
The article on this interview, with a transcript of Imam Musa’s remarks, is at http://www.presstv.ir/detail/256542.html
FULL ARTICLEZionist extremist Chamish admits Bollyn is right, Zionists did 9/11!!
Barry Chamish admits the Zionist mob did 9/11: “But not MY right-wing Zionist mob! It was those other guys, those Labor Zionists! Really! Trust me!” Barry Chamish is one of the most radical, out-of-control Zionists you’ll ever meet. Chamish is so extreme right-wing pro-settler, pro-Greater-Israel, pro-Jabotinsky, pro-Zio-terrorist, he makes Netanyahu look like a peace-loving statesman. But one thing you can say about Chamish: He’s not stupid, he has guts, and he pretty much calls it the way he sees it. At the personal level, I actually like the guy. So when Chamish recently wrote what he intended as a hostile…